

【作者】 张霞

【导师】 魏建;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 作为中国现当代文学史上承上启下的重要一链,解放区文学极大影响了当代文学尤其是建国后十七年文学的走向。不仅如此,解放区文学形成发展于特殊的历史时期,是战时中国文学地理格局中的重要一隅,从而具有了其他时代和地域文学不具备的特异性,给我们留下了很多可堪深入挖掘的空间。科学深入地探究解放区文学的风貌和内涵,是理解和梳理中国现代文学格局构成和整体风貌不可回避的课题。近年来,对解放区文学的研究虽然呈现出多元化、纵深化发展的态势,但依然有“突”而不“破”之憾。其中原因之一来自研究视角的局限。为此,笔者试图在“民俗”与“政治”之间,利用交叉学科的优势深化解放区的研究。本文在充分掌握文献史料和既有研究成果的基础上,从民俗文化和政治文化的关系切入,考察民俗文化这一民众的“软控制”形式与“政治”芜杂、微妙的互动关系,探究解放区文学的诸种样态及其成因。论文共包括绪论、正文、结语三部分,正文共分为五章。绪论主要阐释本论文的问题缘起及其研究意义。首先,对“解放区文学”这一研究对象进行了概念厘定。这一时间和空间范围也是最能体现解放区文学主要风貌和形态的精髓所在。其次,详细分析和归纳了解放区文学研究的历程和现状,明确了解放区文学研究要想走向纵深,必须还原历史本来面目,切入到解放区民众的生存状态和解放区作家的精神风貌,并在此基础上提出了解放区文学研究的新视角——民俗与政治的互动。以民俗学为视角贴近解放区政治意识形态化的生活世界和文化形态,对解放区文学做整体把握下的细节研究,还原解放区文学的日常生活本面。第一章主要探讨解放区文学与“民俗”的对话缘起——探讨二者之间的共生和同质关系,进而为解放区文学的民俗与政治交叉研究找到理论支撑点。作为战时文学地理和政治地理格局中的重要一脉,解放区文学从生态环境、命名方式、作家群体特征、文学样式等各个方面都具有浓郁的民俗文化气息和意识形态色彩。中共在解放区的文艺政策上不断强调文艺反映生活为现实服务的功能,进一步加强了解放区文学的地域实指性,推动了民俗文化在解放区文学上的勃兴。第二章概括了民俗世界在解放区文学中的确立过程和表现形态。在整个文艺生成场的民俗特质渗透下,解放区文学一方面向民间倾斜,在《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》的指导下,政治意识形态有意向民间突进,试图取得某种共谋关系,这种突进也取得了很大成功,使解放区文学显示出了独特性,但同时民间固有的自在性又不时从罅隙中抬头,显示出了民间的眼光,亦或者说,显示出了民间社会的天然的不同层面的民俗质素。这种交融挣扎的关系,使解放区文学民俗与政治的交叉研究不仅成为一种必要,而且具有了颇有意味的开拓性,也使得“五四”以来的中国现代文学在复杂的历史力量整合下获得了新的面貌和生机。第三章通过挖掘民俗学研究中的重要视角——“空间”和“场景”,来还原和分析解放区文学政治场域中的时代变迁和历史形态。民俗空间和场景既是指民俗事象存在的空间维度,显示了民俗活动的空间边界,又是民俗活动本身的一部分,是民俗事象和活动背后所指涉的精神虚拟空间,包含了民俗空间维度所投射出的民俗变异、民俗心理和民俗表征。解放区作家们似乎有意无意地加大了作品中人物生活空间和日常活动的场景化描述,通过场景化的叙述方式响应了上层号召,加强了解放区文学的文化底蕴和生活气息,促进解放区文学大众化民族化的发展进程。解放区文学中体现出的“敏锐的地理感”,反映出了解放区作家对“空间”的倚重和解放区文学作品中“空间”巨大的存在感。在解放区文学的各类场景和空间描写发生的一幕幕民俗活动,反映了中国民间社会婚丧嫁娶、春种秋收、饮食居住、宗教信仰、方言土语等各个方面的风俗习惯和其背后隐含的政治、社会关系与文化变异。通过空间的泯灭新生或职能转变,政治符号系统以日常公共空间为中介嵌入了农民的日常生活,建立起了一个“想象的共同体”,进而建构起农民崭新的自我观照和国家认同意识,从而实现了解放区乡村政治社会空间的建构和转型。第四章将“民俗仪式”作为解放区文学研究的关键词,考察“仪式”在解放区文学空间的展开形态和政治文化成因,以及就民俗仪式的表现而言,解放区文学与“五四”乡土写实派文学在表现形态、内在旨归、展现方式等方面的异同,并探析异同背后投射出的政治文化变迁。通过对求雨、民间巫神仪式、婚庆仪式、祭祖仪式等这些民间常见仪式在解放区文学中的具体表现形态分析,可以看出,民俗仪式的文学叙事功能不仅丰富了解放区文学的作品内容,而且作为叙事情节中的一环参与了对作品结构的搭建。解放区文学与“五四”乡土写实派文学对民俗仪式的表现,既有共通,又有殊异。与“五四”时期的民俗社会作为观照,我们发现在解放区文学中更多出现的是民俗仪式的废弃、异化、新生,同时大量富涵意识形态隐喻意味的新仪式——“诉苦”、“批斗”、“公祭”等被时代催生,成为解放区文学区别于以往文学中民俗仪式描写的新景观。而新秧歌剧作为民俗仪式与时代政治联姻的最典型景观,体现了政治诉求下民俗仪式颇有意味的新旧形式和职能置换,勾勒出了一幅政治乌托邦式的民俗生活世界,取代了传统旧秧歌中男耕女织、人神共生、自在天成的民俗生活世界。第五章在对解放区文学现有民俗视角研究的基础上,将民俗学视野具化到解放区文学最具有代表性的作家——赵树理其人其文的研究上。作为中国现代文学史上最具农民色彩、深受民间文化和传统文化浸淫的一位作家,赵树理其人其文都具有浓郁的民俗气质。赵树理的民间立场与时代和政治导向遇合,碰撞出了璀璨的光芒,在这一过程中,民俗文化大放异彩,在运用民间语言、民间思维对民间伦理、民间风俗、民众生活进行还原,营造原生态的民俗生活世界的同时,民间跳脱的生命力、民俗承载的民间力量也在经受着时代和政治的洗礼和重塑。总的来说,在解放区特殊的政治环境下,随着农民阶级和民众生活的被重视和推崇,民俗的发展呈现出了勃兴之势,民俗与政治的互动关系得到了极大推进和繁荣。民俗和政治在解放区文学中既互相依存,彼此渗透,又试图打破共谋关系带给彼此的束缚,谋求自身的发展空间。它们共同参与了对解放区文学的建构,直接影响了解放区文学的成因、风貌和形态,并且再现了政治意识形态和政治权力进入民间社会的过程,展现了民众日常生活和阶级—民族—国家的对接。民俗与政治的互动研究不仅拓宽了我们对解放区文学研究的深度和广度,使我们切入到解放区文学真实可感的生活世界,而且促使我们进一步认识到解放区文学对表现乡土社会民族国家意识构建的努力,进而反思政治、民间、文学三者之间的共处关系。

【Abstract】 As an important chain of modern and contemporary literature history,Liberated areasliterature greatly influenced the later literary especially after the"seventeen years"literature increation technique,ideological orientation,creative philosophy and literary style. Not only that,as an important corner in geographical pattern of Chinese literature in wartime,the liberatedareas literature was formed and developed in special historical period.It has special propertiesand in-depth study of space compared with literature of other ages and regions.In-depthexploration of the view and connotation of the liberated areas literature is an unavoidable topic tounderstand and comb the pattern of modern Chinese literature and the overall style.In recent years,the research shows a tendency of diversification,longitudinal deepeningdevelopment,with the application of multiplied research methods and means,but there is nofurther breakthrough. One of the reasons come from the limitations of research perspectives. Theauthor is trying to study the liberated areas literatue more further,by taking advantage of theinterdisciplinary in "folk" and "politics". Based on the historical materials and existing researchresults,the