

Research on the "Body" of the Poems in1990s

【作者】 冯万红

【导师】 王又平;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本论文的研究对象是90年代以来诗歌中的“身体”;主要从诗歌中“身体”的内涵和形式的角度切入;探讨90年代以来,诗歌中“身体”有哪些丰富的内涵,这些内涵背后喻示的问题,以及为表达这些内涵,诗歌的形式策略。全文由“绪论”,“女性诗歌中的‘身体’”,“肉体、‘身体’:下半身诗歌中的双面伊人”,“俗世中的意义之身”和“结语”五个部分组成。各部分主要内容如下:绪论部分主要介绍了本论题的文学和学术背景,在此基础上引申出本论题的意义。自90年代以来,诗歌中有关“身体”的表述或意象显著增多并日渐引起人们关注,既有的研究多表现出两种较为普遍的倾向:或者直接从道德层面简单地将其视为文学商品化的堕落,认为诸多有关“身体”的表述是庸俗、猥琐、乃至于下流的;或者结合社会学、政治学、文化学的相关知识,将诗歌中的“身体”解读为社会政治、大众文化的形象注脚。但笔者认为考察90年代以来诗歌中“身体”的丰富内涵,这些内涵背后所喻示的问题,以及相应的形式策略,可以更好地实现诗歌本体与社会文化两方面的综合研究。这样,就给本论文提供了研究的空间和意义。本论文结合90年代以来诗歌中“身体”出现的文学和时代背景,对90年代以来,诗歌中的“身体”从内涵和形式上给予分析。分别以90年代以来女性诗歌中的“身体”,2000年“下半身”诗歌中“身体”,新世纪诗歌中的“身体”(2000年至2010年)作为研究对象,探讨这些诗歌中“身体”的内涵和表达形式。其中,尽管诗歌中“身体”的表述和意象在90年代以来显著增多,但其实早在80年代初期,女性诗歌中的“身体”早已出场,并且女性诗歌中的“身体”相比于男性诗歌中早已公共化和社会化的“身体”,更多地具有私人和生理层面的意味。故将90年代以来,女性诗歌中的“身体”作为本论文第一章,并在探讨女性诗歌中的“身体”时,回溯到80年代女性诗歌中的“身体”。而2000年出现的“下半身”诗歌中的“身体”,是90年代以来诗歌中“身体”的焦点和高潮,故将“下半身”诗歌中的“身体”单独列出,作为本文的第二章。2000年以来,还有很多诗歌中的“身体”没有引起重视和研究,因此,本文将这些诗歌中的“身体”作为最后一章,是对90年代以来诗歌中“身体”到2000年以后,在内涵与形式上变化的全面关照。笔者认为,因“下半身”诗歌中的“身体”与2000年以来其他诗歌中的“身体”在形式策略上相同,故本文对于“下半身”诗歌中“身体”的形式策略不在第二章中分析,而是放到第三章中做统一分析。同时,也对于本论文中涉及的核心概念“身体”进行了界定和说明,对本论文的研究方法给予了说明。第一章对女性诗歌中的“身体”进行解读,对于80年代初期以来女性诗歌中的“身体”按照内涵的不同给予了分类和说明。这些“身体”的不同内涵主要有以下几类:一是80年代初期,人的主体性的觉醒;二是80年代中期至90年代初期,女性意识的苏醒;三是90年代以来,对现实生活中底层人物的关心,对既有的社会现象和价值观念的反讽和嘲弄。