

【作者】 孟文博

【导师】 魏建; 刘东方;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 长期以来,学界习惯于把郭沫若的生平分为这样两个时期,新中国成立之前为前期,成立之后为后期。本文即把郭沫若前期的诸多文艺论著作为校勘和研究的对象,所谓论著,是指他的《文艺论集》、《文艺论集续集》两部文艺著作,和最初发表在各个报刊上,后又收入到各个版本的《羽书集》、《蒲剑集》、《今昔集》、《沸羹集》、《天地玄黄》、以及《沫若文集》十一卷“集外”和《沫若文集》十三卷“集外”中去的文艺论文。需要说明的是,本文判定各篇文献资料是否是“文艺论文”的标准,是看郭沫若有无在其中提出文艺观点,所有提出文艺观点的论文,都算作是“文艺论文”。本文之所以选择对郭沫若前期发表的这大量文艺论著进行版本校勘,并标注出他在日后进行的所有改动,就是因为直到目前为止,郭沫若研究学界中的绝大部分学者在对其前期文艺思想进行研究或者对其文艺论著资料加以引用时,都没有注意到郭沫若总是习惯于利用把自己最初发表的文艺论文收入进各个文集之机,根据当时的社会政治形势,以及自我思想观念的改变,对其进行不同程度的修改,在做完这些修改完后,又从不加以具体说明,结果这种文本修改便形成了一个非常具欺骗性的历史地表,对他很多最初的思想观念形态以及这些思想观念在日后发生转变的真实状态造成了一种遮蔽,如果不仔细严谨地对这些不同版本文献加以考证校勘,便很难窥视到这种遮蔽之下真实的历史流脉。然而非常遗憾的是,在本论文写作之前,学界对郭沫若前期文艺论著的校勘工作极为缺乏,只在上世纪八十年代由黄淳浩先生出版过一部《<文艺论集>汇校本》,并且此汇校本对依据“一般文字变动”“则不一一录出”的编写原则,并没有真正全面细致地还原《文艺论集》各个版本历史流变的全貌,同时《文艺论集》中所收入的文艺论文,也仅仅占郭沫若前期发表并在日后又加以修改的所有文艺论文中的很小一部分,也就是说,其他还有相当大部分的文艺论著都是处在从未加以校勘的状态,从这个层面来说,本文是首次对郭沫若前期文艺论著进行了全面而完整地校勘。在最终形成此篇论文定稿之前的两年多时间内,笔者通过从相关网站进行下载,从全国各大图书馆和研究机构复印、从私人手中进行购买等方式,基本找全了郭沫若前期所有发表过的文艺论著最初版本,以及日后又由各个出版社在不同时期出版的收入有这些文艺论著的各种文集。在拥有这些原始资料的基础之上,笔者通过对各个版本的文艺论著内容进行逐字逐句对比的方式,找出了郭沫若在各个时期对其最初版本文艺论著所做的所有修改,最后把这些异文加以汇编,便形成了各章的“校勘成果汇编”部分。笔者在编写这部分“校勘成果汇编”的过程中,发现了很多学界长期以来因为没有注意到郭沫若的这大量文论修改,从而没有涉及乃至结论错讹的问题,对这些问题,笔者进行了较为详细的梳理、阐释和评论,这就是每一章“学术发现”部分的内容。本论文第一章第一节是对郭沫若《文艺论集》的校勘。《文艺论集》是郭沫若的第一部学术论文集,最初由上海的光华书局于1925年出版,之后由该书局又于1929年、1930年再版,最后一版就是郭沫若于年于1959年进过较大改动后由人民文学出版社出版的《沫若文集》第十卷中的版本,本节的“校勘成果汇编”部分,就是以其中各篇论文的最初版本为底本,与其他日后各版《文艺论集》中的版本进行校对,最后所形成的完整的“异文汇编”。第二节是依据《文艺论集》校勘成果,对郭沫若在不同历史时期对文艺“无目的性”与“功利性”问题的阐述进行的梳理与评论。郭沫若从二十年代初期初登文坛一直到新中国成立之后,在这个问题上总是不断转变,因此这就让后来的研究者们对此非常难以把握和研究,形成了郭沫若研究中的一个难点,而郭沫若对这一问题的不断转变自然与他总是积极参与时代进步浪潮的性情与人生选择紧密相连,同时反过来也折射出他在不同历史境遇中或主动或被动的角色选择与认同,以及他所经历的那些时代的特色,因此厘清和明晰这个问题,对我们全面而正确的认识郭沫若的文艺观,考察他所处的各个历史阶段的特点,都是很有意义的。但是长期以来,众多学者由于没有注意到郭沫若在不同历史时期对此问题相关言论的大量修改,以至在研究结论上莫衷一是,甚至造成结论的错讹和重大偏差。笔者在重新校勘了这些文艺论著版本之后,发现郭沫若虽然在此问题上不断转变,但是从本质层面来说,却有起着决定作用的一点始终不变,那便是郭沫若在不同历史时期,对文坛话语权、社会影响力等知识分子“权力”的寻逐与把握。第二章第一节是对郭沫若《文艺论集续集》的校勘。《文艺论集续集》收录了郭沫若从二十年代初期至三十年代初期共十一篇文艺论文,这十一篇文艺论文全部是体现其无产阶级文艺观的作品,因此总体上看郭沫若日后对其的改动并不算大,但是也有很多细节部分很有研究价值。本节是第一次把这部论文集进行了全面校勘,并标注出了所有异文。第二节是考察郭沫若对“五四”文学革命的否定及其背后深层的思想观念内因。以往学界几乎都认为郭沫若是文学革命的重要参与者甚至领导者,是文学革命成功的必要保障,从而把他与“五四”文学革命的成功紧紧联系在一起。但事实上,郭沫若从上世纪二十年代一直到三十年代,对“五四”文学革命都是持否定态度的,其中的真实原因并非完全是他表面上所强调的那些“公子派”、“好事家”没有“产出”“什么划时代的作品”,而是在更本质层面上源于对其个人“权力”以及与之紧密相连的“名利”的考量。当“五四”文学革命在国内风起云涌之时,郭沫若因还在日本留学,错过了这场难得的历史机遇,结果造成他虽然日后文名渐盛,却不能及时转化为实际利益,依然经济困窘。之后郭沫若敏锐地感到无产阶级思想在中国的传播洪流,并及时把握住了这一新的历史机遇,利用无产阶级理论否定了“五四”文学革命的实际功绩,为自己在文坛及社会上的进一步发展,打下基础,开辟道路。可以说,郭沫若对“五四”文学革命的否定,正源于其对无产阶级话语权的争夺。第三章第一节是对《沫若文集》十一卷“集外”部分和《羽书集》中所有文艺论文进行的校勘。这两部分所收录的文艺论文最初是发表于三十年代中后期到四十年代初期,这不到十年的时间,大体可以以郭沫若回国参加全面抗战为界限,分成两个时期,在不同的时期内,郭沫若的文艺思想由于受不同政治军事形势的影响,有着非常大的改变,而尤其是他在抗战时期的文艺观言论,往往又被其在日后进行大幅度的改动。第二节和第三节是基于校勘工作之上,对郭沫若与李石岑、蒋介石这两个历史人物在特定历史阶段真实关系的考察评论。郭沫若与李石岑历史恩怨的时间跨度长达二十多年,这段恩怨纠葛从二十年代初期一开始便体现了郭沫若鲜为人知的一种负面心态:偏狭,一直到了三十年代后期,他的这种偏狭心态都始终存在,而且还变本加厉,甚至到了五十年代末都还有回响。关于郭沫若与蒋介石的关系,以往人们总是根据郭沫若在解放后编篡的《沫若文集》来认识考察,认为郭沫若是反蒋斗士,但殊不知郭沫若在编篡自己的《沫若文集》时,把他解放前创作中所有涉及蒋介石的言论都删改过了,而这种删改便对他们关系的真实状态形成了巨大遮蔽,尤其是他们非常重要的抗战时期的关系。事实上在全面抗战初期,郭沫若在言论上对蒋介石是非常恭敬的,甚至到了献媚的地步,但是随着政治局势的发展,以及共产党势力对他的极力争取,他对蒋介石的态度又发生了微妙改变。而从郭沫若更深层的心态考察,无论是他对李石岑的负面评价,还是在抗战时期对蒋介石的献媚态度,其背后都有郭沫若对自我“权力资本”的争取和维持。第四章第一节是对《蒲剑集》、《今昔集》两个集子中所有文艺论文的校勘,这两个集子中的文艺论文均创作和发表于1939至1943年间,也就是全面抗战转入持久战时期在这一历史阶段,这一时期由于战争形态的巨大转变,国内政治形势随之发生急剧转变,这些都极大的影响到了郭沫若的文艺思想和言论,使他的言论极具时代色彩,而日后他对这些论文的改动,也是非常大的。第二节是对郭沫若“民间文艺”观的考察评论。“民间文艺”观一直是郭沫若文艺思想中非常重要的组成部分,却至今一直处于被边缘甚至被忽略的状态,笔者通过校勘其文艺论文发现,郭沫若并非像学者们以往所认为的那样“始终关注民间文学事业”,而是在不同的历史时期持不同的态度,其中还有相当长一段时间对中国传统民间文艺有着较低的评价。郭沫若对待民进文艺的态度,与他根深蒂固的“精英-权力”意识紧密相联。第五章第一节是对《沸羹集》、《天地玄黄》、《沫若文集》第十三卷“集外”中所有文艺论文的校勘,这三个部分中所收录的文艺论文最初主要发表于从四十年代前期到四十年代后期大约八年的时间内,郭沫若的人生在这一时期内颇为跌宕起伏,他先是被蒋介石免去了政治部第三厅厅长之职,之后他所领导的“文工会”也被解散,由此便彻底结束了其在国民党体制内“交大运”的历程,但在与此同时,他却在共产党方面获得极高的认可,被定为“鲁迅的继承者”,获得了“文化界领袖的地位”,因此他的文艺观言论也明显地向共产党的文艺政策靠拢,因此日后郭沫若对这一部分文艺论文的改动,并不算非常大。