

【作者】 王烨

【导师】 李琪;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国少数民族史, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 城市是人类文明进步与社会发展的必然产物,也是表征当今世界发展水平的重要标志。伴随着社会经济的高速发展和城市化进程的加快,我国学术界对于城市发展的研究日渐深入。由于历史原因与现实因素的制约,我国边疆地区的城市化水平长期落后于中东部发达地区。边境城市作为边疆地区的行政单元之一,具有带动区域整体发展的重要作用,与边疆地区的经济发展、社会稳定、民族团结息息相关。而且,由于边境城市自身地缘位置的特殊性,其发展还直接影响国家的城市化进程。因此,研究边境城市的发展历程及其对边疆地区的经济发展、民族团结与社会稳定等方面的作用具有重要意义。本文以内蒙古自治区的边境城市为对象,依据城市化的基本理论,运用历史学、民族学、经济学等领域的研究方法,从历史原因、经济发展、区位条件、人口构成、自然资源等城市发展的影响因素,分析其城市发展的动力机制和城市发展的基本模式,并在此基础上,结合中国北部边疆地区的特殊社情,从边疆地区地缘安全的战略视角,探求边境城市发展与边疆地区稳定的关系。论文由以下几个部分组成:第一部分为第一章。边境城市隶属边疆的地域范畴,是构建于边疆基础之上的地理区位概念,其形成与边疆地区的整体发展紧密相关。因此,本章以时间为线索,系统分析了从先秦至民国时期的北部边疆变迁脉络与城市发展历程。通过对近代北部边疆领土问题的梳理以及对中央政府应对边疆危机措施的分析,揭示出从古代模糊可变的“边疆”到近代随着国家边界的确立而在两国相邻区域间出现相对固定的“边境”的演化。伴随着较为清晰的国家边界形成,边境城市随之兴起,进而发展成为边疆地区的核心。第二部分包括第二章、第三章和第四章。第二章侧重从历史和现代两个阶段,研究北部边疆边境城市的总体发展特征。首先,通过分析内蒙古边境城市的形成起因与发展过程,揭示分处东、西部不同区域的边境城市在不同历史条件和地缘位置等因素作用下的形成规律。东部地区主要在沙俄侵略的外力冲击下,围绕边防卡伦设置而形成军事据点型的边境城市;西部地区则是在蒙、汉、俄贸易交往的内在经济因素推动下,沿商路而兴起市场中心型的边境城市。其次,分析自我国改革开放以来,内蒙古边境城市在自身区位特征与国家对外开放政策的双重影响下,东、西部不同区域的边境城市发挥涉外性经济优势,向口岸型边境城市发展的趋同特征,揭示出现代边境城市化发展与对外贸易的内在联系。第三章与第四章分别选取满洲里与二连浩特两座城市,作为内蒙古东部与西部的边境城市代表,对其城市化过程进行深入的个案研究。通过分析满洲里与二连浩特的城市化发展动力机制、城市发展变化的基本趋向和方式,揭示出两座城市分别由军事据点型城市和市场中心型城市发展成为对俄、蒙贸易为主的口岸型边境城市的基本特征。同时,从中总结出两座城市在城市化进程中各自面临的主要问题,并相应提出了解决这些问题的对策。第三部分为第五章。侧重从民族学的角度,探讨城市化与北部边疆地区地缘安全的关系。首先,提出蒙古族与俄罗斯族在城市化过程中遇到的“三蒙统一”、身份认同等跨界民族问题。其次,针对北部边疆各民族间因文化和宗教等方面的差异而强化的经济利益分配上的对抗性,以及由此导致的民族之间陷入零和博弈困境的现象,着重分析了边境城市经济发展作为边疆地区社会稳定的基础,对边疆地区发展的巨大辐射和带动作用,以及在复杂的周边国际环境中,边境城市对于“和谐周边”构建的重要意义。

【Abstract】 City is not only the inevitable product of human civilization progress and social development, but also an important symbol of global development in today’s world. Along with the rapid social and economic development and the accelerated urbanization process, the study concerning urban development is attracting more and more attention. Due to historical reasons and realistic factors, the level of urbanization in China’s border areas lagged behind that in the developed eastern areas. Border city as one of the administrative unit in border areas, plays an important role in regional development, and is closely related to economic development, social stability, and national unity of border areas. Moreover, the geopolitical position of border city makes its development also directly affect the country’s urbanization. Therefore, the study of border city’s development and its role in the border area’s economic development, national unity and social stability is of great significance.In this dissertation, the border cities of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region were selected as case study. In light of the basic theory of urbanization and applying the methods in field of history, ethnology, economics, the dissertation analyzed the dynamic mechanism and the basic modes of border city’s development from various aspects influencing urban development such as:historical reasons, economical development, geographic conditions, demographic composition, natural resources and so on. Furthermore, from the strategic perspective of geopolitical security of border areas, the dissertation explored the relationship between the development of border city and the stability of border area according to the specific social conditions of border area in Northern China.The dissertation consists of the following parts:The first part is chapter one. Due to be located in border area, border city is defined as a concept of geographical location based on border area so that its formation is closely related to the overall development of border areas. Therefore, taking time as a clue, this chapter analyzed systematically the change of border areas and the developing context of border cities in Northern China from pre-Qin Dynasty to the Republic of China period. Through analyzing the territorial issue of northern border area in modern period and the crisis responding measures of central government, the conceptual evolution of border area was revealed that it was unintelligible in ancient times and then it was definite when the national borders between two countries were demarcated in modern times. Along with the formation of clearer national borders, border cities were emerged and thus became the core of border areas. The second part includes chapter two, chapter three and chapter four. The chapter two focused on analyzing the overall characteristics of border city development in Northern China from historical and contemporary aspects. First, by analyzing the formation causes and the development process of border cities in Inner Mongolia, it was revealed that the formation of border cities in different areas was affected by different historical conditions, geographical location and other factors. In the eastern Inner Mongolia, the border cities were formed by Karen that was a kind of military stronghold for defending Russia’s external aggression. On the other hand, the border cities in the western Inner Mongolia were set up along the foreign trade routes among Mongolia, Han and Russia driven by the internal economic factors. Secondly, the convergence characteristics of urban development were analyzed. Both eastern and western border cities in Inner Mongolia were growing into the port-type border cities by playing their foreign economic advantage since China’s reform and opening-up policy was implemented. It was revealed that the modern urbanization in border areas was also closely related to foreign trade.Taking Erlianhot and Manzhouli as cases of eastern and western border cities in Inner Mongolia, chapter three and chapter four focused on analyzing their urbanization processes respectively. By analyzing the dynamic mechanism of urbanization, the trends and basic modes of urban development, the basic features were revealed that two cities became the trade-based port type from the military stronghold type and the market center type separately. Meanwhile, the main problems in urbanization process that two cities were confronted with were addressed and the corresponding measures were proposed.The third part is chapter five. It focused on clarifying the relationship between urbanization and geopolitical security in the northern border areas from the perspective of ethnology. First, the main ethnic issues encountered in urbanization process, such as "Three Mongolia Unification" for Mongolians and Russians, identity and other cross-border problems were presented. Secondly, because the adversarial nature of economic interests was strengthened by various ethnic cultural and religious differences, the phenomenon in the plight of zero-sum game between nations was resulted in the northern border areas. Therefore, the great economic radiation and leading roles as well as foundation of social stability of border cities in the development of border areas were emphasized. Meanwhile, the significance of border cities in building a "harmonious surrounding" among the complex international environment was addressed.

【关键词】 边境城市城市化满洲里二连浩特
【Key words】 Border cityUrdanizationManzhouliErlianhot

