

Study on the Theory of DEA-Based Resource Allocation and Its Application

【作者】 董晨景

【导师】 梁樑;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 效率的评价方法有参数和非参数之分。参数的方法(计量经济学模型)需要在评价前确定生产函数的形式;数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis,简称DEA)无需假设生产函数的具体形式,而通过生产可能集来刻画出生产技术。通常情况下,计量经济学的方法是估计生产技术的平均水平,而DEA方法刻画的是一种“极端”的关系。两种方法各有利弊,在效率评价理论和应用中都不可缺少。目前,DEA应用的领域在不断地扩大。从传统的广泛应用于历史的运营结果的评价用途(事后评价),如研究多家医院或学校之间的相对有效性,强调DEA的诊断功能,扩展应用于计划功能(事前评价),例如计划与目标设定,强调预测功能。本论文的主要研究DEA方法在资源分配上的应用,从而发展其事前评价的功能。本论文共分六章,主要内容如下:第一章对效率评价的基本概念进行阐述,然后总结数据包络分析的相关理论的研究现状。最后结合DEA方法中资源分配和目标设定中的研究现状,提出本文的研究意义和论文的结构。第二章针对一类并联生产系统的生产可能集,在规模收益可变假设下无法由其内部各子生产单元的生产可能集凸包直接刻画出来的问题,系统地研究了并联生产系统在规模收益可变情况下的效率评价方法、性质以及资源配置含义。提出了并联系统中两类不同的技术效率:DMU内部技术效率及DMU技术效率,并以两者之比来反映DMU内部的资源配置状况。最后,以一个仿真实验来进一步分析所构建模型的特性。第三章研究并联生产系统的FDH模型及其性质,并将提出的模型应用到传统的分配问题中。提出的方法首先拓展了DEA方法的理论和应用范围;其次,扩大了传统分配问题的内涵,即从传统的单一成本或利润指标扩展到多投入多产出的情形;最后,探讨在分配工作任务的同时考虑资源约束下的产出目标制订问题。第四章提出多目标规划模型来辅助决策者进行资源分配和目标设定工作。提出了五个准则:效率性、效果性、公平性和最小变动特性准则,并将其引入到模型中来产生资源分配和目标设定的方案。因本章的模型是基于网络DEA理论,这使得模型能够同时处理组织中单元之间,以及单元内部各子单元间的资源最优配置问题。另外,提出的模型使得决策者可以在统一的框架下分析效果、效率、公平和分配成本之间替代关系。最后,使用虚拟的10个集中决策管理的银行数据演示提出的方法。第五章针对存在并联的子决策单元的系统,建立了DEA效率评价模型。提出的DEA模型考虑了保证域和资源配置的优化约束问题,既保证了模型解的合理性,又可以向决策者提供每个系统内部子单元的资源分配信息。最后,通过对最近一届冬夏奥运会参赛国综合效率评价和资源配置的应用分析,说明了新模型的可行性和优越性。第六章总结和展望。对本文的主要研究内容进行总结,指出研究存在的不足之处和进一步研究的方向。

【Abstract】 Efficiency evaluation methodology can be classified as parametric and nonparametric. The parametric methods require explicit specification of production function before evaluation, while the DEA (Data envelopment analysis), as nonparametric method, doesn’t need any a priori information such as production function. It takes advantage of production possibility set. In general, the econometric models estimate the mean efficiency, while the DEA characterize the extremal relation. Therefore, both mothods deserve merits, and are important in the application and theory of efficiency evaluation.At present, the application field of DEA grows larger and larger. It has been extended from the traditional fuction as an ex post evaluation of the past performance to ex ante function as a planning tool. The former function is diagnostical, and the latter function is predictive. In the current thesis, DEA is studied from the perspective of ex ante function aiming at extending its predictive ability. In particular, it mainly studies the application of DEA for resource allocation purpose.The thesis consists of six chapters, the topics of which are illustrated as follows:Chapter1firstly reviews the basics in the field of efficiency evaluation. Then, it summarizes the main topics under research to date in the DEA literatue. In the end, associated with the application of DEA to the resource allocation and target setting topic, the significance of the thesis is highlighted. The chapter concludes with the structure of the thesis.Chapter2studies FDH model for parallel production system, and the related properties. The proposed model is then applied to the research of traditional assignment problem in operational research by modeling it as a parallel production system. In doing so, this paper firstly extends the DEA methodologies both in theory and application; secondly, the paper broadens the application of the traditional assignment problem in operational research, i.e., this paper extends the traditional assignment problem to cases with multiple inputs and outputs from a single criterion such as cost or profit. Finally, the proposed model is able to aid decision makers in assigning jobs with resource constraints together with target setting.Chapter3aims at the problem with a particular parallel production system that the variable returns to scale production possibility set (PPS) of decision maki" (DMUs) can not be directly characterized by the convex hull of PPS’s of Sub-DMUs (SDMUs). This chapter studies the efficiency assessment models, the relevant properties, and its resource configuration implication for parallel production system. Then it proposes two different definitions of technical efficiencies:the first is termed as DMU internal technical efficiency and the other is DMU technical efficiency. The ratio of the two indicators is used to reflect the performance of the internal resource allocation of DMU. Finally, a simulation experiment is used to study the proposed models deeply.Chapter4presents a multi-objective programming to aid the decision makers in resource allocation and targets setting. Five criteria, namely feasibility criterion, effectiveness criterion, efficiency criterion, equality criterion, and minimal variation criterion are proposed and incorporated into the formation of resource allocation and target setting scheme. The proposed approach is based on network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA). Hence it can be used to generate the optimal distribution of resources among the internal components of each DMU. In this way, it enables decision makers to link the resource allocation and target setting scheme at a DMU level to that at an organization level. In addition, the proposed methodology offers decision makers an approach to exploring the tradeoffs among effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and allocation cost in a consistent way. Finally, simulated data of10banks under the administration of a centralized office are used to illustrate the approach.Chapter5proposes a new DEA model to study efficiency of parallel system. In addition, it takes into account the AR restrictions and resource allocation of the parallel system. Not only can this method obtain reasonable solutions to the proposed DEA model, but also provide the managers with inner-information relative to resource allocation among the sub-systems within each DMU, and this really aids them in allocating resources efficiently in the real producing processes. Finally, to illustrate the advantages of the new DEA model, the paper presented an example of application to all countries that had participated in the last Summer and Winter Olympic Games.Chapter6summarizes all the work of this thesis and presents some useful directions for future researches.


