

Research on Chinese Legal Fiction in New Era

【作者】 徐文谋

【导师】 王万森;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 中国新时期法制小说是指以直接或间接法制叙事为视域的小说,包括“大墙小说”、公安小说、反腐小说和涉法小说四大板块。新时期法制小说在传承我国古代公案小说、近代侦探小说及当代法制小说,借鉴国外侦探、惊险小说的基础上,经过政治叙事、英雄叙事和多元化叙事三个发展阶段,形成自己鲜明的叙事特征,开创了繁荣的写作局面。相对于小说写作,学术界和评论界对其研究则相对薄弱,除了近几年的反腐小说研究文章较多之外,对其它板块的研究还很不够,更缺乏系统的、整体的、宏观的剖析和研究,成果十分欠缺。基于上述状况,本文意图通过相对系统的研究和阐释,实现两个目标:一是厘清它们的整体面貌与特质,包括其发生与演变、共性主题和特征、叙事策略得失、写作现状与走势等;二是定位它们在新时期和当代文学语境中不可替代的地位与价值,阐述其特有的文学意义,提出对当代文学写作的启示,从而呼唤学术界对法制小说研究给予应有的关注。为此,本文采取的切入点和创新之处主要有四个方面:一是,整体性。在以往的零碎篇章和个别论著里,法制小说事实上等同于公安小说的概念,局限于刑侦破案为主要叙事内容,这无法囊括新时期多个不同的写作板块和众多的叙事现象,无法从整体上总结其特征,发现写作的规律性和成败得失。我们将不同时期的各类法制小说写作进行梳理、归类,并且统一到法制小说的大范畴之中,对其做出整体的观照和分析,从宏观上能够把握其面貌。二是,文本性。现有为数不多的法制小说研究成果,往往局限于比较僵硬机械的政治标准、阶级分析和社会批评,以及比较老套的内容与形式要素分析,缺乏时代性和文学性研究。我们试图从文学性的角度,分析新时期法制小说的共同特征和得失,包括对其主题意蕴方面表现出的共同价值取向的探讨,包括了对其自觉的宏大叙事路线选择的分析。通过这种分析,一方面,使我们明了在当代边缘化和私人化叙事盛行的潮流下,法制小说宏大叙事的优势和可贵;另一方面,也清楚法制小说在纯文学性书写上的不足,提示今后的法制小说写作能够扬长避短。三是,比较性。将新时期法制小说置于近代以来中国整个现代化进程的起伏波折中,来观察它对文学历史使命、启蒙主义精神的坚守;将它置于20世纪中西文化碰撞与交融的世界文学语境中,观照新时期法制小说对现实主义写作灵魂和审美趣味的发扬,从而正确认识和估价其文学地位和价值。四是,启示性。我们研究的一个核心落脚点就是通过全面的描述分析和纵横向的比较,发现法制小说写作的时代性、现实性、启蒙性等,揭示其重返中心的姿态,显示出与当代及当下写作的差异,从而指出它对当代文学写作的重要启示。论文共分四章:第一章,主要是对新时期法制小说的概括性描述。首先在梳理各类涉及法制的小说名称基础上,对法制小说的外延和内涵加以厘定,从而得出法制小说的概念表述。其次是从它对中国古代公案小说传统的继承,对异域侦探小说的借鉴,理清其发生和形成的脉络,并且明了与国外法制小说的差距。第三是对新时期法制小说进行阶段划分,从70年代末、80年代初的政治叙事、80年代中后期的英雄叙事和进入20世纪多元化叙事三个阶段,简要分析各个时期不同的写作面貌和特征,有利于从发展的角度来理解和把握它。第四是在罗列和分析了众多法制小说写作现象之后,根据其创作倾向的差别,总体上把它分成四大板块,即反映“文革”时期劳改监狱生活的“大墙小说”,以刑侦为主要内容的公安小说,描写官场和腐败犯罪的反腐小说,以及表现普通人涉法生活的涉法小说。第二章,主要是分析和提炼了法制小说共同的主题倾向。一是通过政治批判和社会观察与思考,所表现出的忧患意识,包括对政治生态的忧虑、对民族命运的焦急、对世态变化的担心、对民生疾苦的关怀,体现了写作者鲜明的政治意识和强烈的责任感、使命感。二是通过树立和歌颂英雄形象,所表现出来的英雄情结,包括了政治英雄、理想英雄和平凡英雄三种形象塑造,体现出作品追求公平正义的价值取向和惩恶扬善的道德示范。三是建立在国民教育和体制机制、法制文化反思基础上的启蒙精神,包括了价值引导、道德教化、犯罪警示、文化批判,从而起到教育民众,弘扬法制意识,加强道德引领的文学效用。四是建立在革命浪漫主义激情和高尚精神追求基础上的理想元素,包括了作品中凸显出来的理想信念,彰显出的公平正义价值理念,讴歌的美好人性、人情和爱情,以及对美好未来和法制理想的呼唤与信心。第三章,主要是分析和总结法制小说宏大叙事策略和存在的不足。一是归纳和挖掘了法制小说宏大叙事的标志和内在追求,集中体现在较为明显的传统写作范式,体现在叙事背景、叙事角度、人物塑造和情节架构等方面。第一,它往往紧贴着宏大的历史和时代语境来叙事,善于突出激烈的各类矛盾冲突,表现出现实生活的强度和张力,同时通过运用各种宏大意象和营造高远意境,以及激越凝重的语言风格和叙事基调,形成了鲜明的宏大叙事格局。第二,它往往喜欢采用全知全能的叙事视角,作者始终在场,而且不回避对叙事的主观态度和评价,具有外露、直接的感情倾向,这也是宏大叙事的标志之一。第三,它采取了恩格斯所强调的“典型环境中的典型人物”手法,注重在复杂、真实的社会环境中去刻画人物,注重叙述人物的成长历史和性格形成历史,描写人物性格的多面性和复杂性,刻画人物的内心世界和心理活动,从而塑造出真实、立体的人物典型形象。第四,它大多采取了传统的情节架构模式,善于制造悬念,通过悬念、情节突转、悬念破解三个环节的循环设置,来达到法制小说的情节起伏与激烈效果。二是分析和描述了法制小说宏大叙事主流之外的叙事尝试,包括对现代主义小说写作技巧的借鉴与探索,作为宏大叙事的一种有益补充,如纪实性叙事、心理叙事、荒诞叙事、互文叙事、含混叙事等的尝试与努力,丰富了新时期法制小说面貌。三是指出法制小说宏大叙事的缺陷和不足,包括过度的主观介入和写作者的直接评判过多,使得小说叙事过于直白、简单;对生活的反映停留在表面化、现象化,对时代的本质、社会的内在发展趋向、生活内涵和文化底蕴等发掘表现不深入、不浑厚;存在着人物形象概念化、脸谱化、雷同化的倾向,以及情节结构模式化、定型化的弊端;语言艺术性不足,直白、大众化有余,语言张力与艺术性欠缺;不少的法制小说写作还有媚俗化、娱乐化和消费化的倾向等。这些不足,限制了法制小说表现生活的力度、厚度和艺术意味。第四章,主要是总结和归纳了法制小说在当代文学史中的地位和价值,以及给我们写作的启示。这种价值,一是放在我国现代化历史进程中去考察,充分认识到我国百余年来断断续续的现代化进程始终没有完成,在这种背景下的当代文学不能舍弃自己的社会功能和责任担当,不能放弃启蒙主义教育的文学使命。这正是法制小说所坚持、所遵循的,是符合我国国情和广大受众需要的选择。二是,放在20世纪中西文化大碰撞、大交流、大融合的框架下,分析和看待法制小说对民族文学传统的继承和对现实主义写作的坚守,显示出它立足现实社会、为人生而写作的可贵品质。三是,从法制小说写作的现实生活转向和传统文学写作的回归两个方面,具体分析它对启蒙主义文学精神的传承和现实主义写作的坚持。这主要体现在它对时代主流和声音的反映,对公共话题和社会焦点、热点问题的关注和对人、人性、人道主义等人类终极价值意义的追求,以及它对文学社会功能的重视,对中国作风和气派的传统审美弘扬,表现出法制小说在当代文坛的特别之处和珍贵之处。最后,在前四章的分析与总结基础上,提出今后法制小说走向经典的可能性,以及实现这一高标准和高目标的努力方向,期待能给写作者和研究者以提醒。

【Abstract】 Chinese legal fiction in the new era refersto the direct or indirect narrative novels, including prisonnovels (“High Wall novels”), public security novels,anti-corruption novels and law-related novels. Chinese legalfiction in the new era, on the inheritance of ancient Chinesecase-solving novels, modern detective novels and contemporarylegal novels, using detectives and thrillers from abroad forreference, after three stages of development of politicalnarrative, heroic narrative and diverse narrative, form theirown distinct narrative features, creating a thriving writingera. Contrary to fiction writings, academics and critics seldomget in to this area in recent years, other than some researchon the anti-corruption novels, the study on legal fiction inall is still rare, not to speak of systematic, integral andmacro analysis and research.Based on the above situation, this thesis intends to achievetwo objectives through the relatively systematic study andinterpretation. The first one is to clarify