article examines the complex relationship between folk culture as"soft control" andpolitical culture,subtle interactions,explore various status and causes of the liberated areasliterature. There are three parts in this dissertation,i.e. the introduction,conclusion and the maintext which is divided into five parts.The introduction mainly explains the origin and significance of the study in the research ofthe folk custom of liberated areas literature. First of all,it defines the concept of the liberatedareas literature.This period also mostly reflects the essence,the main style and form of theliberated area literature. Secondly,the paper analyses and summarizes the history and presentsituation of liberated areas literature research from.In order to make the study of liberated areasliterature deep and diverse,we must restore the history true colours,cut into the living state andwriter’s mental outlook,thus finally open up a new perspective to liberated areas literature’sresearch—the interaction between folkore and political.It should be an important topic in theresearch of the liberated areas literature to reduce the real daily life,excavate the historical dustin the corrosion deposits from the perspective of folklore.The first chapter mainly discusses the symbiotic and homogeneity relationship between theliberated areas literature and the "folklore" with the aim of finding theoretical support for thefolklore and political study of the liberated area literature.As an important part of thegeographical pattern literature in wartime,literature of liberated area has the rich regional cultureand Ideological breath from the aspects of naming,writer group characteristics,literary style andso on. Liberated areas ecological environment determines the the richness of folk colors of the liberated areas literature since the date of birth.The consistent emphasis on the idea that literatureand art should reflect and serve life by the Communist Party of China in the liberated areasfurther strengthens the territorial real meaning of the liberated areas literature and promotes thenational folk culture of literature in the liberated areas.The second chapter summarizes the folk world’s manifestation and establishment in theliberated areas literature.On the one hand,under the guidance of "speech in the yan’an literatureand art symposium",politics succeded in making an mentual relationship with folklore.On theother hand,the folk tried to show its own factors in different levels of civil society. Because ofthis blend struggle,the crossover study between literature and folklore not only becomesnecessary,but presents the meaningful pioneering. It makes the modern Chinese literature sincethe "May4th" bear a new face and vitality under the complex integration of historical forces.The third chapter restores and analyses the era changes and historical forms in the politicalfield of the liberated areas literature,through the study of important perspective—"space" and"scene"—in folklore research. Folk "space " and "scene" refer to the existing spatial dimension,which shows activity space boundary of folklore. As a part of the folklore activity itself,spaceand scene is the spirit of the virtual space behind folklores activities,containing folk changs,folkpsychology and folk customs reflected by folklore space dimension. Liberated areas writersinadvertently increase living space and daily activities of the characters in the work scenedescription to respond to the upper level through the scene of the narration,thus strengthen theliberated area literature,culture and life breath and promote the development of the liberatedareas literature popularization of nationalization process.The keen sense of geography in theliberated areas literature reflects the liberated areas writers’rely on "space" and it’s great presencein the liberated areas literature. Folk activities happening in all kinds of scenarios and space ofthe liberated areas literature reflect various customs and