

Study on System and Operation Mode for Smart Campus Based on Context-aware

【作者】 陈颖

【导师】 张润彤;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 “智慧校园”是指以物联网为基础,以各种应用服务系统为载体而构建的集教学、科研、管理及校园生活为一体的智能化和智慧化教学、学习和生活环境。主要通过利用云计算、虚拟化和物联网等新技术来改变学校师生、工作人员和校园资源相互交互的方式,将学校的教学、科研、管理与校园资源和应用系统进行整合,以提高应用交互的明确性、灵活性和响应速度,从而实现智慧化服务和管理的校园模式。校园信息化建设经历了系统集成发展阶段,正处于应用集成阶段和信息集成阶段。智慧校园要求具有无处不在的、便捷的上网环境,也要求有计算环境和存储环境,即数据环境,更需要拥有系统(如物联系统)的接入,从而构成一个支持各种智能终端、设施和设备联网的环境。通过衡量泛在感知网络不同的应用场景和可能的前景及当前的壁垒,其要素表达了精确定位、有效识别和随时互联这三个对未来社会发展起决定作用的要素。本文从系统的角度出发,以“用户需求”这一智慧校园服务的驱动力为切入点,研究适用于智慧校园的情境感知技术,建立一套融合了相关机制与策略的智慧校园模型与技术架构,提出了智慧校园服务发现、数据融合、信息抽取的方法,完成了智慧校园整体平台设计及搭建,最后研究了智慧校园协同运营模式。第一,研究了适用于智慧校园的情境感知技术。本研究从信息语义着手,构建适用于智慧校园的“需求-服务”建模语言,实现了情境信息和用户需求的采集。设计了一种基于语义的、用于实现用户与服务之间“接口”的描述方式和规范,约定了不同设备之间可辨识的接口机制,并交换用户需求,为发现服务奠定接口基础。第二,在技术理论研究的基础上研究和设计了适合智慧校园的服务平台。该平台结合云计算思想,探索高效率地利用信息设备并合理共享的机制,使用户不需考虑硬件平台特性以及网络切换问题,无论身在何处只要能够通过抽象出来的业务接口、设备接口接入相应的服务网络,就可以享受到完全相同质量的信息服务,实现“平台即服务”的接入模式,满足用户的个性化需求并为用户提供业务使用、平台使用等的方便性支持。第三,研究了智慧校园的一些关键算法。主要从智慧校园服务发现、感知数据融合、网页信息抽取三个方面进行研究,提出了智慧校园服务发现流程及算法、感知数据融合处理算法和基于XSLT的信息抽取模式,为智慧校园的智慧服务提供方法。第四,根据我国高校体制环境特点和智慧校园技术与平台的特点,对智慧校园平台的运营模式进行了研究。根据智慧校园的技术及平台要求,分析了国内高校内部组织机构之间的运营模式,提出基于业务的协同运营模式,根据组织机构之间业务协同运营模式要求,分析智慧校园信息系统之间的协同运营机制,最后完成了信息系统的全部业务流程要求,并提出了了智慧校园协同运营的流程。

【Abstract】 Smart Campus is an intelligent and smart environment of teaching, learning and living, which is based on the Internet of Things and application services. It consists of teaching, research, management and campus life. The Smart Campus mainly uses cloud computing, virtualization, the Internet of Things and other new technology to change the way that teachers and students, staff and campus resources interact. With integrating school teaching, scientific research, management and campus resources and application systems, it makes the application more explicit, flexible and improves the speed of response, so the campus mode of the intelligence services and management is achieved.Having experienced system integration phase, the construction of campus informatization is in the stage of application integration and information integration. What does the Smart Campus need? Firstly, there is an internet environment everywhere. Secondly, there is a data environment which includes computing environment and memory environment. Thirdly, there is an internet of things system which supplies an environment for every intelligent terminal and equipment. By evaluating applications scenarios, potential benefits and current obstacles, we know that it represents three elements which play a decisive role for the future of social development.This dissertation, from the point of view of the system, treats the user demand-smart campus service driving forces-as the breakthrough point. We research on the situation perception technology apply to smart campus and build a set of smart campus model and technical architecture made up by the relevant mechanism and strategy. We have completed a smart campus platform and optimized the network system services index proposed by ETSI and TMF, using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to the established evaluation platform. Finally we reach on the wisdom campus operation mode.We cover four major subjects in this dissertation which are closely related. The major contents of this research are as following:Firstly, research on context-aware technology applying to smart campus. Meeting the diverse needs of users, we should consider the initiative to pull the user needs and situational information, which requires a common language to describe them. There are many kinds of terminal equipment to accept service in the smart campus information services, which requires a common language to suit in different kinds of equipment. Based on this, we plan to construct modeling language for smart campus demand-service in order to acquire situation information and user demand roundly and scientifically.Secondly, research on designing suitable service platform for smart campus based on technological theories. Different from the traditional computing environment, the computing environment on the background of smart campus has universality and dynamic. We put the cloud computing into the platform to provide information services on the variety of equipment. It will let the users enjoy the same quality information service no matter where he is.Thirdly, we research on index weight of users’perception measurements and subjective assessment method. In the part of users’perception, we will put5W model into the network business description. In the part of subjective assessment, after analyzing the shortage of AHP, we carry it on the fuzzy optimization to be FAHP, which is used to determine each layer index weight.Finally, this dissertation studies the Smart Campus Operations in Chinese universities from two aspects of internal and external. For the internal part, after analyzing coordination operation mode of university organization, we study on the collaborative operation mechanism and collaborative operation process of Smart Campus information system based on the needs of collaborative operation mode. For the external part, after dividing the relationship between the school and operators in three parts, we study on the feasibility and advantages and disadvantages of the Smart Campus independent operators, cooperation operators and outsourcing operations