their overallappearance and characteristics, including the occurrence andevolution, common themes and features, the successes andfailures of narrative strategies and the writing status andtrends. The second is to orientate them in the context of thecontemporary literature and their irreplaceable value in thenew era, to enunciate its unique literary significance and putforward the revelation for the contemporary literature writing,thereby calling for due attention to the academic study of the legal fiction.Consequently, this dissertation adopts four innovativeperspectives. What comes first is the perspective of integrity.A survey of the previous publications reveals that the legalfiction is in fact equivalent to the public security novel,which has confined its main narrative content to the criminalinvestigation solving the case, rendering impossible theinclusion of various writing focuses and narrative phenomenain different periods, the summary of its overall features, andthe regularity, gains and losses of writing. By adopting a moregeneral and reasonable approach, in this dissertation, variouskinds of legal fictions of different periods have been reviewed,analyzed, and integrated into a macro concept of legal fiction,thus a whole grasp of legal fiction realized. Furthermore, theperspective of textuality has also been taken into account. Thefew existing studies of legal fiction has often limitedthemselves to the relatively stiff and mechanical analysis ofpolitical criteria, class, social criticism, and thecomparatively old-fashioned analysis of the content and formfactors, lacking the analysis of epochal and literaryapproaches. From a literary point of view, with both anexploration of the common values exhibited in the aspect oftheme implication and an analysis of the conscious choices ofthe grand narrative route in context, the common features andthe pros and cons of the legal fiction of the new era have beenanalyzed in this dissertation.Consequently, this dissertation adopts four innovativeperspectives. What comes first is the perspective of integrity.A survey of the previous publications reveals that the legalfiction is in fact equivalent to the public security novel,which has confined its main narrative content to the criminalinvestigation solving the case, rendering impossible the inclusion of various writing focuses and narrative phenomenain different periods, the summary of its overall features, andthe regularity, gains and losses of writing. By adopting a moregeneral and reasonable approach, in this dissertation, variouskinds of legal fictions of different periods have been reviewed,analyzed, and integrated into a macro concept of legal fiction,thus a whole grasp of legal fiction realized. Furthermore, theperspective of textuality has also been taken into account. Thefew existing studies of legal fiction has often limitedthemselves to the relatively stiff and mechanical analysis ofpolitical criteria, class, social criticism, and thecomparatively old-fashioned analysis of the content and formfactors, lacking the analysis of epochal and literaryapproaches. From a literary point of view, with both anexploration of the common values exhibited in the aspect oftheme implication and an analysis of the conscious choices ofthe grand narrative route in context, the common features andthe pros and cons of the legal fiction of the new era have beenanalyzed in this dissertation. Through this analysis, on theone hand, it will make it clear the strength and preciousnessof grand narrative in legal fiction under the current trend ofthe popularity of marginal and individual narrative. On theother hand, it will also make it known the deficiency in thepure literary writing and remind that the future legal fictionwriting can enhance strong points and avoid weaknesses. Thethird is comparability. This paper will put the legal fictionin new era since modern times into the ups and downs of the wholemodernization process, and observe its adherence to theliterary historic mission and the spirit of enlightenment. Thedissertation will set it into the world literary context in the20th century under the collision and blend between Chinese andwestern