

【作者】 赵佃强

【导师】 李宗刚;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 新世纪以来,一大批以描写和反映1931-1945年间中日战争为主要内容的小说涌现出来,这些小说又大多被改编成影视,进一步扩大了影响,在当下文坛掀起了一股“抗战小说”创作的热潮。但是,学界对新世纪抗战小说的研究还远远不够,一方面它们被统摄到“新时期小说”、“当代小说”的范畴之下,另一方面它们又被冠之以“战争小说”、“革命历史小说”、“军旅小说”的命名之下,因此还缺乏以“抗战小说”为名并在“新世纪”这个时段内所进行的整体性研究,本论文试图对此作出这样的尝试和努力。本论文以2000-2013年间创作、发表和出版的抗战小说为研究对象,其中重点是长篇小说。以这一时段重要的抗战小说文本为基础,以战时、十七年与新时期三个时段的抗战小说以及西方的战争小说为主要参照,借助巴赫金的对话理论以及意识形态批评等方法,通过纵向与横向比较以及具体的文本细读与分析,以此揭示新世纪抗战小说的总体风貌。重点论述形象塑造、战争反思、人性表现、民间书写等问题,肯定成绩、指陈问题、为其把脉,遴选优秀作品以实现暂时相对的经典化。绪论部分首先对研究对象的研究现状进行梳理和评介,在此基础上提出本论文重点研究和要解决的主要问题,即新世纪的抗战小说相对于之前的这类小说以及西方的战争小说发生了怎样的变异?取得了哪些突破?存在哪些问题?如何评价等。其次,对本论文所涉及的两个重要概念“新世纪”与“抗战小说”的含义进行界定以确立本研究的合法性。再次,介绍本论文的研究方法、思路以及创新之处,并对面临的困难和问题做了说明。论文引入了巴赫金的对话理论,用对话、民间、狂欢三个关键词进行论文架构并展开对抗战小说的论述,其创新之处包括三点,一是从理论研究上丰富了新世纪抗战小说的研究,具有一定的填补空白的意义;二是将巴赫金理论应用到抗战小说研究,对战争文学研究具有启发意义;三是对抗战小说的研究,能够加深对战争的认知,对历史的认识,对人性的理解,弘扬爱国主义情感,确立民族国家的认同感。第一章从纵向时间的角度,把“新世纪抗战小说”作为一个整体放在整个中国抗战小说的历史序列中进行考察,这样它就与之前已经存在的战时14年的抗战小说、十七年的抗战小说、新时期的抗战小说形成一种互文性和对话关系,这种关系具体表现为延续、反拨、解构、重构等几个方面。论文从书写动因的嬗变、创作主体的更迭、文本类型的承续这三个方面予以说明,由此呈现了新世纪以来抗战小说的总体风貌。第二章从横向空间的角度,把新世纪抗战小说放在西方战争小说的历史背景中进行考察,这样它就与西方战争小说也构成了一种互文性和对话关系,一方面作家在创作中学习借鉴这些小说,另一方面批评家也往往也它们为参照和坐标系对抗战小说进行评价。论文揭示了抗战小说同西方战争小说对话的过程和表现,对批评界“抗战小说无经典”论断进行了新的解读,在西方经典战争小说的参照下探讨中国抗战小说所取得的突破和面临的问题,由此指明新世纪抗战小说的努力方向。第三章由于新世纪抗战小说大都被改编成了影视从而实现了一种文本转换,在这一过程中抗战小说与抗战影视作品之间也形成了一种潜在的对话关系。论文探讨了抗战小说影视化的表现和缘由,揭示了这种影视化所造成的小说文体的一些变化,比如叙事场景化、描写动作化、语言台词化等。进而指出这种对话的不平等关系和潜在的危险性。论文强调指出正确的态度应该是坚持发挥小说和影视各自的特点和优势,尤其是应该尊重小说自身的规律不能为迎合影视而失去自身的主体性。第四章分析抗战小说中的主体形象在对话中是如何被建构的,这些主体又具有怎样的特点,在诸多战争形象中重点从英雄、汉奸、国共两党两军、中日两国这四个方面展开。首先,延续新时期的思路,解构十七年中的高大全形象,并在解构中进行了适度的重构,对英雄形象的塑造,背后是英雄主义情怀的回归。其次,对新世纪抗战小说中所出现的“伪汉奸”现象进行了揭示和解读,这一现象的出现源自于作家的人性视角书写,体现了作家对个体命运的关注。再次,在对比书写中揭示国民党内部的内讧、阋墙、腐败等问题并着力表现了共产党的团结、纪律性、组织性强的优点,由此凸显其正义性、合理性以及取得胜利的必然性。最后,用“比较形象学”理论揭示小说中的中国人所理解和想象的“日本形象”和小说中的日本人所理解和想象的“中国形象”,将这种书写上升到文化层面进行思考,揭示其文化误读的一面。第五章主要对新世纪抗战小说的思想性问题进行解读,这种思想性主要体现在战争小说自身所包含的历史、战争、人性、民族国家这样几个“大词”上,对它们的认知与理解直接体现了这类小说的思想深度。新世纪的抗战小说在对话中展开对这些问题的思考。对历史既做了某种必然性的理解,同时也揭示了它的偶然性和对人的命运的改变甚至伤害。对战争的悖论性做了深度解读,既凸显它的合理性与正义性,又揭示它的残酷性与迫害性。对于人性也做出多元化的理解,一方面强调勇敢、献身的精神品质,弘扬民族国家意识与情感,一方面站在人性人道主义立场上呼唤大爱精神,对普通人物在战争中为了生存而呈现的行为和选择做出理解之同情。对民族国家问题思考也值得注意,作家一方面需要有民族国家立场,同时又必须有所超越,这是抗战小说面临的一个悖论,恰恰是在这种悖论中体现了这些小说的价值。第六章认为新世纪抗战小说呈现出一种强烈的民间性和狂欢化特点,这正与巴赫金理论中所提出的民间性与狂欢化理论相契合,因此利用这两个概念对此进行解读,揭示这种书写的具体体现以及背后的深层蕴涵。尤其是这种民间书写是作家人民立场的具体体现。民间凸显了抗战主体的全民性,与官方话语强调的国共两党抗战相比,它强调了普通民众的生命意识以及他们在抗战中的巨大贡献。民间书写浸染了消费主义的气息,民间具有传奇性与通俗性,拥有吸引读者大众的诸多元素,利用其特点可以让小说有更多的笑点、看点和卖点,因而也就自然拥有更多读者。这种书写虽具有一定合理性,但却存在夸大化、泛滥化、展览化特点,因此值得批判和警惕。结语部分从文学作品的历史理性与人文关怀的二律背反性的角度对抗战小说的问题、价值和意义进行总结和评述,进一步指出新世纪的抗战小说面临着国家主义/人道主义、历史理性/人文关怀的矛盾,而解决这一矛盾不是择其一端,而是应该具有对话精神兼具二者。也就是说,对新世纪中国的抗战小说而言,既要肯定国家民族主义的必要与合理性和战争的正义性及历史意义,也要具备人道立场、关注个体命运、反对任何战争。对“如何书写抗战历才能产生经典作品”这一问题提出自己的理论化见解和设想,呼吁更多的优秀作家加入抗战书写的行列,并对经典抗战小说的出现寄予热切期待。

【Abstract】 A large number of the Anti-Japanese War(1931-1945) novels had been published in the new century, most of them was made into film and television and expands the influence and the boom of the Anti-Japanese War novels was set off in the present literary world. However, the Study on this kind of novel was not enough in the field of literary criticism and research field, They were included into the concepts of new period novels or contemporary novels from the time; they were included into the concepts of war novel or revolutionary history novels or military novels concepts on the naming, so its a lack of emphasis on the named Anti-Japanese War novels and