habits such as weddings,farming inspring and harvest in autumn,diet,living,religion,dialects in the Chinese civil society,andits hidden social relations and cultural variation. By subduction and rebirth or changes of space,political symbol system was embed in the daily life of farmers,set up a "community ofimagination" and constructed a new self-referential and sense of national identity in farmers,andtherefore realize the construction and transformation of rural political and social space.The fourth chapter regards "folk ritual" as keywords of liberated area literature study,investigates the forming of "ritual" in the liberated areas literature,and the similarities anddifferences in performance form,the intrinsic orientation and showing way between the liberatedareas literature and "May4th" native literature in folk rituals. Through the analysis of the formsof specific common folk ceremonies in the liberated areas literature such as the rain ceremony,folk wizard ceremony,wedding ceremony and ancestor worship ceremony and so on,we can see that folk ritual of literary narrative function not only enriches the content of the liberated areasliterature works,but also gets involved in the construction of the structure of work as one part ofthe narrative plot. There are differences and commons between literature of liberated arealiterature and "May4th" native literature in folk ritual performance. Compared to the folk societyin "May4th" period,we find the appearance,alienation,new birth of folk rituals in the liberatedareas literature,and at the same time a large number of folk ceremony are rich in ideologymetaphor meanings,such as "complain","criticism" and "symbol",which altogether becomenew description of folk ritual landscape,which is different from previous literature. And newyangko opera as the most typical folk ritual wedded to the political landscape,embodies the folkritual’s old and new forms and functions of the displacement under the political demands,paintsa picture of a political utopia folk life world,replaces the old traditional folk society.The fifth chapter changes to study most representative writers—Zhao shuli in the liberatedareas literature on the basis of existing folk literature. As a writer with more Characteristics ofpeasants in Chinese modern literature history,Zhao shuli was deeply influenced by folk cultureand traditional culture, and his essays are rich in folk temperaments. The "folk" and "times"meet and come into collision with bright light. In this process,the folk culture uses the folklanguage,folk thought ethics of folk and folk customs to restore people’s life and build a originalecological folk life world,meanwhile the vitality of folk and the strength are also experiencingthe ablution and remodeling of the era and the politics.In a word,in the special political environment of liberated area,as the peasant class andpeople’s life were valued and respected,folk customs presented the developing trend,andfolkcustoms and political interaction got great advance and prosperity. Folk customs and political areinterdependent in the liberated area literature,permeate each other,and try to break the bondageof mutual relationship to each other,seek their own development space. They participated in theconstruction of the liberated areas literature together,influenced the style and form of liberatedarea literature,recreated the state ideology and political power in the process of civil society,showed the docking beteen people’s Daily life and class—nation.It not only broadens the depthand breadth of research of liberated area literature,but also leads us to the folk life world of theliberated areas literature,prompted us to further realize the efforts to building on theperformance of local society’s awareness of national in liberated area literature,and drives us tofurther reflect the coexistence relationship between political,civil and literature.

【关键词】 解放区文学民俗政治
【Key words】 The liberated area literatureFolklorePolitics