cultures, and reflect the promotion of the soul ofrealistic writing and aesthetic taste by the legal fiction innew era, and then gain a correct view and evaluation of its literary status and value. The fourth is revelation. The corestarting point of this study is to discover the epochal,realistic and enlightening features of legal fiction writingthrough a complete descriptive analysis and vertical andhorizontal comparison, to reveal its attitude of “returningto the center”, to show its distinction between thecontemporary and current writing, and then to point out itsenlightenment for the contemporary literary writing.This thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chaptermainly focuses on the general description of the legal fictionin the new era through three sections. First, the legal fictionis defined on the basis of sorting out various names of legalfictions and determining its extension and intension. And then,the occurrence and course of development comes to the researchfocus. The Chinese legal fiction has a long tradition ofinheriting from ancient Chinese detective novels, detectivestories of exotic reference. Through the above discussion, thegap between Chinese legal fiction and foreign legal fictionwill be clarified. And thirdly, in order to have a overviewabout Chinese legal fiction, the wring situation and writingfeatures of Chinese legal fictions in different stages will beanalyzed briefly. Generally speaking, the development ofChinese legal fictions in new era falls into three stages: thefirst stage from the late1970s to the beginning of1980sfeaturing political narrative, the second stage from the middleof1980s to the end of20th century, featuring heroic narrative,and the third stage started from the beginning of21st century,which the feature of diverse narrative. Finally, Chinese legalfictions come into four classifications, namely,“High Wallnovels” reflecting the life in prison during the CulturalRevolution, the detective stories about criminal investigation,the fictions describing corruption and corrupt officialdomcrime fiction, and the law-related fictions describing the average person’s life relating to law.The second chapter centers on the analysis and generalizationof the common theme in legal fictions. First of all, it givesexpression to the writer’s keen political awareness and hisstrong sense of responsibility (and mission) by means of socialinvestigation and political insight, which finds its way in hisdeep concern about the well-being of the nation and the people,and in his fear about the future of the state. And secondly,it represents the value (orientation) of justice andjustification, and the ethics of “glorifying virtue andcensuring vice” with the help of establishing and eulogizingthe image of heroes in novels, including political heroes,ideal heroes and ordinary heroes as well. The third themefocuses on its functions to enhance the legal sense and themorality, on the basis of the reflection on the publicenlightenment and mass education in legal culture, involvingthe value guidance, moral cultivation, and crime prevention andalert. The final theme is to embody its high ideals in pursuitof revolutionary romanticism and lofty moral values reflectedin literary works, such as the high conviction, the value ofjustice, the appreciation of humanity and love, as well as theconfidence in bright future of the rule of law.The third chapter aims at analyzing and summarizing the grandnarrative strategies and shortcomings of the legal fiction.First, it sums up and digs into the grand narrative logo andinner pursuit of legal fictions. This aspect embodies in theobvious traditional writing paradigm, narrative context,viewpoint, characterization and plot structure etc. First, itnarrates close to the grand history and context of the times.It is adept in highlighting the types of intense conflicts,showing the intensity and tension of reality. Simultaneously,it forms a grand and striking narrative pattern through the use of grand images, lofty mood, excitedly dignified language styleand narrative fundamental key. Second, it prefers employingomniscient and omnipotent narrative perspective which is oneof the hallmarks