be included into the new century and researched as a whole, this paper attempts to make some efforts to research them.The research object in this thesis was the Anti-Japanese War novels published between2000and2013, especially the full-length novel. The main reference novels was in war time,17years and new period and western war novels, we can obtain the overall style of those novels in new century with the aid of bakhtins dialogue theory,the social historical theory and ideological criticism. The related issues such as war reflection, human nature reveal, folk writing was put forward. their achievements and experiences is summarized, their problems and limitations is pointed out, let some excellent works in the numerous works emerged. This thesis mainly is divided into six parts.The introduction:The research object and main problems were illustrated and two concepts of new century and the Anti-Japanese War novelswere explanated and definited. Related research achievements of thesis were summarized and the research problem were put forward in this paper,namely the overall outlook and main features in thought and art of Anti-Japanese War novels. The paper introduces bakhtins dialogue theory as a breakthrough point and study methods. The Anti-Japanese War novels of the new century and the theory has strong in particular, with the help of this theory to the research object to make more comprehensive interpretation, analysis and evaluation. The innovation of the paper from theory research to make up for the study of the Anti-Japanese War novels in new century. We can deepen the cognition and understanding of the war such as the cause of the war, reflection and lessons,we can deepen the understanding of human nature, carry forward the patriotic emotion, strong national identity.Chapter1:we believe that the Anti-Japanese War novels in the new century exists with the novels in wartime and50-70times and new period with the aid of intertextuality in dialogue theory point of view. Those novels form a relationship of intertextuality and dialogue, it prsents continuance, deconstruction and reconstruction of the written form,.it embodies in the writing motivation, writing form, space length, image creation, ideas, through the analysis of these problems we can presented the overall style and features.Chapter2:The Anti-Japanese War novels since the new century also constitute a dialogue relationship with the west war novels,it plays a certain reference in the creation and indeed the author with their conversation.through the analysis to find the main limitation of Chinese Anti-Japanese War novels and new breakthrough and possible.Chapter3:Thesis reveals the novel creation of film and TV tendency, mainly reflected in the scene narration and dialogue body language, analyses the merits and demerits of the two kinds of style, the novels should stick to play their respective characteristics, especially should respect the novel to avoid to cater to the film and television and change the characteristics and laws of the novel.Chapter4:the problem to how the main body is to be constructed in the dialogue is analysed and has the characteristics of how the body.with the help of related view in the theory of dialogue, including dialogue development is the premise of difference, unfinished, sociality, contrast also is a kind of dialogue, to First is one of the main body of the hero image of the writing problems, its