第二节是笔者基于这校勘工作,发现并阐释了郭沫若在解放前对毛泽东毛文艺思想的接受及态度转变真实状态。历史的实情是解放前对待毛泽东的态度是从最初仅仅印象深刻,到之后欣赏敬仰,再到最后达到崇拜歌颂,这样不断进行转变的。这一转变过程本质上体现了郭沫若在不同的历史机遇期中对“权力”的寻逐。总的说来,本文是郭沫若研究九十多年来,首次对他所有前期文艺论著进行了全面系统的校勘工作,在整个校勘过程中,笔者发现了诸多久已被遮蔽的重要问题,以及以往学者们由于不清楚郭沫若的这大量修改所得出的错误研究结论,笔者在每一章的“学术发现”部分对这些问题进行了厘清和阐释,并对错误的研究结论进行了纠正。在研读和校勘郭沫若大量前期文艺论著的过程中,笔者还发现郭沫若虽然在文艺观念上有着明显的与时俱进、因时而变特点,但是在他的这些观念在不断转变的背后,都有一个始终不变的心态在起着决定作用,那便是他在不同历史时期对自己“文化资本”的努力获取,以及在此“文化资本”的基础之上,对社会、政治乃至军事有着直接影响力的“权力资本”的寻逐与把握。

【Abstract】 For a long time, scholars used to bring Guo Mo-ruo’ s life into two periods, before the new Chinese’sfounded is early stage, and after the establishment of new Chinese is later stage. This paper make Guo Mo-ruo’s early stage literary works as the object of emendation and study. The so-called works refers to his "LiteraryEssays","Literary Essays Sequel" two literary works, and the Literary papers that first published in variousnewspapers and periodicals and later revenue to the various versions <Yu Shu Collection>,<Pu JianCollection>,<Jin Xi Collection>,<Fei Geng Collection>,<Tian Di Xuan Huang>,<Mo Ruo Corpus>(elevenvolumes” Set outside”),<Mo Ruo Corpus>(thirteen volumes” Set outside”). It should be noted that, in thisarticle to determine whether each piece of literature is "art paper " standard, which is to look at whether GuoMo-ruo proposed literary point of view, all the papers presented literary point of view, are counted as"literary papers."This paper chose early on Guo Mo-ruo published a large number of literary theory forward to this versionof collation, and marked out all the changes he conducted in the future, because until now, Guo Mo-ruoacademic research scholars in the vast majority of their pre-study for its literary or artistic ideas on the data tobe referenced, have not noticed that Guo Mo-ruo always use the opportunityof his own literary papersoriginally published anthology of income into each corpus, according to the prevailing social and politicalsituation, as well as alter ego ideas, and their varying degrees of modification. When he finished thesechanges,he never to be specific instructions. The result of this text will form the history of the surfacemodification of a very deceptive, for his many original ideas, and these ideas form the true state of a shift inthe future has led to a shelter, If not carefully collated strictly to research the different versions of thesedocuments, it is difficult to peep into the history of this shelter under real flow pulse. But very unfortunately,before this thesis writing, academic treatise on the art of the early Guo Mo-ruo collation work is extremelylacking,only in the eighties of the last century, published by Mr. Huang Chun-hao had a <Symposium on Artand Literature>(Revised Edition) But this "<Symposium on Art and Literature>(Revised Edition)"Prepared on the basis of the principle of “Normal text changes”” Not individually recorded”, Did not reallyrestore a comprehensive and detailed of the <Symposium on Art and Literature>(Revised Edition)‘s historicalevolution of the various versions of the whole picture. At the same time, the literary papers in the<Symposiumon Art and Literature>(Revised Edition) only accounts for little part of the pre-published and be modified inthe future literary papers, there is a considerable majority of other literary treatises are never to be collated inthe state, this is the first pre-literary treatise on Guo conduct a comprehensive and complete collation.Before more than two years the final form of the