由这些不同时代不同内涵可知,女性诗歌中“身体”内涵的改变有如下特点:由80年代以来相对统一走向了90年代以来的多个层面,并且在90年代以来,女性诗歌中“身体”关注和表现的范围都有所拓宽,即80年代以来,女性诗歌中的“身体”还是大多局限于女性自身所独有的生理活动和感受,而90年代以来,女性诗歌中的“身体”已经开始将表现人的身体器官、生理活动和感受的对象不再仅仅局限于女性,其所要表达的内涵也不再仅仅是人的主体性、女性意识的觉醒,而开始将目光投向整个社会,开始关注社会中底层人物的生活现状,嘲讽社会中的阴暗面和固有的某些价值观念,平和地抒发对于生命、感情的赞歌。这样的变化,有助于女性诗歌中“身体”在表现对象和内涵深广度上进一步拓宽和深化。但在对女性诗歌中“身体”的内涵进行解读时,笔者认为80年代“身体”内涵中人的觉醒和女性意识的苏醒两者其实是一脉相承的,即后者更多是前者的延伸。女性意识的苏醒主要包括女性在爱情中希望自身独立,在感情上与男性平等,甚至主张正视女性自身的情欲,这与源自西方的女性主义还是有一定区别:西方的女性主义最终是为了达到女性在社会上争取更多的权利这一政治目的,而女性诗歌中所表达的女性意识的苏醒,仅仅只是局限于个人感情领域。因此,女性意识的苏醒,只不过是在80年代初期人的主体性觉醒的基础上,女性进一步要求从性别层面上,在感情领域的独立和平等。与此同时,女性诗歌中“身体”的表现形式也开始发生改变,由过去局限于女性自身生理活动和感受的个人独白般的私语到采用白描、铺叙多种手法来进行表达。第二章是对2000年出现的“下半身”诗歌中的“身体”进行解读。“下半身”诗歌中的“身体”因为很多是赤裸裸的性活动、性心理的表达而遭到评论界的诟病;有些学者也会结合相应的时代背景来解读这一诗歌流派中“身体”何以只是以性活动和性心理出现的原因和文化含义。但笔者认为“下半身”诗歌中的“身体”既有纯生理意义上的肉体展示,也有社会文化维度上的“身体”表达,这种纯生理意义上的肉体展示,仅仅给予道德上的抨击和分析其文化含义是不够的。仔细去读“下半身”的一些诗歌和随后几年(甚至有些是最近几年)这一流派诗人对当初理论宣言的相关阐释,笔者认为这些肉体的展现更多地是“下半身”诗歌流派登上诗坛采取的一种策略,也是这一流派的诗人在面临社会转型和改革开放进一步深化,许多社会矛盾增多并有待解决这一现状而表现的一种态度。这背后折射出的心理,笔者将其称为“亚文化心态”,并进一步分析造成这种策略和态度的原因,以及这其中的不足之处。第三章是对2000年以来的诗歌中“身体”的内涵和形式策略进行全面分析,这些诗歌中“身体”的内涵是这个社会景象的反映,有的是表达对美好爱情和友情的眷恋、对生命和人性的思考,有的是对物质社会人情淡漠、真心不在、纯真已逝的现状给予展现,有的是对人在外界磨难中成长的表现,还有对打工一族困苦生活的展示,对汶川地震中惨状的哀鸣,对世界经济发展中,国家之间的不公平竞争和环保问题的关注。这些表达了这么多内涵的“身体”,是2000年以来诗歌中“身体”丰富内涵的有力例证,打破了谈到诗歌中的“身体”就认为是女性的身体或者是“下半身”诗歌流派中的肉体这样的定论。同时,2000年以来诗歌中“身体”的表现形式同样也是多方面的,除了有90年代以来的口语、俚语入诗,散文化叙写和白描,同样也运用了传统新诗的象征、隐喻、类比手法,这些诗歌中“身体”的展现,让我们看到2000年以来诗歌中“身体”无论是在内涵还是形式上都是多样的。结语部分认为通过以上从80年代以来女性诗歌到2000年以来诗歌中“身体”内涵和形式的分析,笔者认为,90年代以来诗歌中“身体”的出现更多地有其进步意义,并不能就简单地划归为是诗歌世俗化潮流的体现,也绝不能就认为90年代以来的诗歌放弃了社会关怀,完全是个人世界的靡靡之音。