change in the intertextuality, as well as the novel dialogue to express the cognition and understanding of how the hero.they were not born a hero, but in grow up to become a hero. Especially in the face of the90s after being deconstructed and a hero of this reality, the new century novels present a tendency of a kind of reconstruction, reveals the kuomintang internal infighting, happy wall, Finally is the Japanese image writing problems, as he is Japans foreign image is really about? Anti-japanese novel is how to complete the image? Why to shape? Interpretation of these problems with the theory of comparative imagologie, on the one hand, reveals the cruel, madness, etc of the Japanese soldiers, on the one hand, with their complete expression of the writers anti-war thought.Chapter5:The ideological content of the Anti-Japanese War novels in the new century was mainly interpreted,which embodied history view, war and humanity and culture, the cognition and understanding of them directly reflects the depth of this kind of novels. And these problems is extremely complex and full of paradox, all of us must participate in the creation of meaning. The author is not self-centered and attitude and position of authority making judgments, cognition and evaluation of the world, and others, in order to respect people, let the characters in his works and the author of equal status and an opportunity for appeal, show their own thoughts of the characters, different characters have an opportunity to show and talk, make its are shown in the dispute, which highlights the current pluralistic society of equality, democracy and openness. The Anti-Japanese War novels of the new century is in such a dialogue of thinking about these issues, the paradox of the war made a profound interpretation, The understanding of both made a historical inevitability, it also reveals the chance of it and the fate of the change and even damage to people.Chapter6:The Anti-Japanese War novels in the new century presents a strong folk and the characteristics of the carnival, it is correspond to bakhtins theory about folk and carnival.so throuth the two concepts to interpret and reveal the embodiment and deep implication behind them. Folk bears the function of many sided, it highlights nationality of the body of Anti-Japanese, it emphasizes the common peoples life consciousness and great contributions in the war; it highlight the characteristics of folk filth and enlightenment national characters. The folk impregnated the breath of consumerism, the folk has elements of legendary and popularity that attract readers mass, as a result has more readers. This kind of writing has rationality, but there are also exaggeration, flood, exhibition features, so must be criticize and alert. Conclusion:The art and thought of the Anti-Japanese War novels in the new century was reviewed and summarized further based on the current social reality and background of western war novels. The value and significance of the existence of them was explored, their problems and limitations were pointed out.The problem to how to write the classics novels about resistance to Japan was put forward and some immature ideas and insights were also put forward, we calls for more outstanding writers to join the war of resistance to write and classic war novels emerged in the future.

【关键词】 新世纪抗战小说对话民间狂欢
【Key words】 New CenturyThe Anti-Japanese War NovelsDialogueFolkCarnival

