

Research and Development of Additives for Lower Yield of Carbon Monoxide in Mainstream Smoke of Cigarettes of Yunnan Province

【作者】 杨杰

【导师】 宁平;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 环境工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在卷烟燃烧所产生的大量化合物中,一氧化碳是一种对人体存在负面影响,而含量又较大的物质,也一直是烟草科技工作者们希望解决的一个重点问题。但一氧化碳基础研究工作的缺失给化学手段降低一氧化碳带来了较大的难度,因此通过化学手段来降低卷烟烟气中的一氧化碳是一项困难的工作。该研究紧紧围绕我省降低卷烟主流烟气中一氧化碳释放量的需求,具体根据我省产品实际情况——卷烟香气充足、一氧化碳和焦油递送量的差距较大(一般一氧化碳递送量高于焦油递送量2mg左右)等特点,从最新的减害降焦技术、卷烟纸添加剂和烟丝添加剂等方面入手,开发低一氧化碳卷烟的综合配套技术。本研究遵循综合考虑的原则,运用多因素分析法、比例法、对比法等技术方法,在降焦、降一氧化碳(Co)和保持卷烟抽吸品质两方面寻求平衡点;论文选择了38种不同牌号的卷烟,系统研究了卷烟烟丝燃烧调节剂以及卷烟纸燃烧调节剂,同时为了考查其工业化可行性,对所筛选添加剂进行了中试放样和工业化验证等实验,实验结果表明所开发的烟丝和卷烟纸燃烧调节添加剂在满足工业化的前提下,能够显著降低卷烟一氧化碳递送量。

【Abstract】 Carbon monoxide (CO), produced in a burning cigarette, is one of the main components of tobacco maimstream smoke, which have negative effect on human body. And this issue is always one of the key problems to tobacco scientists to reduce the yield from cigarette. However, it is every difficul to reduce CO with chemical technology because there was lack of fundamental research.This dissertation focuses on the reduction of CO emissions in cigarette mainstream of Yunnan tobacco industry, Based on the characteristics of cigarette products of HTG, which means that the cigarette was aroma adequacy and has a high rate of CO to Tar (general, CO delivery is2mg/cig higher than that of Tar), new technologies, such as cigarette paper additives, tobacco additives and other aspects for reducing deliveries of Tar and other harmful components, have to be studied and their applications in tobacco industry should also be tested.This study followed the comprehensive consideration of the principle, using factor analysis method, ratio method, comparative method and other techniques, drop in the tar, carbon monoxide (CO) and keep the quality of smoking the cigarette two seek balance point; the choice of38different brands of cigarettes,In order to reduce the delivery of CO in mainstream smoke, additives for shredded tobacco and cigarette paper, the burning regulator especially, were investigated systematicly. At the same time, in order to test the feasibility of industrialization, the additives were tested in pilot-plant and the experimental results showed that the tobacco and cigarette paper burning regulators meet the industry requirment and they can significantly reduce the delivry of CO of cigarettes.


