

Study on Capital Efficiency of China Rural Poverty Alleviation

【作者】 范永忠

【导师】 曾福生;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 中国农村贫困治理自新中国成立以来一直受到高度的重视,也一直在探索中寻求最有效的解决途径,自高层到低层的各级政府和社会力量都在致力于这项工作,该问题的解决对我国“三农”问题的解决、经济持续的健康发展、社会的和谐稳定以及实现高层次的小康生活水平目标具有重大而深远的意义;同时中国农村贫困问题的解决也是对国际社会的重大贡献,经过几十年的积极探索,我国已成功解决的几亿人的基本生活贫困问题,其成功的经验也引起国际社会的高度关注及其他国家的借鉴。把2000年-2010年间我国农村扶贫资金效率作为具体研究的对象,借鉴管理和经济学理论分析的方法,系统分析了我国农村贫困的发展历程及现实状况,在此基础上,对我国农村主要扶贫模式与效率、资金的组织管理和使用及其效率作了分析,针对研究中发现的一些影响资金效率的问题提出了系统性的对策建议。首先,对贫困的基础性理论贫困的涵义、贫困线的界定,效率基本理论的阐述,经济学中关于贫困以及反贫困的理论做了分析。其次,通过对我国农村扶贫发展历程的回顾,分析了每个阶段农村贫困具体的历史背景、贫困状况、扶贫战略与主要措施及取得的成果,对当前我国农村贫困的现状、贫困导致的主要原因以及农村贫困治理存在的主要难点问题进行了系统的梳理分析,有利于农村贫困治理的有针对性和高效性。第三,为了促进农村贫困地区脱贫致富,应该针对当地贫困的状况和致贫的主要因素,有选择性的确定扶贫模式,脱离了相适应的环境和条件,扶贫模式发挥的功效不会理想。研究农村扶贫主要模式,揭示其利弊,探索其适合的环境条件,分析在实践中产生的功效,对农村扶贫工作开展具有相当主要的借鉴作用。第四,通过对我国农村扶贫资金运作管理方式研究,运用委托-代理理论、博弈论对农村扶贫资金过程管理中的问题进行了深入的分析,提出并分析了影响我国农村扶贫资金组织效率的主要因素。第五,运用计量分析方法,采用2000年-2010年相关数据,对我国农村扶贫资金的使用效率进行了分析,并对资金使用效率进行了相应的解释。最后得出基本结论,农村扶贫资金效率是个系统性的问题,一方面还要加大对农村扶贫资金的投入,但要不断评价资金投入使用的方向,及时作出相应的调整,另一方面要对农村扶贫资金的加强组织管理,减少偏离和漏出,并从完善农村扶贫治理结构,创新农村扶贫机制、完善反贫困政策体系,加大对贫困地区的支持力度、完善市场体系,充分培育和发挥市场机制的作用,工业化、城镇化与农业现代化同步推进以及加大农村扶贫资金投放力度、优化资金使用结构六个方面提出了相应对策。

【Abstract】 China’s rural poverty governance has always been a high priority since the foundation of New China, they were exploring the most effective solutions, from high-level to low-level governments and social forces,who were committed to the task,the solution of China’s rural poverty has great and far-reaching significance on our country’s "three agriculture" issue, sustained and healthy economic development, social harmony and stability and reaching well-off living with a high level standard finally; it has also maken a significant contribution to the international community in the meantime.After decades hard working, China has successfully resolved hundreds of millions of people’s living who are in a subsistence poverty life, the successful experience also caused great concern by the international community and the reference of other countries.This paper put the China’s rural poverty alleviation and capital efficiency between the year2000with2010as the research object, used analysis method of management and economics theory, analysed the rural poverty development process and its realities systemly, on the basis above, analysed the main rural poverty reduction modes and their efficiency, the capital management, use and its efficiency, after that, put forward systematic policy advice on affecting the efficiency of capital.First, analysed the basic theory of the poverty meaning, the definition of the poverty line, the efficiency theory, the poverty and anti-poverty theory.Followed by a review of the development process of China’s rural poverty, including the specific historical background of each rural poor stage faced, rural poverty reduction strategies and measures taken and the results achieved, then analysed the rural poverty status quo, the resean due to rural poverty, the main difficulties of the rural poor governance, which will be in favor of rural poor reduction specifically and efficiently.Third, in order to get rid of poverty and get better off in poor areas, rural poor reduction modes should be selected according to the local poor condition and the actual poverty factors, the effectiveness of poverty alleviation mode will not be ideal if not to adapt the local environment and conditions. it will carry out a reference work on rural poverty alleviation by studying rural poverty reduction mode, revealing the pros and cons, exploring the appropriate environmental conditions, and analyzing the effectiveness of the practice.Fourth, through studying the operation and management of China’s rural poverty alleviation capital, this paper analysed the management problems in-depth by taking use of the principal-agent theory and game theory, and analyzed the main factors which impact the organizational efficiency of China’s rural poverty alleviation.Fifth, using2000-2010data, analysed the capital efficiency of China’s rural poverty alleviation applying econometric analysis method, provide the corresponding explanation.The main conclusion as follows:the efficiency of the Poverty Alleviation Fund is a systemic problem, on the one hand, investment of rural poverty alleviation funds should be increased, but the investing direction should be adjusted in time according to the result of continuous evaluation, on the other hand, strengthen the organization and management, reduce deviations and leakage, and propose six countermeasures:improve the governance structure of rural poverty alleviation, innovate rural poverty alleviation mechanism, improve the system of anti-poverty policies, increase support for poor areas, improve the market system, foully cultivating the market mechanism and make the effective, industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization promoted simultaneously and increase funds for rural poverty alleviation, optimize the use of funds structure.


