

The Design and Applications of Natural Interaction Based on Event Prototype Derivation

【作者】 尹超

【导师】 何人可;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 设计艺术学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 从命令行界面CLI(Command Line Interface)、图形用户界面GUI(GraphicalUser Interface)发展到如今的自然交互(Natural Interaction)的媒介形式—自然用户界面NUI(Natural User Interface),人机交互经历了巨大的模式变革。苹果、微软等科技公司正是抓住这个历史的机遇,以Kinect、Wii、Siri等为代表的自然交互产品有力的推动了交互设计的进一步发展,在取得巨大商业利益的同时也为未来的交互设计提供了新的可能性。微软公司的创始人比尔·盖茨更是大胆的预言鼠标键盘将被更自然的交互方式所逐步取代,可见其发展前景非常广阔。目前设计艺术学科对自然交互设计的研究与实践均处于起步阶段,亟需构建能够从设计分析到设计实践都具有指导和借鉴意义的系统性理论框架。本文的选题源于自然交互设计的研究、教学与设计实践中面临的两个基本问题:第一,自然交互设计要实现的基本目标是什么?第二,实现该目标具有系统性、可操作性的设计方法可能是什么?本文针对自然交互设计的内在要求,从信息传播的角度考察自然交互设计中设计人员、界面与用户之间的信息解码与编码关系。采用文献研究和案例分析的双重证据法,以认知语言学、认知心理学、符号学等相关理论为分析工具探寻作为用户先在知识载体的事件原型作为自然交互事件设计中介物的理论依据及其衍生的外在形式和内在机制。本文着眼于通过研究事件原型衍生中认知要素跨域映射的认知过程,探索如何设计对用户来说“有意义的自然交互事件”,即试图在用户始源域的事件原型与目标域的交互事件之间建立完整的认知理据链。并在此基础上为满足设计艺术学的研究、教学和实践需要,从视觉通道的信息编码出发构建基于事件原型衍生理论的自然交互设计方法,并通过虚拟现实环境下的手势交互实践与实验验证该设计方法的可行性。本文在理论和实践上的创新主要有以下三个方面:第一,提出了自然交互设计中事件原型的概念及事件原型衍生的分析方法。本文系统的分析了事件原型认知要素的层级和构成,提出目标域的自然交互的事件原型主要来自始源域的现实交互事件与先在的数字交互事件;原型认知模型是外在特征构成的“形式层”和内在先在知识构成的“意义层”的统一,因而事件原型认知中的形式层信息节点和意义层信息节点的跨域映射构成了事件原型的基本分析方法。认知主体在目标域经过“原型识别”、“原型匹配”和“原型启发”的认知过程,借助原型通过形式层具有认知理据的认知要素激活已有的心理积淀,从而实现先在知识的复用和自然交互的目标。第二,运用事件原型衍生分析方法对自然交互案例进行系统性分析,总结出事件原型衍生的基本模式。本文通过对自然交互案例的历时性和共时性对分析发现自然交互事件原型衍生的途径是事件认知要素的跨域映射,是事件原型继承与发展的统一。原型继承和发展的内部和外部动因来自于交互情境中需求的发展和交互方式的转变等因素,表现为事件原型的微进化与宏进化的进化形态和不同程度的家族相似性的衍生变体。交互事件原型的认知要素的解构与重构是事件原型衍生的基本方式,以意象图式为基础的隐喻和转喻为事件的原型衍生提供认知策略的同时也形成了事件原型与衍生变体之间的认知理据链。第三,在文献和案例研究的双重证据基础上提出了基于事件原型衍生的自然交互设计方法并应用于实践和实验验证。本文在文献和案例研究的基础上提出从事件原型获取、原型衍生,到自然交互事件的概念生成、编码与迭代的较为完整的自然交互设计方法并进行实践和实验的检验。设计人员通过事件原型双层信息节点的跨域映射从而产生符合目标域要求的事件原型的衍生变体—自然交互事件,在此过程中设计人员根据目标域的情境条件发挥主观能动性对事件原型进行衍生性设计。在此设计方法中,设计人员以用户为中心,构建从始源域事件原型到目标域衍生变体事件之间完整的认知理据链,以设计出对用户来说“有意义的自然交互事件”,从而实现用户的先在知识的跨域复用和自然交互的目标。本文将“事件原型”概念导入自然交互设计中所构建的基于事件原型衍生的自然交互分析和设计方法,使设计人员能够有意识的遵循和运用认知规律,为用户在从始源域到目标域的跨域认知中实现先在知识的复用,为蓬勃发展的自然交互的提供新的具有可行性的研究与设计方法。

