

Based on the Information Demands of the Body Language Design Research

【作者】 袁丹

【导师】 周至禹;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 视觉传达, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文以图像研究为基本线索,分析以信息诉求为目的的身体图示的表述特征、语言传达方式,以及身体图示背后的生物、社会、文化、心理是如何影响身体语言表达方式的。本文主体共分为四个部分:第一部分,从身体的局部图示入手,按照设计中的实际案例作以类型上的分类。首先,以兼具生物功能与精神象征性的手部为例,分析其信息转述、形态象征与情感表达的方式。然后,以感官聚集的头部为例,分析五官的指意和象征,面部偏爱与吸引,重点梳理头部毛发作为个性标出方面的时代流变。此部分主要就身体语言在设计中浮现出来的外层现象问题作图像研究;第二部分,以整体的身体为着眼点,着重探讨图像背后的身份问题。设计中的身体图示因为具有明确的信息诉求之特性,所以在受众定位明确的前提下,通常使劲浑身解数彰显职业、阶层、种族与文化身份,以争取受众的认同。因此在大量的设计案例中出现了借用身份身体与对经典符号动作戏仿的情景,角色扮演、明星效应、都是建立在身份身体的能指基础上进行的设计语艺策略。此部分主要研究身体语言背后的文化认知与设计中的身份身体符号化生成,以及借用身体的象征进行设计说服的语艺策略问题。第三部分,就身体的性别身份部分作进一步的分析,从自然主义的性态化图示,到社会建构下的性别概念,身体与性别消费、与观看心理之间存在相互影响促进强化的关系。在男性霸权的话语权下,进一步探讨身体图像的流变,女性运动和男性运动,对当时的设计产生了一定的影响。最后,随着多元文化与审美趋向的出现,其性别的呈现也存在模糊性与倒错性的一面,由此引发了关于禁忌与尺度的纷争。此部分主要分析这些复杂的设计中的性别身体图像背后的观看心理与社会思潮问题。第四部分,从身体的物质性与生物性中抽离,此部分以暴露的身体为展开切口,讨论身体观念如何逐步解禁,进一步以打开的双腿为例,论证身体“打开”与“观念”之间的关系。之后,着重分析在现代精神中,对于“美好的身体”的去伪观念是如何在公益宣传的设计图示中强化展示的,又是如何在以商业为诉求的设计中柔化、缓和的。最后,就藏匿身体的图示案例分析现代人的精神彷徨与自我消解现象;就网络虚拟人物的产生分析受众消费心理的变化。此部分主要探讨身体背后的价值与判断——即身体观念中的伦理、道德规范与审美流变问题。

【Abstract】 My dissertation focuses on image analysis emphasizing how information is communicated through graphic design expression characteristics. One important characteristic, body language evolves from our biological, psychological, social and cultural influences.My paper is divided into four sections:The first section begins with the hands, a local part of the body. The hands have both mechanical function and symbolic meaning. Next focus is facial expressions, from which many emotions can be communicated. The features from the face maybe used to express many different ideas and meanings. Finally, examine how body language expression is based on universal human forms absent of any cultural or emotional influence.In the second section, image design factors are studied showing how the target audience perceives the picture’s body language. An advertisement uses signals guiding the target audience’s decision whether if a product is interesting. Then, the identity behind the body language is described. A person’s identity is used in design strategy to convey a clearer message. An advertisement can use a celebrity’s status to bring more prestige to a product. Also, cultural influence is examined in how it affects body language.The third section describes the gender identity when a person is born. Then, how society can evolve and influence the gender identity through parents upbringing or personal relationships. Examine the relationship that advertising uses to affect gender attraction and influence gender consumption. Through a male dominant society, study how the feminist movement interacts and ultimately affects design communication. Finally, considering multicultural and aesthetic trends, gender roles in advertising create controversy while pushing the limits as to what is socially acceptable. Analyze how trends and attitudes from each decade affect gender body image and perception.The fourth section discusses how a woman’s physical and biological image evolves through how she stands. Through time, images became more acceptable with the increasing distance between her stance. This part describes the relationship between the body ’concept’ of the ad and how the women’s ’open’ body image is presented. Most importantly analyze how in the modern sense, there are two distinct paths…in ads depicting the good samaritan, a beautiful body is transformed into reality versus ads for commercial consumption, reality is transformed into a perfect body form. Finally, examine how people use illustration to hide into their image that produces spiritual confusion. Also, how computer virtual characters influence a person’s psychology. This part mainly discusses the value and judgement of both the body and conscious, especially in the concept of ethics, morality and aesthetic issues.


