

【作者】 邱晔

【导师】 彭金辉;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 有色金属冶金, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 造纸法再造烟叶(Paper-process reconstituted tobacco)在卷烟减害降焦、强化卷烟风格特色、提高卷烟产品质量稳定性、降低原料消耗等方面均发挥着重要的作用和意义,造纸法再造烟叶已成为卷烟重要而不可或缺原料。论文就造纸法再造烟叶产品及相关检测技术开展了以下研究:1、以影响和决定产品品质最为关键的加料暨核心配方技术为目标,率先研究并建立了国产造纸法再造烟叶加料技术体系,设计和开发了一系列具典型代表性的烤烟型、混合型、薄荷型、不同吸湿性等一系列风格、特点、吸味、功能不一的造纸法再造烟叶产品及其加料配方;针对产品品质提升的需要,试验筛选了30余种安全可靠、效果显著的造纸法再造烟叶加料料基调配单体与多种助溶剂,并通过试验研究分别确定了其功能、添加效果与适宜添加量;开发了造纸法再造烟叶加料制备的三级连续逆流提取生产工艺、单双效结合真空减压浓缩技术,以及辊涂、浸涂相结合的加料涂布方式与相应的高效涂布机,以该方式进行造纸法再造烟叶片基的加料具有涂布均匀、料液渗透好、涂布量大等优势。2、将微波冶金中的谐振微扰测试技术,应用于造纸法再造烟叶的检测,开发了一种样品水分含量的快速无损检测方法。研究表明,该水分检测方法的精度与所选用的微波参数校准模型有关,但均可满足行业烟草制品的水分检测要求;当采用较佳的校准模型(输出电压/带宽~水分含量)时,其水分测定的误差小于0.33%,而检测的响应速度仅为0.1毫秒级。3、针对目前烟草行业在造纸法再造烟叶产品检测(评价)方面存在部分方法空白、以及现有一些检测方法不适用的问题,重点进行了以下相关检测技术研究与开发:1)基于造纸法再造烟叶重组加工与加料涂布液主要由热水可溶物构成的原理,提出并开发了一种以造纸法再造烟叶及其片基的水溶物提取率的差值来表征成品涂布率的方法,解决了应用企业对造纸法再造烟叶产品这一重要参数长期无法监控的问题;2)根据造纸法再造烟叶产品的自身特性及其卷烟应用特性,研究并建立了造纸法再造烟叶感官质量技术指标和产品感官质量评价方法;3)对造纸法再造烟叶现有的定量、厚度、抗张强度、耐破度等物理性能指标的检测方法进行了改进,并优化了相关的测试条件。4、从物理特性、纤维形态、化学成分、致香物质、常规烟气成分,主流烟气七种化学成分及危害性指数、感官质量等多方位对64种国内外样品进行了系统的剖析与差异性比较,同时还深入分析了各类检测、评价指标间的相关性。研究结果表明,造纸法再造烟叶的9对物理指标间、20对化学指标间呈极显著的相关性,而常规烟气与化学成分之间则有16对指标、主流烟气的七种化合物与产品的化学成分之间有9对指标、产品感官质量评价指标与理化指标之间有11对指标呈极显著的相关性。以上研究对系统判断国产造纸法再造烟叶与进口产品之间的差异和差距、改进和提高国内造纸法再造烟叶产品品质和加工工艺有积极意义。5、经中试卷烟应用试验验证:1)自主开发的造纸法再造烟叶产品在各项理化指标、抽吸品质上与进口样品较为接近,在吸味上更适合中式卷烟风格特征,具有良好的降焦、降耗、调节卷烟抽吸品质的功效,在制丝时可顺利通过所有的工艺环节,其制丝加工性能与利用价值高于膨胀烟丝和梗丝;2)卷烟的CO释放量与其造纸法再造烟叶掺配比例无明显相关性,但其主流烟气的CO/Tar比值与造纸法再造烟叶掺配比例有良好相关性;国内外造纸法再造烟叶产品自身的CO释放量均较高,基本与烟丝相当,研究认为其主要与片基中纤维素类物质含量较高有关;3)首次提出CO/Tar比值是造纸法再造烟叶产品质量的一项重要评价指标,该比值与其在卷烟配方中的掺配利用价值密切相关,并指出低CO/Tar比值的产品应作为国内造纸法再造烟叶产品开发的努力方向。