【Abstract】 From Command Line Interface (CLI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI) totoday’s Natural User Interface (NUI), the mode of human-computer interactions hasexperienced a tremendous revolution. Technology companies such as Apple andMicrosoft seized the historical opportunities to develop their natural interactionproducts like Kinect, Wii, and Siri, which forcefully promoted the furtherdevelopment of interaction design. While receiving the huge commercial interests,the Tech companies also offered new possibilities for interaction design in the future.Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, once boldly predicted that mouse and keyboardwould be gradually replaced by the more natural ways of interaction, as he foreseenits broad development prospect. At present, the research and practice on naturalinteraction design from the academic field of Designing Art are still in the start-upstage and there is an urgent need to build a systematic theory framework that hasguiding and referential significances on both analysis and practice of design.The topic of this article originates from the two basic questions faced by research,teaching and practice of natural interaction design: First, what’s the basic goal ofnatural interaction design? Second, what might be the systematic and practicabledesigning method for realizing the goal?According to the inherent requirements of natural interaction design, this articleinvestigates the relationship of information decoding and coding among designer,interface and user from the perspective of information transmission. Based on thedual evidences of literature researches and case studies,and through related theoriessuch as cognitive linguistics, cognitive psychology, and semeiology, the articleexplores the theoretical foundation of making the “Event Prototype” of user’spreexistent knowledge carrier as the switch media of natural interaction design and itsderivative external form and internal mechanism. Via the process of cross-domainmapping of cognitive elements (including characteristic information node andsemantic information node) in the event prototype derivation,the article discovershow to design "a meaningful natural interaction event" for users,namely, to establisha complete cognitive motivation chain between user’s pre-existing event prototypeand objective interaction events.It also constructs the natural interaction designing methods from the point view of information coding of visual channel on the basis of the derivation theory of eventprototype in order to meet the research,teaching and practice needs of Designing Art,and it verifies the feasibilities of this designing method through gesture interactionpractices and experiments in Virtual Reality environments.The main innovations in theories and practices from this article are as follows:Firstly, it brings up the concept of Event Prototype in natural interaction designand the analysis approaches of Event Prototype Derivation.This article systematically analyzed the hierarchies and components of cognitiveelements of event prototype. It proposed that the event prototype of naturalinteraction mainly originates from the real interaction event and the pre-existingdigital interactive event. Prototype is the unification of the “form layer” of externalcharacteristic representation and the “meaning layer” of internal pre-existingknowledge composition, therefore, the cross-domain mapping between theinformation node on the “form layer” and the information node on the “meaninglayer” becomes the basic analysis technique of event prototype. Through the cognitiveprocedure which includes "prototype recognition","prototype matching" and“prototype inspiration" of the target domain, the cognitive subject activates hispsychological heritages by cognitive elements which come from the “form layer”,thus, realize the targets of natural interaction and multiplexing of pre-existingknowledge.Secondly, this article systematically analyzed the natural interaction cases byutilizing the event prototype derivation analysis and summarized the basic mode ofevent prototype derivation.Through the analysis on the diachronic and synchronic of natural interactioncases, this article discovers that the derivation approach of interactive event prototypeis the cross-domain mapping of cognitive elements and the unification of theinheritances and developments of event prototype. The internal and externalmotivations of prototype inheritance and development originate from the developmentof demands in the interactive context and the changes of interactive modes,represented by the evolution form of micro evolution and macro evolution in theprocess of prototype derivation and the variants of different levels of familyresemblance. The deconstruction and reconstruction of cognitive elements in theinteractive event prototype is the basic pattern of event prototype derivation. Themetaphor and metonymy based on image schema provide cognitive strategy for eventprototype derivation and also form the cognitive motivation chain between “Event Prototype" and "Derivative Variant".Lastly, with the double evidences of literature and case study, this articleproposed the natural interaction designing method based on event prototypederivation and applied it in practices and experiment verifications. This relativelycomplete designing method includes event prototype acquisition, prototype derivation,concept generation of natural interactive event, coding and iteration. Based on theevent prototype derivation variant created by the Cross domain mapping of eventprototype from the double layers of information nodes, in other words, naturalinteraction event, designers design event prototype derivatively according to thesituation of target domain. By utilizing this user-centered method, designers build acomplete cognitive motivation chain between event prototype in source domain andderivative variant event in target domain in order to design "the meaningful naturalinteraction events" for users, thus, to realize the cross-domain reuse of user’spre-existing knowledge and the target of natural interaction.This article imported the concept of “Event Prototype” to natural interactionanalysis and design and enabled designers to follow and apply the cognitive rulesconsciously in order to help users reusing their pre-existing knowledge in thecross-domain cognition. Optimistically, this article would contribute the innovativeand feasible ways of research and design to the vigorously developed naturalinteractions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

