

【作者】 周洪新

【导师】 赵承福;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 晚近十余年以来,农业、农村和农民即通常所谓的“三农问题”,业已成为我国学术界探究的热点问题。改革开放以来,我国在农村推行了一系列解放和发展生产力的重大改革;尤其是新世纪以来,已连续十年以“一号文件”的形式对农村工作进行部署。农村发展已站在新的历史起点上,进入了“以工促农、以城带乡”,加快推进城乡一体化发展的新阶段。城镇化作为现代化的重要维度,是中国现代化进程中一个基本问题,是一个大战略、大问题,是转变经济发展方式、扩大国内需求的战略重点,是推动区域协调发展的重要动力,也是解决“三农”问题的重要途径。随着工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化“新四化”的融合推进,农村经济社会发展呈现出一系列新的阶段性特征。农村中小学撤点并校是在加快推进城镇化进程中,农村教育转型发展最鲜明的特征。农村中小学撤点并校在优化教育资源、提高教育效率的同时,也在一定程度上产生了损害教育公平、恶化教育生态、制约乡村社会发展等诸多问题,近年来已广受社会各界质疑。农村教育是农村的希望,直接关系现代化建设目标的实现。“三十年曰世。”历史正站在共和国成立后第三个三十年新的历史起点上,第三次工业革命已现端倪,加快实现现代化的机遇前所未有。建设美丽中国呼唤美丽乡村。高度关注、深入研究城镇化进程中的农村中小学撤点并校问题,对于构建新型城乡关系,建设社会主义新农村,全面建成小康社会,实现中华民族伟大复兴的“中国梦”具有十分重要的意义。本文在收集梳理诸多资料基础上进行认真处理加工,通过实证分析和理性思考,努力做出在理论上富有创新性和前瞻性、在实践中具有指导性和可操作性的研究成果。本研究由七个部分构成。绪论部分主要阐述选题依据及意义、国内外研究现状、相关概念界定、研究设计等内容,为对城镇化进程中的农村中小学撤点并校问题进行理论分析和实证研究提供平台。第一章主要阐述了农村学校与农村社会发展的关系,从农村学校是引领农村文化的核心、农村学校的历史嬗变、农村学校与社会主义新农村建设等三个方面进行了论述。第二章和第三章是本文的主体部分,主要从宏观理论论述和微观透视描述对当前农村中小学撤点并校对农村社会、农村教育及城镇化和现代化的影响进行了深入分析研究。第四章在第二章和第三章的基础上,对当前农村中小学撤点并校过程中产生的一些问题和困境进行了综合概括。第五章是本文的理论论述部分,从理论导向、政策逻辑、动力机制、伦理难题等四个方面进行了理性反思。第六章是建议部分,针对存在的问题,从农村中小学科学布局的理念、政策、策略三个层面进行了思考,从农村教育理念转变、布局政策调整、具体策略操作等提出了建议。最后,对全文进行了小结,并对农村教育未来发展进行了展望。本研究成果的主要特点是:第一,将农村中小学撤点并校的微观研究与当前城镇化发展的宏观背景紧密结合。研究认为,农村基础教育在破除城乡二元藩篱,实现城乡一体化进程中具有基础性、先导性作用,要遵循农村社会和教育发展规律,对农村中小学撤点并校必须坚持因地制宜、审慎决策,坚持调整与保护并重,着力走出一条公平正义、集约高效、可持续发展的中国特色农村学校布局调整的新路子。第二,在研究改革开放以来的农村教育变迁基础上,重点研究新世纪以来农村中小学变迁问题,或者说重点研究在经济社会加速转型、城镇化快速推进新的历史条件下农村中小学新的阶段性特征。第三,通过加大对城镇化在农村经济、政治、文化、社会、生态等方面引发的巨大变化的研究和解释力度,尝试建立农村中小学与农村社会、城镇、民间、政府之间的逻辑关系。本研究努力在以下几个方面实现一定程度上的理论、观点和方法上的创新:1.在研究视角上,选题突破当前诸多囿于教育系统自身讨论农村学校撤并的桎梏,站在历史和全局的高度,将农村学校布局调整放在当前城镇化发展的宏观背景下,在统筹城乡一体化发展的历史视野中进行整体研究。2.在理论阐述上,在整理、吸收国内外大量资料,对改革开放以来农村历史演变和农村学校变迁进行扎实梳理的基础上,系统分析了城镇化对农村学校的影响,并根据它们之间的内在逻辑进行论述,初步提出了几个新的理论表述。一是确立以2012年11月十八大胜利召开为标志的城镇化发展新时期。二是对农村学校布局调整的历史阶段划分进行了创新,以2012年9月《国务院关于规范农村学校布局调整的意见》为标志,进入了理性反思发展的新阶段。三是将改革开放前、后及十八大以后三个历史阶段,进行三个三十年的历史分期及其对农村教育提出新要求。四是在农村中小学科学布局方面,在理念上提出了“提高农村学校布局调整的科学化水平”和“走中国特色农村学校布局调整之路”等新表述新概念,在政策上提出了健全布局调整相关机制、构建城乡义务教育统筹发展体制等改革新思维,在实践策略上提出了制定科学布局调整标准、规划“小城镇”与新型农村社区学校、支持农村义务教育民办学校发展、开展农村“小微学校振兴行动”等乡村教育形态重建的具体建议,在实践中具有较强的借鉴意义。3.研究思路上,坚持理论与实践紧密结合,牢固树立科学研究服务经济社会发展的研究理念,突出现代化建设大局观念和维护农民群众的根本利益,以农村学校布局调整为契机,积极探索实现统筹城乡教育改革发展,农村教育与推进城镇化、加快社会主义新农村建设的良性互动之路,以期在实现农业现代化,全面建成小康社会的伟大征程中,充分发挥农村教育的功能和价值。4.在研究方法上,强调理性研究态度,分别以理论研究和实证研究为线索展开,注重实证分析与规范分析相结合、历史分析与现实分析相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合,突出宏观探究与微观叙事、历史逻辑与理论逻辑、现实与未来相关照,努力实现跨学科研究,是作者特别加以注意的。

【Abstract】 Agriculture, rural areas and farmers are always the most important tasks of theparty and the state. Since the reform and opening up, our party has carried out a seriesof major reform in the rural areas which can liberate and develop the productiveforces, especially since the new century, our country has deployed the rural work asDocument No.1for ten years. Currently rural development has been standing at anew historical starting point, entering a new stage “With industry to promoteagriculture, with urban to promote rural”, accelerating the integration of urban andrural. Actively and steadily is the central major strategic initiatives based onexamining domestic development, learning from foreign experience, standing on thecurrent, focusing on the long-term. As an important dimension of the modernization,urbanization has subversive effection to the rural community either dominantly orrecessively. With the fusion propulsion of industrialization, informatization,urbanization and agricultural modernization, economic and social development inrural areas presents a series