

【作者】 关健

【导师】 薛永年; 陈平;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文以明代吴门画派纪游图作为研究对象,通过对具体纪游作品绘制过程和创作形式的探析,并结合当时吴中地区文人之间的交游往来,社会风尚的转变以及纪游文学的发展,来探讨这一时期吴门画派画家创作纪游图的原因、纪游图的受众及其在社会中的功用。在第一章中,从纪游图的发展引出吴门画派纪游图的兴盛,并集中讨论吴门画派各个时期纪游图创作的特征、形式与变化。第二章着重从“传统与现象”、“以文纪游”与“以图存形”等方面分析吴门画派纪游图与纪游文学相结合的关系。第三章则主要从社会旅游风尚的兴起,旅游风尚对文人生活产生的影响,纪游图对名胜图的影响等角度,讨论吴门画派纪游图与明代中后期的旅游风尚的关系。第四章主要讨论吴门画派纪游图的社会功能,其中包括为友朋纪念、受雇与委托而作、带有导览功能的纪游图,以及吴门画派纪游图对于后世的影响等。纪游图的创作在吴门画派画家笔下达到了一个高峰,这不仅是因为当时画家的主观选择,更是由于这一时期社会政治、经济、文化与社会风尚以及吴中地区文人社交网络的形成等多方面因素共同影响下而产生的结果。

【Abstract】 This thesis is concerned with the travel landscapes of Wu School in theMing dynasty and considers the connection between scholars of Central Wudistrict, the change of social custom and the development of the travelliterature to discuss the contemporary reasons that artists of Wu Schoolpaint the travel landscapes, their audiences and their impacts on thesociety. Via exploring the painting procedure and forms of specific travelworks, we further reveal the essential effects of the travel landscapeson the contemporary social networks of scholars and their capabilitiesto meet various demands of the society.Chapter1starts with the development and venation of travel landscapesof Wu School. We also focus on the forms, visages and changes of theirpainting techniques. Chapter2includes two parts,“a tradition and aphenomenon” and “painting for shaping,writing for recording”. In thischapter we comprehensively discuss the combinations of travel landscapesand literatures of Wu School in Chapter. In Chapter3, we look into theinfluences of travel customs in Ming dynasty on the creation of travellandscapes of Wu School, which include the rise of tour fashion, whichhas obvious influence on the daily life of literati and theinterrelationships of travel landscapes and sights landscapes, as wellas their functions. In Chapter4, we mainly discuss the frequentapplications of travel landscapes in the social networking.Parts oftravel landscapes are recordings for travel experience with friends,while sometimes they also employed to make record for other people,serving as guidance. And the affluence of Wu’s travel landscapes are alsoanalyzed in this chapter.The creation of travel landscapes reaches the peak during the WuSchool’s age. That is not only due to the subjective choices made by theartists, but to the influences of the social politics, economicdevelopment, social culture and customs, as well as other reasons likethe formation of social networks of scholars in the Central Wu district.

  • 【分类号】J205
  • 【下载频次】405

