

Study on the Development of Chain Business of Agriculture Products

【作者】 张贵华

【导师】 曾福生;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 农产品连锁经营策略的研究,是一个既需要从理论与实践上进行系统研究的重要命题,同时又是直接关系到农产品的生产营销和现代农业发展大局的重要课题。随着我国市场经济的不断深化发展和新农村建设的有力推进,农产品的生产和流通问题已经直接关系到农村、农民和农业的发展,关系到社会主义经济现代化的实现。在发达的西方国家,农产品的连锁经营,已成为推广农产品、加速农产品流通的重要形式。而在我国,作为当今世界商品流通和服务业中最具活力的经营方式,农产品连锁经营虽然在我国已开始得到推广,并显示出巨大的发展潜力,但从全局来说,农产品连锁经营还远远没有在全国规模化地展开,发展的水平还很低,经营方法、策略的系统研究还很少。因此,必须高度重视农产品连锁经营的策略研究,通过系统的理论探讨、经验反思、实践总结,提出问题解决的策略和创新农产品连锁经营模式,以指导我国农户、农产品生产企业和农产品营销企业的经营实践,促进我国现代农业建设的又好又快发展。本文采取理论分析、对比分析和实证分析相结合的方法,在回顾梳理已有的理论研究文献、具体阐释农产品连锁经营基本理论的基础上,对我国农产品经营状况作出系统分析,指出其存在的问题,并在借鉴西方发达国家农产品连锁经营模式和经验的基础上,系统地研究我国农产品连锁经营模式的构建与选择、提出发展策略和政策措施,这些模式和策略对促进我国农产品连锁经营的规模化发展,都具有重要的应用价值。第一章导论,主要阐明本文研究的目的和意义,思路和方法,对国内外有关农产品连锁经营的文献作出综述评析和借鉴。第二章农产品连锁经营的基础理论回顾,主要讨论了与研究农产品连锁经营有关的理论依据,包括相关经济理论、连锁经营与管理理论、相关经营模式理论等,为下一步连锁经营分析和农产品连锁经营的模式与发展策略研究夯实理论基础。探讨了连锁经营的定义和本质内涵,连锁经营的特征以及农产品连锁经营的一般特征和要求,农产品连锁经营的类型。为下一步的问题分析和对策研究,进一步提供理论支持。第三章我国农产品连锁经营发展状况分析,主要概括我国农产品连锁经营的发展状况,运用SWOT方法对农产品连锁经营的发展态势进行了剖析,对当前现状、存在的主要问题及其原因,进行较详尽的讨论。并对最早引入“农超对接”的家乐福连锁的实践经验及其启示,进行了较为深入的剖析,为下一步的研究提供支持。第四章农产品连锁经营的国际比较分析,以美、日农产品连锁经营发展为例,分析美国的一体化、日本的农协会制度等发达国家的农产品连锁经营发展的特点、国内外农产品连锁经营发展的经验比较以及对我国发展农产品连锁经营的启示,以利于借鉴它们的经验,为一步研究农产品连锁经营模式以及模式的选择拓展了思维、提供了帮助。第五章我国农产品连锁经营模式的选择,首先分析我国农产品连锁经营模式选择的必要性和目标以及农产品连锁经营模式选择的原则,提出了四种农产品连锁经营模式的选择,为农产品连锁经营发展策略提供支持。第六章我国农产品消费者购买决策的影响因素实证分析,主要分析研究消费者购买决策的重要意义和我国农产品的消费特点,从中发现消费行为的规律,提出我国农产品连锁经营的理论框架和假设,对农产品消费选择做出实证分析。通过分析进一步了解农产品消费者对农产品连锁经营方式的认同状态以及要求,为研究农产品连锁经营发展策略以及提出政策建议提供有力的依据。第七章我国农产品连锁经营的主要策略研究,提出我国农产品连锁经营发展的基本策略,具体包括:农产品连锁经营的消费者管理对策;推进农产品连锁经营品牌化的策略:培育和壮大农产品经营主体,着力提高规模经营效应;大力发展城市圈超市农业,构建各具特色的农产品基地;打造现代化物流配送品台,提升农产品物流效率构建多种经营模式,稳步推进“农超对接”改造;正确运用选址策略,合理布局农产品连锁经营网点;大力推行绿色经营,构建农产品长效安全机制。第八章推进我国农产品连锁经营发展的政策建议,主要就政府作为提出建议。要求各级政府对农产品连锁经营,做好推动、服务与指导。具体建议有:制定优惠政策加大政府支持力度;加强分类指导,促进农产品连锁经营健康发展;鼓励市场建立中介机制,搞活农产品连锁经营;建立和完善金融支持体系,助推农产品连锁经营的发展;加快信息化平台建设,支持电商模式的发展第九章结论和展望,概括本文的研究结论,分析我国农产品连锁经营的发展前景,提出课题研究的进一步展望。

