

A Study on the Marked Complex Sentences of Yiyang Dialect in Hunan

【作者】 彭小球

【导师】 储泽祥;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以益阳方言有标复句为研究对象,主要采用传统的描写法,运用“联系项居中原则”等理论,按照邢福义先生(2001)复句三分体系,在田野调查的基础上,对益阳方言有标复句关联标记的类别与作用、益阳方言有标复句采用的关联标记模式、关联标记所处的位置及居中程度差别、跨类关联标记的使用情况、关联标记的个性特征等方面进行了详细地考察,对益阳方言各类有标复句进行了全面系统地描写,总结出一系列关于益阳方言有标复句的使用规律。在描写的基础上,运用比较法,对益阳方言有标复句关联标记与普通话有标复句关联标记进行比较,得出益阳方言有标复句不同于普通话有标复句的个性特征。全文共分为七个部分,现将主要内容介绍如下:第一章由两大部分组成,第一部分主要介绍益阳的人文地理情况和益阳方言的音系;第二部分主要介绍复句的研究现状、本文的选题意义和研究方法、文章的语料来源、全文的符号和图表说明等内容。第二章是对益阳方言的复句全貌进行总的概述。首先介绍益阳方言复句的构成及类别,然后明确关联标记的判定标准,验证了语气词也属于益阳方言复句关联标记的特殊规律,接着从关联标记的性质和关联标记是否可以跨类两个角度对益阳方言复句关联标记进行分类,最后从句法和语义两个方面对益阳方言各类复句关联标记的作用进行了具体详细地考察。第三章考察益阳方言复句关联标记模式及其特征。首先介绍汉语共同语复句关联标记一般采用的三种关联标记模式类型——居端依赖式、居中粘结式和前后配套式,并对每一类模式的关联标记位置进行限定,然后具体考察益阳方言各类复句所采用的关联标记模式,并对其所具有的特征进行总结归纳,发现益阳方言复句中不是每一类复句都有居端依赖式和前后配套式关联标记模式,但每一类复句一定有居中粘结式关联标记模式。还得出了一条总的规律:益阳方言复句采用的关联标记模式齐全,以前后配套式和居中粘结式关联标记模式为主,居中倾向明显,关联标记以前置为主。第四章是对益阳方言复句关联标记位置及居中程度的考察。首先明确“判定复句关联标记居中程度通常依靠位置和停顿”的标准,然后指出,益阳方言复句关联标记居中程度的判定主要依靠位置,而位置的考察主要看前后分句主语是否一致和语序是否能变换两个方面。依靠这两个方面对益阳方言各类复句关联标记位置进行考察,最后根据具体位置对每类复句关联标记居中情况进行比较,考察出每类复句关联标记居中程度差别序列,并得出如下规律:推断句和假转句关联标记居中程度不受前后分句主语是否一致和语序变换的影响,连贯句、选择句和转折句关联标记居中程度受前后分句主语是否一致的影响,但不受语序变换的影响,其它复句关联标记居中程度或多或少都会同时受到语序变换和前后分句主语是否一致的影响。第五章主要考察益阳方言复句跨类关联标记。首先是对复句跨类关联标记进行定义,然后对益阳方言复句跨类关联标记的具体跨类使用情况进行描写,分析每个跨类关联标记所形成的复句在形式和语义上的差别,接着考察益阳方言复句跨类关联标记的使用特征——有的只能单独使用,有的只能与别的关联标记搭配使用,有的既可以单用,也可以与别的关联标记搭配使用。最后指出,跨类关联标记本身表达语义的不确定性和语言的经济原则是跨类关联标记形成的主要原因。第六章是通过与普通话复句关联标记的比较,对益阳方言复句关联标记的个性特征进行全面系统地考察。发现益阳方言复句关联标记在数量上、形式上、性质上、位置上、所采用的关联标记模式上、扩展能力和套用能力上、是否能采用“听p,都q”特殊复句格式等方面都有不同于普通话复句关联标记的个性特征。第七章主要是对全文内容进行总结,并指出文章存在的局限,并对今后的研究作出规划。

