

Research on the Management Mechanism of the Green Supply Chain in Manufacturing

【作者】 陈晓华

【导师】 修国义;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 近几年,我国的环境问题日趋严峻,资源枯竭、环境严重污染和生态失衡等一系列问题不断涌现,随之,世界各国有关环保的法律法规不断出台,有关环境问题的学术研究也日益增多,再加上越来越多的消费者表现出对绿色产品的需求,以及国际上“绿色贸易壁垒”对我国产品出口的制约,企业在追求经济效益的同时还必须充分考虑对环境可能造成的影响。在这样的背景下,绿色供应链管理应运而生。绿色供应链管理理论起源于国外,在国内起步时间较晚。与发达国家相比,我国绿色供应链管理理论尚不成熟,从根源上来讲,我国缺乏一一套完整的绿色供应链管理体制。本文基于博弈论理论、信息共享理论、可持续发展理论和工业共生理论等,并借鉴国内外已有的研究成果和实践经验,对我国制造业绿色供应链的管理机制进行了研究,以期得到有益的结论为我国绿色绿色供应链的运作提供指导,并为现有的绿色供应链管理理论提供必要的补充。主要研究内容如下。本文探讨了绿色供应链的形成、演进过程和绿色供应链管理机制框架。界定了绿色供应链的内涵,总结了绿色供应链的特征,从内部动力、外部压力、技术和制度保障力以及绿色供应链自身动力四个方面分析了绿色供应链的形成过程,探讨了其不断发展演进过程,并提出了绿色供应链管理机制整体框架。本文设计了绿色供应链管理的决策机制。明确了绿色供应链的决策主体即绿色供应链上的核心企业,分析了绿色供应链决策参与者之间的相互关系,从宏观和微观两个角度明确了绿色供应链管理的决策目标,设计了绿色供应链合作伙伴的选择机制和绿色供应链决策权的分配机制,并对绿色供应链管理的整体战略进行了规划。本文设计了绿色供应链管理的合作机制。从支持供应商原材料绿色创新和支持制造商产品绿色创新两个角度设计了绿色供应链管理的合作机制。构建了供应商原材料绿色创新的供应链结构模式,并从wFqFC机制、wFqFF机制和wCqFC机制三个方面分别研究并比较分析了供应商和制造商之间的合作机制;构建了制造商产品绿色创新的供应链结构模式,并从wFFqF机制、wFCqF机制和wFCqC机制三个方面分别研究并比较分析了供应商和制造商之间的合作机制。本文设计了绿色供应链管理的约束机制。从提高原材料绿色度、降低EOL产品逆向回收成本和提高EOL产品回收量三个角度设计了成员企业在协同合作和非协同合作下的约束机制。本文设计了绿色供应链管理的利益分配机制。界定了绿色供应链利益的内涵,明确了绿色供应链利益分配的目的,设定了绿色供应链利益分配的原则,分析了绿色供应链利益分配的要素,利用博弈论分析了绿色供应链利益分配的方式,并设计了绿色供应链利益分配的最优系数。本文选取上汽通用五菱柳州生产基地的商用车绿色供应链为实证研究对象,将绿色供应链管理机制运用于汽车制造业的实践研究中,证明了该研究的有效性。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the environmental problems in China has become more andmore serious, for example, resource depletion, environmental pollution andecological imbalance, and so on. At the same time, the laws and regulationsabout the environmental protection in the world are constantly introduced, theacademic researches about environmental issues are also increasing, and moreand more consumers show concerned for the green products, and the restrictionsof the "green trade barrier" in the international to the export products in China,enterprises must pay attention to the influence of their behaviour on theenvironment in pursuit of economic efficiency. In this context, the green supplychain management emerges. Green supply chain management theory firstappeared in some foreign countries, and started later in China. Compared withsome developed countries, the green supply chain management theory in China isstill not mature. From the source speaking, there is lack a set of complete greensupply chain management system. Based on the game theory, information sharingtheory, sustainable development theory, industrial symbiosis theory, and someexisting research results and practical experiences at home and abroad, thisdissertation studies the green supply chain management mechanism of themanufacturing enterprises in China. Through the research work, it is hoped to getvaluable results to direct the operation of GSCM in China, and to providenecessary supplement to the theory of GSCM. The main contents and conclusionsare summarized as follows.This dissertation designs the formation, evolution and the managementmechanism framework of green supply chain. The connotation of green supplychain is defined, and the features of green supply chain are summarized. Theforming process of green supply chain is analyzed from internal motivation, external pressure, technology and system security force and the dynamic of greensupply chain. The development process is explored. The overall framework ofgreen supply chain management mechanism is proposed.This dissertation designs the decision mechanism of green supply chainmanagement. The core enterprise of green supply chain is considered as thedecision-making body. The relationships among the participants of green supplychain are analyzed. The decision goals of green supply chain management arespecifically targeted from the macro and micro point. The selection mechanismof and the distribution mechanism of the decision-making power are designed.The overall strategy of green supply chain management are planned.This dissertation designs the cooperation mechanism of green supply chainmanagement. The cooperation mechanism of green supply chain management isdesigned from two aspects: supporting suppliers’ green innovation about rawmaterials and supporting manufacturer’ green innovation about products. Thegreen innovation structure model of raw materials is constructed, and thecooperation mechanism between suppliers and manufacturers is studied andcompared from the three mechanism: wFqFC、wFqFFand wCqFC. The greeninnovation structure model of production is constructed, and the cooperationmechanism between suppliers and manufacturers is studied and compared fromthe three mechanism: wFFqF、wFCqFand wFCqC.This dissertation designs the incentive mechanism of green supply chainmanagement. The incentive mechanism under the cooperation and non-cooperation are designed respectively between the member enterprises from threeangles: increasing the green degree of raw materials, reducing the reverserecovery cost of EOL products and improving the recovery volume of EOLproducts.This dissertation designs the interest distribution mechanism of green supplychain. The connotation of green supply chain interest is defined, the aim of theinterest distribution is claritied, and the principle of the interest distribution isdesigned. The elements of the interest distribution are analyzed, the way ofinterest distribution is analyzed using the game theory, and the optimalcoefficient of the interest distribution is designed.In this dissertation, the commercial vehicle green supply chain of the SAIC GM Wuling Liuzhou production base is secected as the research object, the greensupply chain management mechanism is used in automobile manufacturing, andthe validity of the study is proved.

  • 【分类号】F274;F424
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】2240
  • 攻读期成果

