

Research on Lenin’s Learning Thought of the Ruling Party

【作者】 顾训宝

【导师】 刘从德;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 马克思主义发展史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着时代的快速发展,学习逐渐成为一种世界潮流。为了跟上时代的步伐,我们党提出了建设马克思主义学习型政党的任务。而如何建设马克思主义学习型政党,我们党没有现成的答案,只能一方面在实践中摸索,另一方面从无产阶级政党建设的历史中汲取有益经验。列宁在领导俄国革命尤其是社会主义建设过程中,形成了系统的执政党学习思想。深入研究列宁的这一思想,就是为了给正在进行的马克思主义学习型政党建设提供有益的启示。本文采用的主要研究方法有:一是文本解读法。笔者通过认真研读列宁全集、列宁文稿、苏共决议汇编等马克思主义经典原著文本,力求客观、全面、准确地解读列宁执政党学习思想的真谛。二是分析归纳法。首先力求深入细致地分析列宁这一思想的丰富内涵,然后通过系统归纳,抽取去规律性的东西,供后人借鉴。三是逻辑与历史相统一的方法。做到历史从哪里开始,逻辑也从哪里开始。四是思想史与专题史相结合的方法。列宁执政党学习思想的形成,有着国际和国内两方面的时代背景,而且还有着深厚的理论渊源,主要是马克思恩格斯关于政党学习的相关论述。其形成过程大体经历了十月革命前的萌芽时期、国内战争时期的提出时期以及新经济政策时期的形成时期三个发展阶段。列宁这一思想的主要内容包括三个方面:一是为什么学习的问题。列宁认为这是推进国家政治建设、推动国家经济建设以及加强党的作风建设等方面的需要。二是学习什么的问题。列宁认为,主要应学习马克思主义基本理论、做经济工作的本领以及必要的科学文化知识等。三是如何学习的问题。列宁认为,在学习方法方面主要应做到理论联系实际、有系统有计划、深钻细研、独立思考以及采取批判的态度等;在推进学习的措施方面主要应充分发挥党校的主阵地作用、工会的教育作用、图书馆的资源作用以及扫盲运动的推动作用等。列宁这一思想具有以下特点:一是注重理论创新;二是注重提高教师地位;三是注重向自己的错误学习;四是注重向资产阶级专家学习。这一思想为我们建设学习型政党提供了有益的启示:一是只有不断学习,不断加强党的建设,才能永葆社会主义制度的生机与活力;二是不发达国家建设社会主义,更加需要不断学习;三是引领全党的学习,需要创新学习理念;四是保障全党的学习,需要建构科学的运行机制等。中国共产党继承了列宁的这一思想,并在领导中国革命、建设和改革的具体实践中丰富和发展了这一思想。毛泽东提出要把全党变成一个大学校;邓小平要求全党必须再重新进行一次学习;江泽民强调要创建全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会;胡锦涛主张要把建设马克思主义学习型政党作为重大而紧迫的战略任务抓紧抓好。本文的创新点主要表现在:一是视角创新,尝试从“执政党学习”这一视角对列宁的党建思想进行专题研究;二是内容创新,尝试对列宁执政党学习思想的发展历程进行阶段划分;三是方法创新,尝试采用思想史与专题史相结合的写作方法,力求既能直观展现出列宁这一思想在横向上的理论体系,又能厘清它在纵向上的演进轨迹。

【Abstract】 As the rapid development of the era, learning gradually became a world trend. In order to keep up with the pace of the times, our party put forward the task to construct the Marxist learning party. While how to build it, we have no ready-made answers. We can only try to find it out in practice on one hand; on the other hand, derive useful experiences from the history of proletariat party construction. Lenin formed the systemic learning thought of ruling party while leading Russian revolution especially socialist construction. It surely will provide helpful enlightment for the ongoing construction of Marxist learning party to study further the thought.In this article, I mainly used the following research methods. The first one is textual interpretation. I carefully studied the Marxist classical original text, such as Complete Works of Lenin, Lenin’s Manuscript, The Resolution Assembly of the Communist Party of Soviet Union, etc, to strive to interpret the essence of Lenin’s ruling party learning thought objectively, comprehensively and accurately. The second one is analysis and induction. First of all, I tried to analyze the rich connotation of the thought of Lenin’s thoroughly. Then I concluded it systematically and extracted the regularity to refer for future generations. The third one is the unification of logic and history. That is, history is where to begin, and logic is also where to begin. The fourth one is the combination of intellectual history and subject history.The formation of Lenin’s ruling party learning thought had its own international and domestic era background. And it also had profound theoretical origin,i.e., Marx and Engels’ related thought on party learning.The formative process of the thought of Lenin’s experienced three stages,that is, the gestation phase before the October Revolution, the putting forward phase in the time of Russian Civil War and the formation phase in the period of New Economic Policy. The main content of Lenin’s ruling party learning thought consisted of the following three aspects. The first one is why to learn. Lenin thought that it’s the need to promote national political and economic construction and strengthen the party’s style construction, etc. The second one is what to learn. Lenin thought that party members and cadres should learn the basic theory of Marxism, how to do economic work and necessary knowledge of science and culture, etc. The third one is how to learn. As for the learning methods, Lenin thought that when party members and cadres learnt, they should relate theory to practice, have a systematic plan, study deeply, think independently and take a critical attitude. As for the measures to promote the party’s study, Lenin thought that they should mainly play the role of main position of party school, the educational role of labour union, the role of resources of library and the improving role of anti-illiteracy campaign. According to Lenin’s related discussion about the ruling party’s learning, we find that it has the following characteristics. Firstly, it lays emphasis on theoretical innovation; secondly, it lays emphasis on improving teachers’ position; thirdly, it lays emphasis on learning from its own mistakes; fourthly, it lays emphasis on learning from bourgeois experts. It also provides the following helpful enlightment for our ongoing learning party construction. Firstly, only by constantly learning, strengthening the party’s construction, can we always retain the socialist system vitality and vigor; secondly, undeveloped countries need to keep learning more often to build socialism; thirdly, it need to innovate learning concept to lead the party’s study; fourthly, it need to construct a scientific operation mechanism to ensure the party’s study, etc. The communist party of China inherited Lenin’s thought about it, and enriched and developed the idea while leading China’s revolution, construction and reform in the concrete practice. Mao Zedong put forward to want to put the whole party into a big school. Deng Xiaoping requested that the whole party must learn again. Jiang Zemin stressed to create a learning society in which every citizen was committed to learning and pursued lifelong learning. Hu Jintao claimed that it should be regarded as an important and urgent strategic task to build Marxist learning party to pay close attention.This paper has the following innovation points. The first one is perspective innovation. I attempt to conduct a monographic study on the topic of Lenin’s party construction thought from the perspective of "ruling party learning". The second one is content innovation. I attempt to divide the development stages of Lenin’s ruling party learning thought. The third one is method innovation. I attempt to adopt the writing way of combination of intellectual history and subject history, and strive not only to intuitively show the horizonal theoretical system of the thought of Lenin’s, but also to clarify its vertical evolution history.


