

【作者】 张璐

【导师】 周晓唯;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 国民经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 食品安全问题涉及到社会生活的方方面面,范围广泛,内容复杂,它是国计民生问题、是政治问题、同时也是社会发展问题。对于正处在经济转型期的中国来说,食品安全问题的合理解决尤为重要。20世纪中后期以来,食品安全事件在世界范围内屡屡爆发,不仅对消费者的身体健康造成了重大的伤害,也加重了消费者的心理负担,为了提高本国食品的安全水平,各国政府纷纷致力于食品安全整治工作,对食品生产的整个过程实施质量管理。目前,国内外学术界对于食品安全问题的研究尚缺乏系统性,学术界对食品安全问题的研究,重点集中于从外部环境入手,对从农田到餐桌的整个食物链条实施全程监管。而针对食物链条上的利益相关者行为研究并不多,缺乏对消费者、食品企业、政府等利益相关者行为的研究,将不能很好的掌握消费者需求、食品企业意愿、政府监管实施效率等影响食品安全法规实施效率的关键因素,结果将导致食品安全市场监管效率低下。在这个背景之下,从消费者行为、政府行为及生产者行为入手,对食品市场利益相关者行为策略空间进行深入剖析,探索食品安全市场高效率的监管模式,最大程度的保障食品市场的稳定有序发展就显得尤为重要与迫切。本文以利益相关者理论为基础,对食品链条上的利益相关者进行界定,进而运用行为经济学理论作为分析框架,对食品链条上的主要利益相关者——政府、食品企业、消费者的行为要素、行为模式以及行为的发展与变异进行分析。通过分析指出,食品安全利益相关者在食品链条上的种种行为表现,不仅由其内在行为要素驱动,更有着特定的制度基础。在这种内在行为驱动和外在制度基础的双重作用之下,食品安全利益相关者的行为能够被现有的制度体系所包容,但是也存在着一些溢出制度框架的行为。本文采用了定量研究与定性研究相结合的方法,选取了消费者群体较为集中的超市作为调研地点,通过访谈、调查问卷相结合的方式,形成了300份调查问卷作为整个研究的素材。作为解释性和分析性的研究,本文没有把建立新的理论模型或创建新的理论作为研究的目标,而是将现有的理论结合全新的资料去解释和分析新的问题——切实掌握政府、消费者、食品企业行为的规律性,为食品安全市场高效率的监管做出具有创新性的解释。研究发现,高效率的食品安全监管,需要努力实现政府、消费者、食品企业三位一体。本文具有以下几方面的创新点:第一、研究视角的创新将整个食品市场作为一个不可分割的系统进行研究。食品市场不是一个孤立存在的个体,而是一个系统工程,对食品安全市场的监管,不能孤立的、片面的针对某一个环节或者某一方面进行。本研究采用了系统工程的办法,将整个食品市场作为一个主体,所有的参与者都成为食品市场的利益相关者,这些利益相关者之间都存在着极大的相关性,其中政府、食品企业、消费者是最主要的利益相关者,在维护食品安全市场秩序的同时,应当积极处理好三者之间的关系。此外,通过对食品市场利益相关者之间的内部博弈分析,有效地提出了食品安全市场体系的运行机制、奖惩措施、绩效评价等等问题,并提出了相应的改进措施;第二、研究框架创新食品安全是一个动态的概念,在不同的经济社会形态之下,食品安全有着不同的内涵,他与特定的经济发展水平是相适应的,通过厘清食品安全、安全食品、食品质量、食品卫生之间的概念,为食品安全的研究奠定了一定的理论基础。食品安全的实现是由食品市场上所有的利益相关者决定的,其中最关键的就是政府、食品企业、消费者这三个主要利益相关者,食品这一具有特殊属性的物品,决定了单纯依靠政府、食品企业、消费者任意一方面的努力都不可能决定食品安全水平,在市场机制下,食品安全水平是由政府、消费者、食品企业共同的努力实现的,因此,要想实现高效率的食品市场监管,必须要先研究这三者的行为方式以及三者之间的相互作用。第三、政府部门与消费者之间相互监管才能实现监管效率最大化在现实生活当中,每一个政府部门其实也是经济学上的“经济人”,在选择每一次行动的时候,都要充分考虑实施这些行为所耗费的成本以及所带来的收益。政府部门在执行食品安全相关法律法规的时候,要对相关法律法规的实施进行成本收益分析,最终确定实施规制的频率和规模,如果预期实施行动的收益大于成本,那么政府部门将趋向于增加监管频率,扩大对假冒伪劣产品查处的范围,如果预期实施行动的收益小于成本,那么政府部门将趋向于减少监管频率,缩减对假冒伪劣产品查处的范围;对于消费者来说,政府部门的监管策略选择直接影响到食品市场上安全食品供给,若食品企业得知政府监管的频率及规模降低,那么追求利益最大化的生产企业将不惜牺牲消费者的合法权益,生产出损害消费者健康的食品,因此,消费者组织应当及时关注政府部门对食品安全市场的监管策略选择,在发现有食品安全隐患的时候及时向政府部门举报,只有在消费者与政府部门相互合作的情况之下,也就是实现了监管“监管者”的时候,食品安全市场监管的效率才能达到最大化。