of the grand narration. This means that theauthor is always on the spot, and does not evade from subjectiveattitudes and evaluation of the narration, with exposing anddirect emotional tendencies. Third, it adopts the "typicalenvironment, typical character" approach which Marx emphasized.It focuses on portrayal of the characters in complex, realsocial environment. It emphasizes on the history ofcharacters’ development and personality formation. Itdescribes the multi-faceted and complicating aspects ofcharacters. It portrays the inner world and the psychologicalactivities of characters,thus creating a real, tridimensionalimages of characters. Fourthly, traditional plotting model isadopted to create suspense, sharp turn of plot and suspensedecoding. With the three techniques used in a loop, the surgeand fierceness of plot in this kind of fiction can be achieved.Then, apart from the grand mainstream of narrative in legalfiction of China, another kind of narrative attempt is analyzedand expounded, including exploring into and using for referencethe writing technique of modernism fiction which, as abeneficial complement to the grand narrative like documentarynarrative, psychological narrative, absurdity narrative,intertextual narrative and ambiguity narrative, enricheseverything about the legal fiction in the new era of China. Inthe meantime, the flaws and shortcomings of the grand narrativein legal fiction are also pointed out. For example, tooexcessive personal involvement and direct criticism of thewriter which make the narration an over-simplicity andstraightforwardness; the shallow and superficial reflection oflife, the skin-deep and meager exploration into the nature oftimes, the inner developing trend of society, the connotationof life and culture; the conceptualization and identification of the characters, the patternized and modulized structure ofthe plot; lack of artistic feature in the language, lack oflinguistic intensity and over-colloquialism. What is more, nota few legal novels show a trend for flattering the vulgarity,pure entertainment and consuming, etc. These flaws andshortcomings limit the aesthetic flavor, the expanse and vigorof this kind of fiction in reflecting life.The fourth chapter mainly focuses on the status and the valueof legal fictions in contemporary literary history as well asthe enlightenment in writing. The value of legal fictions canbe illustrated in three aspects. Firstly, the incompleteChinese modernization process, off and on along the way, makesit unwise to ignore the social functions, responsibilities andthe educational mission of contemporary literature, which isfirmly followed by legal fiction writers, meeting therequirements of both China’s actual conditions and the readers.Secondly, under the circumstances of the great collision,exchange and fusion of Chinese and Western cultures during the20th century, by inheriting the national tradition inliterature and sticking to realistic writing style, legalfictions display their distinctive qualities with theirreal-life based writing style for the sake of recording humanlife. Thirdly, considering the tendency of recording realistichuman life and the revival of the traditional literary writingin legal fictions, a detailed analysis of legal fictions is madeon their inheritance of the enlightenment literature and theirclinging to realism writing style, which is fully embodied intheir reflections on the prevailing thoughts and views, intheir concern for social issues and hot topics, in their pursuitof the ultimate value of human, humanity and humanitarian, intheir emphasis on the social functions of literature, and intheir promotion of Chinese traditional aesthetic style,displaying the unique and precious characteristics of legal fictions in contemporary literature.Finally, based on the analysis and summary of the previous fourchapters, the author discusses the possibility that legalfictions can become classics in the future and the efforts thathave to be made to achieve this goal with high standards,looking forward to shed light on the prospect of the legalfiction for its writers and researchers.

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