

【作者】 雷大海

【导师】 潘公凯; 陈刚;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 设计艺术学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 今天,“在城市中生活”已经成为了世界上超过一半人口的选择。从乡村到城市,这一转变被称之为“城市化过程”。这个过程中既有可见的物质世界的“城市化”,也有精神世界的“城市化”。本文所主要关注的,即是这种精神世界的“城市化”所表现出来的一个特点,这一特点被归纳为:相较于“定居”为主的农耕社会,当代城市与当代城市人都表现出更多更强烈的“暂居性”特质,这一特质已然成为当代城市的性格。而我们如果要充分理解城市的历史、现在以及未来,就必须要对当代城市的这种“暂居性”叠加与累积过程加以充分的观察与分析。笔者认为,未来的城市发展将立足于这种当代城市特有的“暂居性”累积,但我们需要减少这种累积过程中消极的一面,并着力发展其积极的一面。只有这样,才能为城市未来的发展提供更多富于建设性的可能。另外,笔者也注意到,中国当代城市中“暂居性”累积的过程广泛而强烈,且有自身的独特之处。对于这些特点,我们不应视之为某种现实的包袱,而应思考其可为未来城市发展提供哪些积极的思路。有鉴于此,笔者立足于中国当代城市社会之现状,提出了构建一种“暂居城市”模式的可能。这一模式不仅涉及具体的城市规划及空间层面,它还更多的体现为一种关于未来城市社会关系的综合性考量。“暂居城市”在这里,意味着城市发展历程与个人人生历程的协调同步,并以积极“暂居性”叠加累积的过程作为两者不断向前发展的根本驱动力。“暂居城市”即意味着一种强调社会协调性的城市观察角度。

【Abstract】 Today, urban life has become the default choice of more than half of thehumanity. Urbanization, a journey from the countryside to cities, takes place on bothmaterial and spiritual fronts.In this thesis, the author aims to study urbanization process in human mentality.The author detects a much stronger In-transit Mentality in urban environment relativeto the countryside which is characterized by a more stable Resident Mentality. Tobetter decipher the evolution of cities, the author decides to look in the attributes ofcities defined by their In-transit Nature.The author holds that the unique accumulation of In-transit experience makesthe building blocks of future cities. The experience can be both positive and negative.By upholding the positive accumulation of the In-transit experience and holding downthe negative ones, the cities will embrace more constructive development.Moreover, the author takes note of the extensive and intensive incidents of theaccumulation of In-transit experience in the urbanization process of today’s China.Such accumulation carries unique features which offers insights in directing the pathfor the development of future cities and should not be regarded as counterproductive.Based on the findings, the author tries to explore the feasibility of developing a modelof urbanization to be called the “In-transit Cities” in line with the overarching themeof the social-economic dynamics of contemporary Chinese cities. The model not onlytouches on the specifics of urban and space planning, but also take into considerationthe dynamics of social-economic relations in future cities. The “In-transit Cities”model aims to synchronize the development of both the urban environment andindividual lives by employing the positive accumulation of the “In-transit” experienceas the driving force. Consequently, the “In-transit” city is a Sociable city in its truemeaning.

  • 【分类号】C912.81
  • 【下载频次】219