【Abstract】 The object of this thesis is the "body" of poetry since the1990s; mainly from the perspective of the content and form of poetry in the "body"; explore poetry since the1990s, which enrich the connotation of "body", the problems of these connotations show, as well as the expression of these connotations, in the form of poetry strategy. This thesis is composed by the five sections of the introduction, female poetry’body’,’flesh,’body’: lower body poetry sided Iraqis, the significance of the earthly body and conclusion. The various parts of the thesis as following:Introduction section introduces the topic of literary and academic background, to come out of this on the basis of the significance of the topic. Poetry since the1990s, express or imagery about the "body" has significantly increased and grown cause for concern, existing studies show two common tendencies:one aspect is directly from the moral level, simply as a literary commodity of the fallen, think a lot about the presentation of the "body" is vulgar, obscene or even indecent; the other aspect combines with sociology, political science, cultural studies, the knowledge, the poetry in the "body" is interpreted as a socio-political, popular culture image of a footnote. But I believe that the rich connotation of the "body" of poetry since investigated90s, these connotations behind the metaphor of the problem, as well as the appropriate form of strategy can better poetry body and the social and cultural aspects of research. So, this give the papers to provide space and significance of the research. This paper combines poetry since the1990s, the "body" of the literary and historical background, since the1990s, the "body" of the poetry is given from the content and form. Were female poetry "body","lower body" poetry in2000since the1990s in the "body","body" in the new century poetry (2000-2010) as a research object to explore these poems "body" the content and forms of expression. Among them, the representation of the "body" of the poetry and imagery increased significantly since the1990s, but in fact, as early as in the early1980s, women’s poetry "body" has already played, and compared to the "body" of the female poetry in male poetry has long been public and social "body" means that more private and physiological level. So since the1990s, women’s poetry "body" as the first chapter of this paper, and to explore the "body" of the female poetry, going back to the "body" of the80’s female poetry."Body"2000"lower body" poetry is poetry since the1990s, the focus of the "body" and the climax, it is the "body" of the "lower body" poetry listed separately as second. Since2000, there is a lot of poetry in the "body" does not pay attention and study, therefore, these poems "body" as the final chapter is poetry since the1990s, the "body" to2000comprehensive care of the change in content and form. I believe that, since2000due to the "body" of the "lower body" Poetry and Other Poems "body" in the form of strategy, so this analysis in the form of strategy is not in the second chapter of the "body" of the "lower body" poetry, but on the third chapter in the unified analysis. Also identified and described for the "body" of the core concepts involved in this paper, to give a description of the research methods.The first chapter is the "body" of the female poetry interpretation, since the early1980s, women’s poetry "body" in accordance with the different connotation given to the classification and description. These "body" of the different connotations main categories the early1980s, and the awakening of human subjectivity; Second, the mid-1980s to the early1990s, the awakening of female consciousness; Third, since the1990s, the real-life concern in the underlying figures, irony and mockery of both social phenomena and values. Seen by the different connotations of these different era, female poetry "body" connotation change the following characteristics:relatively uniform since the1980s toward the various levels since the1990s, and since the1990s, women’s poetry "body" concern and the performance of the range has broadened since the1980s, the "body" or women’s poetry is mostly limited to the women themselves unique physiological activities and feelings since the1990s, women’s poetry "body" has begun to express the human body organs, physical activity and feelings of the object is no longer confined to women, they want to express the connotation is no longer just the human body, the awakening of female consciousness, and began to turn their attention to the community as a whole began to pay attention The underlying figures in the social life of the status quo, mocking the dark side of the society and some of the inherent values, to express the hymn of life, feelings of peace. This change helps female poetry "body" to further broaden and deepen the breadth and depth of the performance object and connotation. However, interpretation of the connotation of the "body" of the female poetry, I believe that the awakening of feminist consciousness in the1980s "body" connotation human awakening that they are consistent, and that the latter is more an extension of the former. The awakening of female consciousness including women hope in love with its own independent, emotionally and men, and even advocates face up to the desires of the women themselves, or have some differences from Western feminism:feminism in the West final in order to achieve The women in the community to fight for more rights for political purposes, and the awakening of female consciousness expressed in the female poetry just limited to the field of personal feelings. Therefore, the awakening of female consciousness, merely on the basis of the awakening in the early1980s, human subjectivity, women further request from the gender dimensions of independence and equality in the field of feelings. At the same time, the manifestations of the "body" of the female poetry also began to change the personal monologue like whispers limited to women’s own physiological activities and feelings from the past to elaborate a variety of techniques to the use of line drawing expression.The second chapter is to interpret the "body" of the "lower body" poetry in2000. Why just "lower body" poetry "body" because a lot of blatant sexual activity, sexual psychology expression has been criticized by critics; Some scholars will combine the corresponding historical background to interpret this genre of poetry "body" reasons to sexual activity and sexual psychological and cultural meaning. But I believe that the flesh show on both pure physiological significance of the "body" of the "lower body" poetry,"body" expression on the social and cultural dimensions of flesh on display in this pure physiological significance, only to give moral criticism and analysis of its cultural meaning is not enough. Carefully read some of the poetry of the "lower body" and in subsequent years (and even some recent years related to interpretation of the original theory of the Universal Declaration of) this genre poet, I believe that the flesh show more "lower body" poetry genre boarded a strategy taken by the poetry, but also the poet of this genre in the face of social transformation and reform and opening up further deepen increased, many social conflicts to be resolved this situation and performance of an attitude. Behind this is a reflection of the psychological, I referred to as "sub-culture mentality", and further analysis of the reasons for this strategy and attitude, as well as which inadequacies.The third chapter of poetry since2000, the content and form of the "body" to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the connotation of these poems in the "body" is a reflection of the social scene, some nostalgic expression of a beautiful love and friendship, of life thinking and humanity, some of the material and social human indifference, really is not the status quo given to show innocence gone, some of the people outside ordeal growth performance, as well as to show the hardships of life on the wage earners, the tragic story of the Wenchuan earthquake divorced from the concerns of unfair competition between the developing countries of the world economy and environmental issues. These expressions have so many connotations of "body", is a telling example of the rich connotation of poetry in the "body" since2000, breaking it comes to poetry in the "body" that is the woman’s body or lower body "poetry genre flesh, at the same time, since the2000performance in the form of poetry in the "body" is also a multi-faceted, in addition to spoken language since the1990s, the slang into poetry, the cultural Narrations of the same use of the traditional New Poetry symbol, metaphor, analogy practices, these poems in the "body" of the show, let us see poetry since2000, the connotation and the form of body are diverse.The conclusion thinks that women poetry since the1980s, I believe that since the1990s, the emergence of the "body" in the poetry more progressive significance, and not on the simply classified as a manifestation of poetry. Secularization trend must not think poetry since the1990s so as to abandon social care entirely personal world of decadent voice.

【关键词】 “身体”内涵形式
【Key words】 "body"connotationform
  • 【分类号】I207.25
  • 【下载频次】240

