

Research on Effects of Transportation on Regional Economic Development in the View of Provincial Perspective in China

【作者】 王瑞军

【导师】 孙全欣; 姜秀山;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济一体化趋势的不断加强,交通运输与区域经济发展的关系更加复杂。与大多数西方发达国家不同的是,作为一个庞大的新兴经济体,中国交通运输与区域经济发展的关系存在着明显特色,特别是随着近年来工业化、城市化进程的加速推进,中国交通运输业也进入发展的关键时期。在此背景下,论文采用理论分析与实证检验相结合的方法,深入、系统地研究了交通运输对区域经济发展的影响,并以全国29个省级行政区为研究对象进行实证研究,本文的研究工作包括以下6个方面。(1)论文首先界定区域经济增长、区域经济发展、交通运输、产业集聚和交通网路集聚的概念,系统回顾交通运输对区域经济发展的影响理论,为全文的研究奠定基础。(2)在系统梳理区域经济发展理论基础上,将交通运输变化纳入到区域经济发展的理论体系中,从区域经济发展的本质出发,从空间和时间两个维度,从区域经济增长、区域空间结构演化和区域之间相互作用三个方面构建交通运输对区域经济发展的作用机制框架。拓展、完善交通运输影响区域经济发展的理论研究。(3)应用经济学原理系统论证交通运输空间溢出的正效应理论、负溢出效应理论和地理溢出效应理论,在交通运输与区域经济发展空间相关性分析基础上,构建交通运输空间溢出效应模型,并应用全国29个省级行政区数据进行实证检验。(4)提出反映空间集聚的产业集聚度模型和交通网络集聚度模型;构建空间维度的产业集聚度与交通网络集聚度的协整模型,并以全国29个省级行政区为研究对象,实证分析产业集聚与交通网络集聚之间的协整关系和格兰杰因果关系。(5)提出反映时间集聚的产业集聚速度模型和交通网络集聚速度模型;构建时间维度的产业集聚速度和交通网络集聚速度的协整模型。并以全国29个省级行政区为研究对象,实证分析产业集聚与交通网络集聚之间的协整关系和格兰杰因果关系。(6)引入FICK定律研究理论和方法,构建基于交通运输网络的区域之间相互辐射和吸引模型,提出基于交通运输网络集聚度的辐射系数计算模型,从区域之间辐射和吸引的角度研究交通运输对区域经济发展的影响,并应用全国29个省级行政区域的数据进行区域之间第二产业与第三产业的辐射与吸引的实证检验和分析。

【Abstract】 With the ever-more evident trends towards economic integration, the relationship between transportation and regional economic development is getting more and more complicated. As a huge new emerging economy, the relationship between transportation and regional economic development of China is of its own characteristics, especially in recent years the transportation has been facing a critical period with the fast industrialization and urbanization. In this context, the dissertation focuses on the impact of transportation on regional economic development from both theory and practical perspectives, and explains its feasibility by using the data of29provinces nationwide. The main findings done by the research in this dissertation include following6aspects:(1) The dissertation defines the concepts of Regional Economic Growth, Regional Economic Development, Transportation, Industrial Concentration and Transportation Network Concentration in the beginning, and then reviews the theories about the impact of transportation on regional economic development, which establishs the basis of research for this dissertation.(2) The transportation development is introduced into the in the theory of regional economic development. From the nature of regional economic development, and from the two dimensions of time and space, the dissertation builds up the framework of the interrelationship between transportation and regional economic growth by analyzing the interaction between regional economic growth, regional spatial structure evolution and inter-regional development.(3) Systematically proof the Positive Effect Theory, Negative Effect Theory and the Geographic Spillover Effect Theory of the transportation space by applying the theories of economics, Upon which the dissertation builds a model of transportation space spillover effect and apply it to the practical verification by using the data of29provinces nationwide.(4) Propose the model of the degree of industrial clustering and the model of the degree of transportation networking convergences which reflect the degree of spatial concentration, and establish their co-integration model.29provincial-level administrative regions in China are included into the study of the application of above mentioned models, and their co-integration relationship and Granger causality are empirically analyzed.(5) Propose the model of the speed of industrial clustering and the model of the speed of transportation networking convergences which reflect the degree of time concentration, and establish their co-integration model.29provincial-level administrative regions in China are included into the study of the application of above mentioned models, and their co-integration relationship and Granger causality are empirically analyzed.(6) Innovatively construct the model of regional radiation and attraction based on transportation networks by introducing FICK theory and method. And then put up the caculation model of radiation coefficient based on the speed of transportation networking, from which the dissertation analyzes the impact of transportation on regional economic development and then analyzes the relationship of radiation and attraction between regions to demonstrate it by applying the model to the data of the second and the third industries of the29provinces nationwide.

  • 【分类号】F127;F512.3;U111
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1080
  • 攻读期成果