final version, the author carried out from relevantwebsites to download from all major libraries and research institutions copying, make a purchase from privatehands, basically found all the published over the initial version of literary theory, as well as income in thefuture and at different times by various publishers publish these on a variety of literary anthology. On thebasis of the original data, the author through the content of the literary works for each version of word forword comparison, find out the Guo Mo-ruo in various periods of its original literary works had done allchanges, finally put these derivatives to assembly, formed "collating results compiled" part of the chapters.The first quarter of the first chapter of this paper is collating of Guo Mo-ruo <Symposium on Art andLiterature>.<Symposium on Art and Literature> is Guo Mo-ruo’s first academic papers, the first by theShanghai Guanghua publishing house published in1925, after the bureau in1929,1930reprint the book, thelast version is Guo moruo in years in1959after into major changes by the people’s literature publishing housepublished <Mo Ruo Corpus>version of the first ten volumes,"Collating results compiled" part of this section,which breaks down the original version of the paper is as master copy, and other expressing ideas in the futurecould check the edition of<Symposium on Art and Literature>, formed by the last complete "derivatives assembly". Is based on the collection of literature and art in the second quarter, collating results of Guo Mo-ruoin different historical periods of literature and art "without purpose" and "utilitarian" expounds problems ofcarding and comments. From early20’ s literary world debut until after the founding of new China, GuoMo-ruo ‘s issue was always changing, so that would make later researchers are very difficult to grasp andresearch, has formed a difficulty in the study of Guo Mo-ruo. And Guo Mo-ruo to the changing nature of theproblem and he is always active in age wave is closely connected with life choices, at the same time, in turn,reflects his in different historical circumstances or active or passive role in the selection and identification, aswell as the characteristics of The Times he had experienced, so clear and clear the problem, comprehensiveand correct understanding of Guo Mo-ruo holds for us, and to investigate the various historical stages of hischaracteristics, is very meaningful. But for a long time, many scholars in different historical periods, becausethere is no notice Guo Mo-ruo problems related to expression of modifications, and on the research conclusion,and even cause conclusion administration and significant deviation. The author after collating these literaryworks version again, found that although Guo Mo-ruo changing on this issue, but from the nature level, hasplayed a decisive role is always the same, that is Guo Mo-ruo in different historical period, the literarydiscourse, social influence and other intellectuals to find and hold on "power".The second chapter first quarter is collating of Guo Mo-ruo’s <Symposium on Art and Literature seque><Symposium on Art and Literature seque>ncludes guo moruo from early20s and early30s, a total of11artpaper, all the11art paper is pf the proletarian literature works, so overall Guo Mo-ruo in the future for thechange is not big, but also has a lot of detail is of great research value. This section is for the first time theproceedings conducted a comprehensive collating, and marked all the derivatives. In the second quarter was tosee Guo Mo-ruo’s negation of " May4th " literature revolution and its