【Abstract】 The study of strategies for farm products chain operation, is not only a proposition that needs systematic research both theoretically and practically, but also one that involves directly the production and marketing of farm products and the important topics of modern agricultural development. With the deepened development of the market economy and the new rural construction, the production and circulation of farm products relate directly to the development of the rural areas peasants and agriculture, as well as the realization of modernization of socialist economy. In developed countries, chain management of farm products has become important approaches to marketing and accelerating farm products. While in our country, chain management of farm products, as the most dynamic ways of world commodity circulation and services, has begun to be promoted, and showed great potential for further development though, from the overall perspective it is far from being adopted on national scale, and the development still runs low, and what is lacked is systematic research of its management methods and strategies. Therefore, great importance must be attached to the strategic research of the farm products chain management. With systematic theoretical study, experience refection, practice summary, strategies for issues and innovative chain mode of operation are put forward to guide the practical management of farms, businesses of farms production and marketing, and contribute to the fast and sound development of our country’s modern agricultural construction.Theoretic as well as comparative and empirical analyses are adopted by this paper, and based on the review of current theoretic research, and the explanation of basic theory of farm products chain marketing, this paper studies systematically the current situations of farm products marketing in our country, points out the existing problems. Learning from modes and experiences of farm products chain management in developed countries in the West, this paper makes a systematic study of choices of construction of farm products chain management, put forward the development strategies, policies and measures. It can be said that the modes and strategies carry positive significance for promoting the scale development of farm products chain management in our country. Chapter one:Introduction. this part explains the aims, significances, ideas and methods of the research, it comments on the domestic and foreign references about farm products chain management.Chapter two:review of basic theories of farm products chain management. Relevant theories on farm products chain management are discussed, which include relevant economic theories, chain marketing and management theories, relevant marketing mode theories and so on.and Definitions, essence, features of chain management, as well as general features and requirements and types of farm products chain management, are discussed in this part, the purpose of which is to provide theoretical support for further analysis and policy study.Chapter three:Analysis of current situations of farm products chain management in our country. Current situations of the development of farm products chain management in our country are surveyed here. The SWOT method is adopted to analyze the development trend of farm products chain operation. Current situations, existing problems and potential reasons are fully discussed.Chapter four:Comparative study of farm products chain management internationally. Examples of American and Japanese farm products chain operation are cited to discuss the features like integration in US, and farm association system in Japan. Comparisons are made between experiences of both domestic and foreign farm products chain operation and their development, and the revelations for the development of farm products chain operation in our country are included. As well, the study will benefit the further research of mode and choice of mode of farm products chain operation.Chapter five:Construction and choice of farm products chain operation modes in our country. Necessity and aims as well as principles of construction of modes for farm products chain operation are discussed. Four kinds of farm products chain operation mode and choice are put forward in this paper to provide support to the development policy of farm products chain operation.Chapter6:Empirical analysis of consumption choices of farm products in our country. Consumption features are analyzed to reveal the regular patterns of consumption, and put forward the theoretical framework and hypothesis of farm products chain operation in our country, and to conduct empirical analysis on farm products consumption. The analysis will further help to understand the positive attitude and demands of consumers for the operation modes, and to provide support to the research of development of farm products chain operation, and policy making.Chapter7:Study of strategy for farm products chain operation in our country. Basic strategies for the development of farm products chain operation are put forward, which include measures for strategic management of farm products chain operation, measures for brand promotion of farm products chain operation, development and strengthening of agricultural businesses, improvement of business on a large scale level, development of supermarket for farm products in cities, the and development of the farm products base of distinctive features, built of modern logistics and distribution centers, improvement of efficiency of the flow of farm goods, construction of multi-mode operations, further improvement of connection between farm goods and supermarkets, wise strategies of choices of marketing sites, proper network of farm goods marketing sites, promotion of green business, and construction of long-term security mechanisms.Chapter8:suggestions for policy making of the development of farm products chain operation in our country, mainly about government behavior. Governments of various levels are required to promote, serve and guide the farm products chain operation. Specific suggestions are as the follows:formulation of preferential policies, strengthening of its support, self-determined role of farm businesses with market-orientation, strengthening of specific guidance to promote the healthy development of farm products chain, operation, encouragement of intermediary institutions of the market to enrich the farm goods marketing, establishment and improvement of farm goods inspection system to improve the quality.Chapter9:Conclusion and prospect. This part summarizes the findings of the study and discusses the prospects of development of farm products chain operation in our country, and further steps of the study are also included.


