

Study on the Historical Geography of Hot Spring Tourism in China

【作者】 何小芊

【导师】 龚胜生;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以古代温泉旅游为研究范畴,采用地理学的理论和方法,从时间与空间的维度对温泉旅游及其构成要素的发展演化进行了描述与解释,并揭示了其中的一些规律。中国古代温泉旅游是融观光审美、康体疗养、休闲娱乐为一体的综合性活动,康体疗养是温泉旅游的特色所在。古代温泉旅游萌生于秦汉时期,魏晋南北朝时期有较大发展,这一时期温泉旅游者主要为帝王和皇室贵族。唐代是古代帝王温泉旅游的巅峰,宋代主要温泉旅游群体实现了由帝王、皇室贵族向文人士大夫的转变,温泉旅游已成为一种观光审美与康体疗养相结合的旅游活动。明清时期是温泉旅游的繁盛期,温泉旅游者以文人士大夫为主,并开始下移至平民百姓,温泉旅游逐渐走向大众化。温泉资源是温泉旅游开发的物质基础。中国开发利用温泉的历史悠久,可追溯至距今2500—3000年的《诗经》时代。温泉的开发利用状况与人类社会经济活动紧密相关,古代开发利用温泉的主要形式是医疗保健、工农业生产和旅游利用。古代见载于文献的温泉数量持续增长,且随时间推移呈现快速增长之势。温泉资源的空间演化具有以下规律:分布地由中原向四周扩展、分布重心东移南迁,东南多于西北;社会需求与区域发展过程是影响温泉资源时空演化的主要因素。温泉旅游景观是游人观赏的主要对象,它包括温泉景观本身和温泉景观组合。温泉景观是由泉源、泉水运动状态、颜色、温泉生物组成的自然综合体。古代温泉景区内部景观组合体现为温泉水体与山石、植被、建筑等单体景观的组合,从而呈现出一种流畅柔美、富于自然韵致的古典园林景象。一些优美的温泉景观成为地方著名景观,与其他代表性名胜形成“八景、十景、十二景”等地域名胜组景。古代温泉旅游景观及其组合对现代温泉旅游开发、温泉旅游者的游览活动具有十分重要的借鉴意义。温泉旅游地是温泉旅游活动的空间载体。古代温泉旅游地按服务对象分为皇家温泉旅游地和大众温泉旅游地两大类型,二者在旅游服务设施的规模、等级上有很大的差别。温泉旅游地的空间结构由温泉泉源与服务设施、温泉聚落和温泉旅游地环境三个圈层构成。古代温泉旅游地的开发模式基本是“政府主导型”,它的发展演化过程划分为原始阶段、初步扩张阶段、快速扩张阶段、成熟稳定阶段、衰落或复苏阶段,在空间上是一种由温泉泉源为中心,温泉旅游设施与活动由内部圈层向外部圈层扩散的过程。温泉旅游地的时空间演化反映了温泉旅游活动的空间扩散过程。古代温泉旅游地的空间演化具有以下规律:分布地由北向南扩展、分布重心南移,与区域经济发展水平之间具有明显的空间藕合关系,近城市性。温泉资源禀赋、区域经济发展总体水平以及政府行为是影响温泉旅游地时空演化的主要因素。温泉旅游者是温泉旅游活动的主体。古代温泉旅游者有帝王、文人士大夫、宗教信徒、平民百姓等四种类型,以帝王和文人士大夫为主,并经历了一个从上层群体到下层群体的下移过程。康体疗养和游览观光是温泉旅游者的主要旅游动机。受气候条件的影响,古代温泉旅游者出游集中于秋、冬季节。帝王把温泉旅游作为休闲疗养、避寒的重要方式,在温泉地逗留时间较长;文士的温泉旅游含有较多观光游览的成分,在温泉地逗留时间较短;平民百姓的温泉旅游多是与冶游、岁时节令游乐相结合。古代温泉旅游者的旅游空间范围多为中小尺度,帝王的空间行为主要表现为往返于都城与温泉地之间,文人士大夫的空间行为则是采用线型旅游模式。

【Abstract】 This article mainly researches on ancient hot spring tourism, using geography theory and method to describe and explain the development and evolution of ancient hot spring tourism and its elements, from a tempo-spatial dimension.Hot spring tourism in ancient times contains sightseeing aesthetics, health-care recuperation and recreation entertainment. Medical recuperation is the most characteristic function of hot spring tourism. Ancient hot spring tourism originated in Qin-han Dynasty and rapidly developed in Weijin and North-South Dynasty, during this period of time, the emperor and royal family were the main visitors which concentrated around the capital cities. Hot spring tourism reached the peak in Tang Dynasty and in Song Dynasty, the main visitors turned to the literati and scholar-bureaucrat, which made hot spring a synthetic action. After Ming Dynasty, hot spring became more and more popular among the nation and common.Hot spring resources are definitely the material foundation for hot spring tourism. China has a long history of using hot spring which could be found2500-3000years ago. The exploitation and utilization has a closely relationship with social development, and medical health care, agricultural and industrial production and tourism are the main ways for hot spring. With the rapid development of society, hot spring became more and more popular. The special development tendency of hot spring resources: from east to north, from central China to other places, more in east-north than west-north. The demand of society and regional development are the main factors which affect temporal-special distribution of hot spring resources.The landscapes of hot spring tourism are the objects of sightseeing for visitors which includehot spring sights and combinations Hot spring sights include source of hot spring, motion state of hot spring water, colors and biology of hot spring, etc. In ancient times, combinations hot spring sights contain hot spring itself, bonsai, plants and buildings. Hot spring also can be parts of the showplaces. There are several significant senses for us to learn from ancient people.Hot spring tourism destination is the special carrier of hot spring tourism. There are two special hot spring types, one for royal family and one for the public, which are totally different from each other on size and level. Hot spring The spatial structure of hot spring tourism destination can be divided into three rings: hot spring source and service facilities, hot spring settlements and the environments. The exploitation model for hot spring runs by government, the development processes contain original stage, primary stage, expanding stage, developing stage, declining stage and resuscitative stage. In space, it’s a process of hot spring tourism facilities and activities diffusing from inner circle layer to outer circle layer, taking hot springs as center. The tempo-spatial evolution of hot spring tourism destinations reflects the spatial diffusion of hot spring tourism activities. The characters of tempo-spatial evolution of hot spring show as: to the east and south, from north to south, closely couples with regional economy development level in space, and close to urban areas. The quality of hot spring resource, regional economy development level and government policies are the main factors that affect the temporal-special distribution of hot spring.Hot spring tourists are the main body of hot spring tourism. The emperor, the literati and scholar-bureaucrat, religionist and common people are four main types of hot spring visitors, from the upper class to the common people. Also, medical recuperation and sightseeing entertainment are main motivations of hot spring tourism. For the weather; autumn and winter are the main seasons for hot spring tourism. Health-care recuperation is the main reason for emperor and royal families that they usually stay longer than others; on the other side, entertainment is the main reason for the literati and scholar-bureaucrat which makes them stays shorter than the emperor; the hot spring tourism of the common is a combination of excursion and amusement of festival customs. Spatial area of ancient hot spring tourists was small scale, the spatial behavior of emperors presented as going to and fro capital city and hot springs, and the literati and scholar-bureaucrat was linear model.