【Abstract】 Paper-process reconstituted tobacco has played an important role and significance in reducing the cigarette tar, which could strengthen the cigarette style characteristics, improve the quality stability of cigarette products and decrease the consumption of raw materials and so on. Paper-process reconstituted tobacco has been an important and indispensable raw material of cigarette. This paper carried out a series of studies on the field:1. As a key target of technology development, the writer studied and established the casing technology system (that is the core formulation technology) of domestic RT, designed and developed a series of typical representative RT products including their casing recipes such as flue-cured tobacco type, blended type, mint type, different hygroscopicity, and so on, which had different flavor styles, characteristics, tastes and functions; According to the demands of improving their quality, more than30kinds of safe, reliable, and good effect plant extracts and additives were identified and screened for their function, casing effect and the appropriate casing amount; To preparation of RT casing liquor, Three-stage continuous countercurrent extraction process, single-double effect combined with vacuum concentrating technology, casing technology on line and efficient coating machine were developed, which had benefits of coating uniform, good liquid permeability, high coating rate. The related research achievements were transformed and applied in product lines of some RT factories both inside and outside Yunnan province.2. Based on microwave resonant cavity perturbation theory and related technology developed recently in the field of microwave metallurgy, a rapid, nondestructive detection method of moisture content in RT was expanded. It shows that the standard determination deviations of moisture are less than0.33%based on calibration models of voltage output/signal bandwidth, which conformed to the accuracy requirement of the classic oven method. Furthermore, the response speed of the detection was only0.1ms. 3. Since there were some blanks and defects in RT testing methods, some related research and detection technology development were focused on as follows:1) Based on the process method of tobacco reconstituted and the coating liquid composed mainly of hot water soluble contents, a detection method of casing rate especially for the final RT products was proposed and developed, which could be tested and expressed by D-value between hot water extraction yields of RT product and its paper-base. The research solved a long-term problem about how to test and monitor these important parameter of casing rate of the final RT product;2) According to characteristics of RT and its application in cigarette, technical indicators of RT sensory quality was studied and proposed;3) Some current detection methods such as grammage, thickness, tensile strength and bursting strength of RT were investigated and improved, and their testing conditions were also optimized.4. To contrast comprehensively domestic RT and the imported,64RT products were systematically analysed including of their physical properties, fiber morphology, chemical components, aroma substances the conventional smoking compositions, aroma, seven kinds of chemical components in mainstream smoke and its hazardous index, sensory taste quality, and so on. Their advantages and disadvantages were compared, and the correlations of all kinds of RT physicochemical indexes were studied. The research showed that there were extremely significant correlations among nine pairs of physical indicators, and20pairs of chemical indicators respectively, even as16pairs of chemical and physical indicators, nine pairs of harmful substance and chemical indicators,11pairs of sensory evaluation indicators and physicochemical indicators. The research was convinced having positive signification on revealing systematically differences and gaps between domestic and imported RT and impoving the quality of the former.5. The casing products RT developed independently by the writer were blended into cigarette, their features of cigarette primary processing and CO problem were studied. The main conclusions were as follows:1) RT developed independently had similar physical, chemical properties and sensory taste quality as the imported samples, while more suitable for Chinese-style cigarette recipe for their better taste. Application of these casing RT products in cigarette would play active roles in lowering tar and production consumption of tobacco raw materials, and regulating sensory quality of cigarette. In primary processing test, these products could passed through all the primary process, and had better performance and higher value in use than the expanded tobacco and stem;2) There was no obvious regularity between CO diffuse amount of cigarette and RT blended proportions, but good regularity between CO/Tar ratios of cigarette and the latter; CO diffuse amount of domestic and imported RT products were all high (almost equally as that of cigarette) probably for their high contents of cellulose and lignose;3) The paper proposed for the first time that CO/Tar ratio of RT product was an important parameter related closely to its utilization value in cigarette recipe; The RT product with low CO/Tar ratio and high taste quality should be continuously developed by domestic factories.