【Abstract】 This dissertation centers on the marked complex sentences of Yiyang Dialect.It mainly uses the traditional method of description.lt also uses the relator principle. In accordance with the complex sentence system of Xing Fuyi(2001) and on the basis of fieldwork,it investigates the sorts and the functions of the conjunctions of Yiyang Dialect Complex Sentences (YDCS),its conjunction distributional patterns,the positions and the differences of middle degree of the conjunctions,the use of the cross-category conjunctions and the personality traits of the conjunctions.It gives a comprehensive and systematic description of the various types of the marked complex sentences of Yiyang Dialect and summarizes a series of laws of the use of them.Based on the description and using the comparative way, it compares the conjunctions of Yiyang Dialect with the conjunctions of Mandarin and obtains the differences of its personality traits.The thesis is divided into seven chapters,and the main content of each chapter is as following:Chapter I consists of two parts.The first part introduces the geography, the humanities and the phonology of Yiyang Dialect.The second part presents the current situation of complex sentence research, the significance of the topic,the methods of the study,the sources of the thesis corpus,all the symbols and diagrams descriptions of the dissertation.Chapter II is a general overview of YDCS.Firstly it introduces its composition and sorts. Then it clears the judgment standards of the conjunctions and verifies that modal particles in Yiyang Dialect also belong to the conjunctions in YDCS.After that it classifies the conjunctions of YDCS according to the two perspectives of its nature and cross-category possibility.Finally the functions of the conjunctions of YDCS are studied specifically and in details from the syntactic and semantic aspects.Chapter III studies the conjunction distributional patterns and its characteristics of YDCS.In the first place,it introduces the three types of the conjunction distributional patterns of Mandarin:with the conjunctions at the end position,in the middle and in both positions simultaneously and defines the conjunction positions of each pattern.Then it investigates specifically the types of the conjunction distributional patterns that YDCS uses and summarizes its characteristics.It shows that not every type of YDCS has the pattern with the conjunction at the end position or in both the end and middle positions but must have the pattern with the conjunction in the middle position.A general rule is also obtained:YDCS uses the complete conjunction distributional patterns and the patterns with the conjunction in the middle and in both the end and middle position are mainly used.The tendency with the conjunctions in the middle is distinct.The conjunctions are mainly in the front of the clause that they exist. Chapter Ⅳ discusses the positions and middle degree of the conjunctions of YDCS.First of all,it clears the standards that determine the middle degree of complex sentence conjunctions normally relying on the position and the pause,and points out that the determination of the middle degree of the conjunctions of YDCS mainly relys on the position.The inspection of the position mainly depends on the consistency of the subjects in the clauses before and after and the possibility of word order transformation.According to the two aspects it studies the positions of the conjunctions of YDCS.At last it explores the different sequences of the middle degree of the conjunctions by comparison in terms with the specific positions and obtains the following rules:The inferred complex sentence and the false turn complex sentence are not affected by the consistency of the subjects in the clauses before and after and the possibility of word order transformation.The coherent complex sentence,the optional complex sentence and the transition complex sentence are affected by the consistency of the subjects in the clauses before and after but not affected by the possibility of word order transformation.Other complex sentences are more or less affected by the consistency of the subjects in the clauses before and after and the possibility of word order transformation.Chapter V mainly researches the cross-category conjunctions of YDCS.At first it gives the definition of the cross-category conjunctions,then describes the specific uses of the cross-category conjunctions of YDCS and analyzes the differences of the complex sentence on forms and semantics that the cross-category conjunctions have formed. Later on,the characteristics of their uses are studied.Some of the conjunctions can only be used alone,some of them must be used with other conjunctions, and others can be used both alone or with the other.Finally it indicates that the semantic uncertainty that the cross-category conjunctions express in itself and the economic principle of the language are the main reasons for the formation of the the cross-category conjunctions.Chapter VI is a comprehensive and systematic study of the personality features of the conjunctions of YDCS by comparing with the conjunctions of Mandarin complex sentence.It is found that the conjunctions of Yiyang Dialect have personality features on the aspects of the number, form, nature, position, the conjunction distributional patterns used, the expansion capability, the capability of encasing the other conjunctions and the possibility of using the format of "ting p dou q".Chapter Ⅶ concludes the paper, points out its limitation and gives the plan of the follow-up research.

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