of new features. Rural education is the hope of rural areas,which is directly related to the realization of the goal of modernization. Closing andmerging schools in rural primary and secondary schools is the most distinctive featureof the development of rural education in transition in the process of acceleratingurbanization. Closing and merging schools in rural primary and secondary schools canoptimize educational resources and improve the efficiency of education. But at thesame time it has also produced a series of problems, such as unfairness of education,deterioration of ecological education, restriction of the development of rural societyand many other issues, which is repeatedly questioned by people from all walks of lifein recent years. Build a beautiful China and call of the beautiful countryside. Highlyconcerned and in-depth study closing and merging schools in primary and secondaryschools in the context of urbanization has great significance in constructing a newurban-rural relationship, building a new socialist countryside, building a moderatelyprosperous society and creating a new situation in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation "ChinaDream ".This study consists of seven parts. The introduction part has made descriptionmainly for the selected topic basis, related concepts definition, research status at homeand abroad as well as in research methods, research design and research purposes. Thefirst chapter expounds the relationship between rural schools and rural socialdevelopment, from the aspect of rural schools as the core of lead the rural culture, theHistorical Evolution of the rural schools, rural schools and a new socialist countrysideconstruction. Chapters II and III is the main part of this study, conducting acomprehensive analysis about the impact of the current rural closing and mergingprimary and secondary schools on rural society, rural education and urbanization andmodernization mainly from the the macro discourse and micro perspective. ChapterIV is based on Chapter II and III, integrating some problems and dilemmas thatproduced in the current process of closing and merging schools. The fifth chapter isthe part of the theory discourse in this article, and it expounds on philosophy, startingfrom the functional theory and axiological of education, drawing on the principle offairness and efficiency theory, from the concept of bias about Adjusting SchoolDistribution、policy deviation and cultural deviation three aspects. Chapter VI inview of the existing problems, it thinks the idea of the rural primary and secondaryschool science layout, policy and strategic level and from the clarification andremodeling about the concept of school education in rural areas, system and policyadjustments in the layout of the rural schools, rural schools rational distribution in theCultural Perspectives on three aspects proposed the rationalization proposals.The main features of this research are: First, to make the microcosmic researchof the closing and merging schools in rural primary and secondary schools and themacro background of the current development of urbanization combined closely. Thestudy thinks that the basic education in rural areas has fundamental and pioneeringrole in getting rid of the urban-rural dual barriers and in the process of urbanization.To follow the laws of social development in rural areas, to follow the laws of thedevelopment of rural education, and the closing and merging schools in rural primary and secondary schools must be adapted to local conditions, prudent