

Taotai of Customs in Tianjin in Later Qing Dynasty,

【作者】 谭春玲

【导师】 刘伟;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 同治九年(1860),天津教案爆发,为使天津城内各方权力重新恢复平衡状态,在曾国藩、毛昶熙和李鸿章等人筹划下,中央决定裁撤三口通商大臣,由直隶总督兼任北洋大臣,并添设津海关道一职专管中外交涉和新、钞两关税务。津海关道的设置突破了原本由天津道兼管交涉和海关事务的惯常做法,成为一个特例。天津正式形成直隶总督与津海关道共同处理对外交涉的上下两级交涉体制。自同治九年(1870)李鸿章权篆直隶总督以来,天津逐步成为中国近代外交和洋务的中心。津海关道以其折冲转圜的地位成为直隶总督兼北洋大臣办理交涉的得力臂膀。在晚清士人皆视洋务为畏途的情况下,津海关道久办交涉,形成了“诚心”、“持平”、“信诺”、“持大体”、“不卑不亢”等对外交涉风格,他们以“持平”办理的原则处理了议结中外教案、参与中外订约修约谈判、负责庚子事变之后接管天津等众多中外交涉事件,缓解了中外矛盾。同一时期,清政府也经历了从最初被迫无序办理对外交涉到中央建立外务部,确立正式外交体制的演变历程,津海关道作为中央的一次区域性尝试,见证了中国近代外交演变的全过程。津海关道与天津海关洋税务司共同管理津海关事务,是权责互补之同僚,但津海关道在管理津海关事务时占据主要地位,是津海关名副其实的主要领导者。在立足于交涉与海关事务之外,津海关道还凭借其才能,日渐被李鸿章倚为股肱助手,成为协助李鸿章创办和管理各类洋务新政事业的首席大将。同时为弥补自身只能在不平等条约体制下办理对外交涉i-难以获得社会民众普遍认可的不足,津海关道比天津其他同级官员更积极、更主动地投身到办学、城市建设和社会公益事业中,以获得自保和发展之道。相对于传统官员而言,办理对外交涉、管理海关并投身于洋务新政事业和社会公益事业的津海关道是中国最早一批尽力弥补中外隔阂,缩短中外差距的官员,是近代中国新式官僚的先驱。随着甲午战争之后李鸿章离职,津海关道逐步脱离洋务新政事业,回归本职,专管中外交涉和海关事务。1901年中央成立外务部。外务部逐步加强了对津海关道的管辖权,原本津海关道协助直隶总督兼北洋大臣办理对外交涉,起折冲转圜作用的身份定位悄然发生改变,津海关道制度也逐步丧失了直隶总督的支持与保护,但津海关道又不能不受原有格局的限制和督抚的制约,多重上级领导体制成为津海关道制度发展过程中的一大障碍,津海关道制度的内在矛盾日益显现,对它的改革也就不可避免。在晚清地方官制改革的浪潮中,外务部要求有交涉事务的省份设立交涉司专管对外交涉。1910年直隶设置交涉使一职,津海关道自此完全脱离对外交涉职能,专管海关。清末改革中津海关道职能被割裂的现实虽是近代职官专业化发展的必然趋势,但清朝末年中央与地方改革缺乏周密制度安排的现时也预示着清政府迅速终结的必然性。时隔仅两年后,清王朝灭亡,津海关道改名为海关监督,津海关道制度自此终结。

【Abstract】 In later Qing Dynasty, a lot of treaty ports had to be opened for trade with the invasion by Western imperialist powers. In order to adapt new situation, the treaty ports usually authorized Taotai to perform the duties about customs business and negotiation. The person, who was responsible to manage customs, was usually named Taotai of customs. Taotai of customs was part-time of local official instead of full-time. With the establishing of foreign tax system, Qing Dynasty adjusted the organizational structure and personnel system of Taotai. It declared new treaty ports must be set up tax department and arranged Taotai of customs. Thus, the system of Taotai of customs was formed officially.In order to cope with the shock from the building of Tianjin treaty ports, Qing Dynasty set up the minister in charge of trading business and negotiation about three ports at the tenth years of Emperor Xianfeng(1860). Because of the limit for the duty from Qing Dynasty, the minister had to face more constraints. In the ninth year of Tongzhi(1870), the case in Tianjin break out. Chonghou, the minister in charge of trading business and negotiation in Tianjin could not do anything about it and was condemned commonly by the central government and people.Tianjin was an important strategic point. The case in Tianjin shocked Qing Dynasty. As the governor of Zhili, Zengguofan and Li Hongzhang decided to recombine recombine the of Tianjin, build up new order and prevent the new conflict between Chinese and Foreign. At the arrangement of Zengguofan, Maochangxi and Li Hongzhang, the central government decided to cancel the minister in charge of trading business and negotiation and handed its power to the governor of Zhili. The governor of Zhili also served as the minister and imperial commissioner. He set up Taotai of customs to in charge of customs business and negotiation. Taotai of customs in Tianjin became a special example because the custom business and negotiation were stripped from Taotai of Tianjin and was in charge of the governor of Zhili and Taotai of customs in Tianjin. The former single system became vertical and double system.From the ninth year of Tongzhi(1870) to the Twenty-one year of Guangxu(1895), Lihongzhang had occupied in the governor of Zhili for25years. New prospects of national and international relations had been opened up in external work from Lihongzhang’s assuming office. Tianjin became the original place of industry, Post, railway, education, shipping, telegram, telephone and the center of diplomatic relations and foreign business step by step in Chinese modern history. Taotai of customs in Tianjin became right hand man of the governor of Zhili in foreign business. In the situation that a lot of officers were afraid of foreign business, Taotai of customs in Tianjin formed the style of foreign negotiations, such as deeply in earnest, remaining unchanged, keep his promise, mindful of the overall, neither haughty nor humble, and was praised by Chinese and foreigners. Taotai of customs in Tianjin also became the right-hand man of Lihongzhang in foreign business.After the Jiawu War, Lihongzhang had to leave his job. On the other hand, the task of foreign negotiations became heave and heave. After the International Protocol of1901, Taotai of customs in Tianjin went out of New Deal Modernization and became itself. In the tide of the reform of the official system of local government, every province set up officer to manage foreign negotiations. Therefore, Taotai of customs in Tianjin had to give up the duty of foreign negotiations and manage Tianjin customs specially.In general, accompanied by western invasion, Qing Dynasty experienced the course of no right to deal with foreign negotiations to set up External Affairs and systems. Taotai of customs in Tianjin is the witness of foreign policy in Chinese modern history. Compared with traditional officers, Taotai of customs in Tianjin devoted themselve to deal with foreign negotiations and the New Deal, made up and shorten the gap between Chinese and foreigners. They were the pioneer of Chinese new officers.

  • 【分类号】K252
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】175

