

Research on the Performance of Property Insurance Lines in China

【作者】 曹云波

【导师】 邢天才;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 保险学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 近30年来,我国产险业保持着高速的增长,险种结构发生重大变化,但依然出现持续亏损现象,作为第一大业务的车险赔付率过高,企财险所占比重不断下滑,其他险种业务长期举步维艰。鉴于此,我国保监会在《中国保险业发展“十一五”规划纲要》中提出“优化产品结构,拓宽服务领域,形成新的业务增长点”的基本方针,在《中国保险业发展“十二五”规划纲要》中进一步指出“坚持把推进结构优化升级作为加快转变保险业发展方式的重要着力点”,“财产保险要优化车险业务,积极开拓非车险业务,……”但产险业结构调整的发展策略尚需进一步落实。因此,总结“十一五”规划期间产险业的“结构调整”成效,能够为“十二五”期间“结构优化升级”目标的实现提供方向。本文正是基于这一背景取得的研究成果。在“十一五”规划期间,大连市保险业圆满完成预定的发展目标。保监会的结构调整政策成效显著,产险公司首次实现盈利。2011年,大连市保监局提出,在“十二五”规划期间,各财产保险公司应当大力推动弱势险种的发展,改善产品的创新和承保机制,大力发展与消费相关的保险业务,支持保险资金投向城市基础建设;在“振兴东北老工业基地”、“辽宁沿海经济带发展规划”的国家级战略和大连市“三个中心”建设的政策思想下,推动保险业拓宽服务领域,注重保护被保险人的利益。本文以大连产险业为例进行产险业绩效的实证研究。2006年以来,大连产险业经过“增强发展能力——优化发展质量——结构调整——提高效益”等几个阶段,在服务地方经济社会的同时,实现了自身又好又快的发展。本文利用定量研究方法,分析产险业绩效,找出影响绩效的主要因素,明确改进绩效的方向,对于我国保险业落实“转方式、调结构、防风险、促发展”具有重要意义。本研究利用数据包络分析方法的非自由处理变量模型,对产险业的绩效进行分析;用“变异系数”这一指标衡量绩效的在各年之间的平稳性和在各公司之间的均衡性;通过定义“绩效指标影响度”这一指标,来考察各个指标对于绩效的影响程度。通过研究,本文得出以下结论:1.关于险种视角的研究结论(1)保监会发布的关于“结构调整”和“结构优化升级”的政策具有一定成效,在一定程度上改变了车辆险独领风骚的局面,但距离这项发展策略的理想目标尚有一段路要走。(2)赔款支出是大多数险种绩效的最大影响因素,承保数量是大多数险种绩效的最小影响因素,降低赔款支出、追求承保质量而非数量应当是大多数财险公司的经营准则。(3)车辆险在各个公司和各个年度的平稳性与均衡性均为最高,反映了该险种较其他险种而言具有较高的成熟度,以及各公司对该险种的普遍重视和依赖。2.关于公司视角的研究结论除人保和华安外,各公司经营业绩最好的险种均为车辆险,船舶险是人保公司和华安保险公司经营业绩最好且相对最稳定的险种。中华和阳光的货运险是经营状况相对最差的险种;人保和都邦的财产险经营业绩和6年平稳性相对最差;有5家公司(安邦、大地、华安、天安、太保)人身险的经营状况不理想;3家公司(华泰、平保和太平)船舶险的经营状况波动性较大且业绩较差。整体而言,车辆险是各公司中的第一大险种,由于各公司经营能力和经营重点不同,其他4个险种的经营状况在各公司呈现不一致状态。从整体上看,赔款支出是大连各产险公司绩效的主要影响因素。最后,在所得结论的基础上,本文有针对性地提出提高绩效、改善险种结构的相关建议如下:各产险公司应明确各险种绩效波动的主要原因,强化风险管理;监管部门应倡导各产险公司在持续保持优势险种发展的同时,注重新险种的开发和弱势险种的绩效提高,监管部门应敦促各产险公司明确指标的改进方向,从而实现产险业的均衡发展,推动产险业整体绩效的提升。