deep behind the concept of internalcause. Almost all previous academic thought leader Guo Mo-ruo was one of the important participants andeven literature revolution, was the necessary guarantee of literary revolution success to his " May4th "literature revolution success was closely linked. But, in fact, Guo Mo-ruo until30s in the1920s, the " May4th " literature revolution is negative, The real reason is not completely he stresses on the surface of the "sons of a feudal prince or high official "," meddlesome celebrity", not "output""what epoch-making works",but in a more level is the result of personal nature "power", and is closely linked with the "fame". When the "May4th " literature revolution at home were surging, Guo Mo-ruo for studying in Japan, also missed the rarehistorical opportunity, as a result, although he is a famous works in the future gradually filled, but not in timeinto actual interest, still economic distress. Guo Mo-ruo keenly feel the proletarian ideology in China after thespread of the torrent, and timely grasp of the new historical opportunity, using the theory of the proletariatdenied "May4th" literature revolution’s real achievement, in the literary world for himself and the furtherdevelopment of the society, lay the foundation, show the way. We Can say, Guo Mo-ruo negation of " May4th" literature revolution,was originated from the voice power of the proletariat.The third chapter in the first quarter of the foam is <Mo Ruo Corpus>(thirteen volumes” Set outside”)<YuShu Collection> collating. Recorded the two parts of the paper was first published in the30s and40s, lessthan a decade, this can largely by Guo Mo-ruo returned to total resistance line, divided into two periods, indifferent period, Guo Mo-ruo ’s literary thought due to the influence of different political and military situation,has the very big change, and especially for the pf in the Anti-Japanese War period, often by its massivechanges in the future. The second and the third section is based on collating work, Guo Mo-ruo and Li shi-cen,Chiang kai-shek the two historical figures in a certain historical period of real relationships. Guo Mo-ruo andLi shi-cen ‘s historical grievances time span for more than twenty years, this period of grievancesentanglements since the beginning of the early20s may show a negative mentality of Guo Mo-ruolittle-known: narrow, until the late30s, this insular mentality is always there, and still more, even in the50sand the echoes. On Guo Mo-ruo ’s relationship with Chiang kai-shek, in the past people always according to<Mo Ruo Corpus> after liberation of compiling to recognize, think Guo Mo-ruo is fighter against Chiang,but little imagine Guo Mo-ruo at usurp his "foam if corpus", his works before liberation all involved in Chiangkai-shek’s comments after deletion, and this kind of removing the true state of their relationships formed ahuge cover, especially they are very important relations during the Anti-Japanese War.In fact in the early partof the total resistance, Guo Mo-ruo in the speech is very respectful to Chiang kai-shek, even to the point offlattery, but with the development of political situation, and the power of the communist party on his fight for,his attitude to Chiang kai-shek and subtle change happened. And from the mindset of Guo Mo-ruo’s deeperinvestigation, whether his negative evaluation to Li shi-cen, or suck up to Chiang kai-shek’s attitude during theAnti-Japanese War, the there are Guo Mo-ruo’s strive for and maintain the "power capital" self.The first quarter of the fourth chapter is collection about all of literature and art paper