【Abstract】 Food safety problems related to all aspects of social life, it is a wide range, complicated content problems. It is beneficial to the people’s livelihood issues, political issues, but also social development issues. In the period of economic transition of China, it is very important to reasonably solve the food safety problems. Since the late twentieth Century, food safety incidents have erupted around the world, not only caused great harm to the consumer’s health, but also increase the consumer’s psychological burden.In order to improve the quality of their food, governments have committed to food safety rectification work.At present, academia research on food safety is still lack of systematic research. On food safety issues, academia’s research mainly focused on the view of effective monitoring of the whole chain that food from farm to table from external environment. Focus on the construction and implementation of the food safety management system. The research on specific behavior for the stakeholders throughout the food chain is not much, lack of analysis of the consumer, food enterprises, government departments and other stakeholders behavior, will not be good to grasp of consumer demand, food industry wish, government regulation implement efficiency and other aspects of the information, in the formulation of relevant laws and regulations will not put behaviors of these stakeholders into consideration, the laws and regulations will lack of good foundation in theory and practice. Under this background, starting from the consumer behavior, government behavior and producer behavior, carries on the thorough analysis of the space to the food market stakeholder behavior strategy, it is particularly important and urgent to explore the efficient food safety market supervision mode, and realize greatest degree of stable food market security and orderly development.This paper based on the stakeholder theory, defines the stakeholders in the food chain, and then use the theory of behavioral economics as the analysis frame, the main stakeholders of the food chain-government, food industry, consumer’s behavior factors, behavior mode and behavior development and variation analysis.Through the analysis of various acts, the performance of food safety stakeholders in the food chain, not only driven by its internal behavior elements, but based on more specific system. Under the dual role of the internal drive and external system foundation, food safety stakeholder’s behavior can be contained by the current system, but there are also some behavior can be overflow the system frame.This paper adopts the method of combining quantitative research and qualitative research, and select supermarket of consumer concentrated as research sites, through interviews and ask questionnaire, then formation300questionnaires as the research material. As interpretation and analysis of the study, this paper is not to establish new models or create a new theory as the object of study, but use the existing theory and the new data to explain and analysis new problems---really control the government, consumers, and food enterprises behavior rules, make innovative explanation for the efficient supervision in food safety market. Through the study we can found that, efficiency food safety supervision need to strive to achieve the trinity oft he government, consumers and food enterprises.The main conclusions are as follows:First, the food safety system has multiple stakeholders, among these stakeholders have great relevance, at the same time, in ensuring food safety, the relationship between the three most important stakeholders-----food companies, consumers, government departments should actively deal with.Second, corporate social responsibility, is crucial for the smooth running of the whole system of food safety. Only by constantly training food enterprises social responsibility, in the consumer health and responsible attitude, to provide safe food for consumers, maintain the stable development of the whole society;Third, only the consumers to improve their awareness of safety consumption, increasing consumer safety knowledge of its own, in the face of a food safety hazard, positive appeal to the relevant departments. Safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, against unsafe food into the market, the food market of safety can truly achieve effective;Fourth, Government departments in the implementation of the food safety laws and regulations, make the cost-benefit analysis to the implementation of the related laws and regulations, and ultimately determine the frequency and scale of that regulation; for consumers, government departments supervision policy directly affects the food safety of the food supply on the market, consumer organizations should also be timely attention to government departments for food security market regulation policy, under the mutual cooperation in consumer and government departments of food safety market supervision, efficiency can reach a maximum, which is the regulatory "regulators" point of view;Fifth, the food safety market supervision is a subject of interest continue to game, in the process, each stakeholder selection strategy space itself according to each other’s behavior, based on the stakeholders in all aspects of food safety market game analysis, for China’s future food security system to provide a schedule a framework of analysis, for the food safety system should be based on the game analysis of stakeholders;Sixth, there are personal credit deficiency phenomenon of the various stakeholders in food safety market, for food enterprises, consumers, government departments, reasonable arrangements for personal credit efficiency system, is crucial to the implementation of food safety management;

【关键词】 食品安全利益相关者规制博弈
【Key words】 food safetystakeholdersregulationgame

