

A Study on Learning-type Organizational Construction of Knowledge-management-based Enterprises

【作者】 段海超

【导师】 葛新权;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 企业管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 摘要:当今社会已迈进知识经济时代,知识成为推动经济增长和社会发展的主要力量。围绕知识发现、存储、共享、应用和创新的知识管理活动将成为组织管理制度设计的重要组成部分。学习型组织理论是上世纪末发展起来的全新的组织理论,在各类型组织的实践过程中,我们发现学习型组织理论与知识管理密不可分,二者互为补充、彼此促进,为增强组织核心竞争力,实现组织可持续发展提供了强大的动力。从国内外有关知识管理和学习型组织的相关分析来看,二者的建设均取得了显著成绩,但仍有深入研究的空间。知识和学习有着密不可分的联系,知识是学习的内容,也是学习的目的;学习是知识得以传播与再创造的动力。组织内外知识的不对称性是组织学习的重要原因,组织知识是组织学习的决定性因素之一,组织学习造就了组织知识的发展演进过程。学习型组织是实现组织知识管理最有效的组织形式,组织知识管理是创建学习型组织的关键和核心。本文尝试从静态环境支持要素和动态学习运行模型两个方面对KM-LO整合模型进行全面分析。KM-LO的静态环境要素包括外部环境要素和内部环境要素,是构建整合模型的支撑条件。良好的外部环境是企业在信息时代生存和发展的重要条件,是企业可持续发展的强大动力;内部环境要素包括企业的组织战略、组织制度、组织结构、文化氛围、人力资源等。组织内的知识流动和组织学习的动态结合是KM-LO动态学习运行模型的核心要义。基于知识管理的学习型组织模型是静态环境支持要素和动态学习运行模型共同运行、彼此促进的,有利于显性知识和隐性知识转化的模型。使用层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process)建立基于知识管理的企业学习型组织评价指标体系,设计并确定评价指标体系的总体框架、各层次目标、各测评指标设计及权重赋值等重要内容。同时,使用1600多份调查问卷对先进制造业、现代服务业和高新技术产业中具有代表性的五家企业进行重点调研,结合访谈结果对目前基于知识管理的企业学习型组织建设现状进行全面、深入、客观的评价,有利于将基于知识管理的学习型组织整合模型理论应用于实践。要建立学习型组织,必须建设学习、共享的组织文化,建立弹性、扁平化、网络化的组织结构以及共享、激励、开放的组织机制。此外,完善的知识管理链有利于企业对所需要的知识进行筛选、整理、创新并形成知识库,对企业生存和发展起着至关重要的作用。

【Abstract】 Today’ society has been entering the knowledge economy era, and knowledge has therefore become the primary force of promoting economic growth and social development. Knowledge management activities centering on discovering, storing, sharing, applying and innovating knowledge will become the essential components of the design of the organizational management system. Learning-type organizational theory is the brand-new theory which evolved from the end of last century. During the practice of a variety of organizational theories, we’ve found out that learning-type organizational theory is closely related to knowledge management, both of which provide a powerful impetus to enhance the organization’s core competitiveness and to achieve the organization’s sustainable development by means of supplementing and promoting each other.Through correlation analysis both at home and abroad, a marked performance has been accomplished in the construction of knowledge management and learning-type organizations. However, it still remains space for further exploration. It is generally acknowledged that knowledge has close relation to learning. Knowledge is the content of learning and objective as well, while learning is the driving force of knowledge communication and re-creation. The knowledge dissymmetry of both inside and outside of an organization is the major reason for organizational learning. On the one hand, organizational knowledge is one of the decisive factors of organizational learning, and on the other, organizational learning contributes to the evaluation process of organizational knowledge. Thus, learning-type organizations make of the most effective organizational forms of achieving organization’s knowledge management, while organization’s knowledge management becomes the key and core of constructing learning-type organizations.The study attempts to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the KM-LO’s integration model, from the aspects of the static environment-support factors and dynamic learning operational model. KM-LO’s static environmental factors involve both exterior and interior factors, which support the construction of model integration. A good exterior environment is important for enterprises’ survival and development in the information era, and it serves as a strong driving force of enterprises’ sustainable development. On the other hand, interior environmental factors consist of enterprises’ organizational strategy, system, structure, cultural atmosphere and human resources. The great importance of KM-LO’s dynamic learning operational model consists in the dynamic combination of knowledge flow and organizational learning within an enterprise. Therefore, knowledge-management-based learning-type organizational model is driven and promoted by static environment-support factors and dynamic learning operational model, which is beneficial to the transfer of both explicit knowledge and implicit knowledge.The study employs Analytic Hierarchy process to set up evaluation system of knowledge-management-based learning organizations. It aims to design and establish the system’s overall frame, objectives at different levels, measuring and assessing indicators, weight added value and etc. In addition,1600questionnaires are utilized primarily to study the five representative enterprises in the field of advanced manufacturing industry, modern service industry and Hi-tech industry. Furthermore, on the basis of the interview results, the study conducts an all-round, in-depth and objective assessment of the current situation of learning-type organization construction of knowledge-management-based enterprises, which helps to apply learning-type organizations’ integration model theory to practice.In order to set up learning-type organizations, learning, and shared organizational culture is highly required, in line with flexible, flattened, networking organizational structure and shared, stimulating and open organizational systems. Moreover, a perfect knowledge management chain benefits the knowledge selection, sorting, innovation, forms the knowledge bank and thus plays a vital role in the survival and development of an enterprise.