indecision-making, adhering to the adjustment and protection of equal efforts,andstriving to come out a fair justice, intensive and efficient, sustainable developmentnew ways of adjusting the layout with Chinese characteristics in rural schools.Secondly, the study on the basis of educational change in the rural areas since reformand opening up focuses on changes in rural primary and secondary schools in the newcentury, or that is new stage characteristics in rural primary and secondary schools inthe accelerated economic and social transition and the rapid progress of urbanizationunder the new historical conditions,. Thirdly, by the increasing the study on the ruraleconomic, political, cultural, social, ecological and other aspects of the study andinterpretation of the intensity, it tries to establish the logic relationship between therural primary and secondary schools and rural society, urban, civil and government.The research tries to achieve a certain degree of innovation on theory,viewpointsand methods in the following areas:1, in the expounding of theory, absorbing largeamounts of data at home and abroad, based on the historical evolution in rural areasand the rural schools solid carding since the reform and opening up, analyses theimpact of urbanization on rural schools systematically, and discusses in accordancewith the internal logical relations between them, initially proposes several newassertion. First, the history stage of urbanization is marked as the eighteen party inNovember2012, a symbol as a new stage of development. The Second, innovating thehistory phasing on adjusting the layout of rural schools. Marked by September2012the State Council views about to regulate rural school layout adjustment, it hasentered a new stage in the development of rational reflection. Third, to make beforeand after the reform and opening up and after the party18three historical stagesdivided into three decades the historical staging and proposed new requirements forrural education. Fourth, in the science layout of rural primary and secondary school itputs forward the concept of educational standards and adjusts the layout of ruralschools in Chinese characteristics, and proposes to strengthen top-level design withgrassroots practice top-down and bottom-up times new ideas. It has a strong practicereference.2, in research train of thought, Adhere to the close combination of theory and practice, and firmly establish the concept of scientific research services foreconomic and social development, as an opportunity to adjust the layout of ruralschools, and actively explore benign interaction road about the rural and urbaneducation integration, urbanization of rural education, rural education and advancingurbanization, speed up the construction of a new socialist countryside, in order to givefull play to the functions and values of rural education in the realization of agriculturalmodernization, the great journey of building a moderately prosperous society.3,Inresearch methods. It highlights the overall concept of modernization and maintain thefundamental interests of the masses of peasants, emphasizing the rational studyattitudes, commence two clues to the theoretical research and empirical research,focusing on a combination of empirical analysis and normative analysis, highlightingthe macro explore and micro-narrative, historical logic and theoretical logic,t hereality according to the future. The author strives to achieve interdisciplinary research.

  • 【分类号】G639.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】2360