in the <Pu JianCollection> and <Jin Xi Collection>. The thesis composed of these two books and published in1939and1943,also is the total resistance into protracted war period in this historical stage, during this period due to bigchange in the form of war, then change took place in the domestic political situation, all of these greatlyinfluenced Guo Mo-ruo ’s literary thought and speech, made his remarks time color, but his changes of thesepapers in the future, is also very big. The second section is on Guo Mo-ruo ’s examinations of the "folk art"comments."The concept of folk literature and art" has been a very important part of Guo Mo-ruo ’s literarythought, but so far has been on the verge of being even neglected state, the author found that, by collating theliterature and art paper Guo Mo-ruo not like past scholars as "always pay close attention to folk literaturecareer",which have a long period of time in Chinese traditional folk art has a lower assessment. Guo Mo-ruo ’sattitude toward DPP literature and art, with his deep sense of "elite"-power closely linked.The first quarter of the fourth chapter is collection about all of literature and art paper in the<Fei GengCollection>,<Tian Di Xuan Huang> and <Mo Ruo Corpus>(eleven volumes” Set outside”). Included in thethree parts of the paper initially was published in the early ’40s to40s about eight years, Guo Mo-ruo ’s lifeis ups and downs in this period, he was free of the political department of the third bureau of Chiang kai-shek,after his "union" also was disbanded, thus thoroughly ended its within the kuomintang (KMT) system with"Good lucky" of course, but in the meanwhile, he is in the aspect of the communist party win high recognition,is classified as "the successor of Lu xun", won the "cultural leader", so his speech pf is obviously to thecommunist party’s policy of literature and art, therefore Guo Mo-ruo to change this part of the thesis in thefuture, is not very big. The second section is based on the collating work, found and explained the Guo Mo-ruoin to receiving the thought of MAO zedong before liberation and attitude change true state. History is of thetruth before liberation was impressed by the attitude of MAO zedong from the original only, to appreciate theadmiration, after to finally achieve worship singing, this ongoing change. This transformation processessentially embodies the historical opportunity of Guo Mo-ruo in different period of "power".In general, this article is more than ninety years, Guo Mo-ruo study first of all his early literary worksconducted a comprehensive system of collating work, in the whole process of collating, the author found manyimportant problem already be covered, as well as in the past scholars the Guo Mo-ruo is not clear that a lot ofchange of error research conclusion, the author in the "academic" section of the each chapter to clarify theseissues and interpretation, and the research conclusion of error correction. At the early stage of the study andcollation, Guo Mo-ruo a lot in the process of literary and artistic works, the author also found that althoughGuo Mo-ruo in artistic conception has obvious advance with The Times, because sometimes changecharacteristics, but in his behind these concepts in changing, there is a constant state of mind in plays adecisive role, that is he in different historical periods of their efforts to obtain "cultural capital", and on thebasis of the "cultural capital", has a direct influence on society, politics and military of "capital power"

【关键词】 郭沫若前期文艺论著校勘发现
【Key words】 Guo Moruothe early literary papers and bookscollationfound