【Abstract】 In the past30years, the domestic property insurance industry maintained a rapid growth, and there are many significant changes in the property insurance structure, but continued financial loss phenomenon is still a problem, vehicle insurance loss ratio is too high for the largest business, at the same time corporation property insurance proportion is declining, other insurance business are also encounter many kinds of difficulties in the long run. In view of so much problem as stated above, China Insurance Regulatory Commission draw up<The development of China’s insurance industry Eleventh Five-Year Plan>. In the plan, China Insurance Regulatory Commission put forward the basic principle in the development of China’s insurance industry--optimize product structure, expand service areas, cultivate new business growth point. In the twelfth Five-Year Plan further pointed out that "adhere to promote the structural optimization and upgrading as an important focal point to accelerate the transformation of the mode of development of the insurance industry","property insurance industry should optimize the vehicle insurance business, and actively explore other insurance business,...". The development strategy of property insurance industry structure adjusting need to be further implemented. Therefore we can concluded the effectiveness of the" structural adjustment "of the property insurance industry in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period, and specify direction for "structural optimization upgrade" goals in Twelfth Five-Year Plan period. This article is based on this background.In the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, the insurance industry in Dalian successfully completed predetermined development goals. CIRC structural adjustment policies received remarkable results, and the property insurance companies achieve profitability for the first time. In2011, in the " Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period, Dalian Insurance Regulatory Commission proposed the property insurance companies should vigorously promote the development of vulnerable insurance, improve product innovation and underwriting mechanism, vigorously develop consumer-related insurance business and support the insurance funds to invest in urban infrastructure construction; Under the guides of the revitalization of old industrial bases in northeast China","Liaoning coastal economic zone development plan" of the national strategy and the construction of Dalian City "three centers policy" ideas, promote the insurance industry and expand the scope, focus on protecting the insured person’s interests. In this paper, the author take Dalian property insurance industry as an example, study the property insurance industry performance and carry out empirical studies. Since2006, property insurance industry in Dalian went through several stages "enhance the development capacity-optimize the quality of development-structural adjustment efficiency approve", provided service for local economic and social at the same time, achieved its own sound and rapid development. In this paper, the author using quantitative research methods to analyze the performance of property insurance industry, to identify the main factors affecting the performance,and further put forward a clear direction to improve performance. All these efforts are of great significance for China’s insurance industry to implement the policy" transfering mode, adjusting the structure, preventing risk, and promoting development".In this paper, the author uses Discretionary Variable Model1which is one method of the data envelopment analysis method to analyze the performance of property insurance industry; and used "coefficient of variation" indicators to measure performance in each year between the smooth and balance between companies; defined "Influence Degree of Performance Index" to examine the impact of various performance indicators.Through research, author draw the following conclusions:1. Conclusions of the study on the insurance perspective(1) Insurance Regulatory Commission issued the "tructural adjustment" and "structural optimization and upgrading" policies achieved some success, partly changed the vehicle insurance dominate the situation, but the ideal goal of the development strategy is still a long way to go.(2) Claim expenses is the biggest influence factors of most insurance business performance, the number of policy is the least influence factors of most insurance business performance.Reduce claims expenses, pursue of underwriting quality rather than quantity should be the guidelines for the operation of most property insurance company.(3) Vehicle insurance in each company and each year is the most stable and balance business, reflecting the vehicle insurance has a higher maturity than other types of insurance, as well as the insurance universal attention and dependence.2. Conclusions of the study on the corporation perspectiveIn addition to the PICC and Hua An, the best performance of insurance business of all other companies are vehicle insurance, marine insurance is the best and most stable insurance business of PICC and Hua An Insurance Company. As for the Freight Transport Insurance business, China united property insurance company and Sunshine insurance company are relatively worse in operating conditions than other companies; the6-year-stability and operating results of PICC and Du-Bang property insurance are relatively worse than other companies; there are5companies which life insurance business operating conditions are not ideal; and there are high volatility and poor performance of3companies in the operating conditions of the marine insurance.Overall, vehicle insurance is the largest insurance companies, because each company’s operating capacity and operating priorities are different, the operating conditions of the other four types of insurance companies presents an inconsistent state. On the whole, the claim expenses is one of the main factors affecting the performance of the insurance companies in Dalian.Finally, on the basis of the conclusions, this paper puts forward to improve performance and the relevant recommendations to improve the insurance structure as follows:all property insurance companies should be clearly realize the main reason for the fluctuation of the performance of various types of insurance business, and then strengthen risk management; the regulatory authorities should propose that all property insurance companies should sustain the development of advantageous insurance business and at the same time focus on the development of new types of insurance and improvement vulnerable types of insurance performance, regulatory authorities should be urged to insurance companies a clear indicator of the direction of improvement, in order to achieve the balanced development of the property insurance industry, to promote the improvement of property insurance industry.


