

Research on Performance Evaluation and Promotion Ways of Regional Scientific and Technological Synergy Innovation

【作者】 刘志华

【导师】 李林;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着技术创新的复杂性增强、技术更新速度的加快以及全球化的发展,创新模式已突破传统的线性和链式模式,逐步演变为以多元主体协同互动为基础的协同创新模式,该模式既符合当前创新资源从封闭、分散到整合、协同的现实背景,同时也符合创新研究从独立创新、集成创新到开放式创新的理论研究背景,它成为推动创新的重要发展模式,由此受到了我国国家领导人的高度重视。但是,当前我国创新体系的协同创新深度和广度远远不够,并且在协同创新实践过程中缺乏协同创新理论指导,这对于我国推进协同创新发展建设非常不利。为此,本文从绩效评价和提升途径两个方面对区域科技协同创新进行研究,通过客观科学的评价我国区域科技协同创新绩效,掌握我国区域科技协同创新绩效水平状况,并在研究提升区域科技协同创新绩效的关键要素基础上,提出我国区域科技协同创新绩效的政策建议。这不仅丰富了区域科技协同创新理论,而且对于我国区域科技协同创新建设发展同样具有重要的现实意义。本文研究首先界定区域科技协同创新绩效的内涵,通过系统的研究区域创新理论和绩效评价理论,提出了区域科技协同创新绩效评价概念和内涵。区域科技协同创新绩效评价就是依照区域科技协同创新的评价标准和的评价程序,运用科学的评价方法,采用特定的指标体系,按照评价的内容和标准对区域科技协同创新运行状态进行客观综合评判和系统分析的过程。其次,通过文献研究及逻辑框架法构建了区域科技协同创新绩效评价指标体系,该指标体系根据协同创新的逻辑框架划分为四大评价目标模块:协同投入、协同过程、协同产出和协同影响,形成18个二级指标以及82个三级指标,并通过专家咨询、隶属度分析、相关分析、鉴别力分析和信度效度分析对指标体系进行筛选和检验。在确定区域科技协同创新绩效评价指标体系的基础上,根据指标体系结构多层次和指标值模糊性和随机性共存的特点,采用云层次分析法和云模型相结合的综合评价方法,构建了区域科技协同创新绩效评价模型。再次,运用构建的区域科技协同创新的绩效评价指标体系和评价模型,对我国内地31个省级行政区域(不包括台湾、香港和澳门)的科技协同创新绩效进行实证分析和综合评价。实证分析得出我国区域科技协同创新绩效排名第一的是江苏,排名最后的是西藏。按照我国四大区域划分法,可以得出我国区域科技协同创新绩效可以划分为三个水平层次,第一层次是东部省市,处于全国领先水平,第二层次是中部和东北部省市,处于全国中游水平,第三层次是西部省市,处于全国落后水平。之后,通过采用结构方程模型的方法确定提升区域科技协同创新绩效的关键要素,通过数据验证发现:协同创新能力、知识共享程度、领导支持、有效沟通、激励机制、协同创新意愿、资源依赖性、利益分配和组织氛围均能够正向的提升区域科技协同创新绩效,而且利益分配和协同创新能力为两个特别的关键要素。最后,为了保障区域科技协同创新绩效评价科学化、规范化,本文从评价主体的选择,评价实施的流程和评价的保障机制三个方面对区域科技协同创新绩效评价制度安排进行了深入研究。同时,针对我国区域科技协同创新存在的主要问题,提出了通过统筹资金投入体系、扶持科技中介发展、完善政府的政策支持体系、搭建多方联动的组织体系、规范创新利益分配、构建科技协同创新人才培养体系、营造良好的协同创新组织氛围和建设多层次沟通协调体系等系列政策建议来进一步提升我国区域科技协同创新绩效水平,完善我国区域科技协同创新的建设。本文以提升我国区域科技协同创新绩效水平为目标,研究了区域科技协同创新绩效评价与提升途径两方面。构建了一套科学合理的区域科技协同创新绩效评价指标体系,建立了区域科技协同创新绩效评价模型,并选取了我国各省(直辖市)为区域科技协同创新绩效评价实证对象,研究了提升区域科技协同创新绩效的关键要素,以上研究极大的丰富了区域科技协同创新理论和现代绩效评价理论。

【Abstract】 With the increasing complexity of technology innovation、the accelerating speedof technology update and globalization, the innovation mode has already broken thetraditional linear and chain mode, and gradually evolved into a synergistic interactionwith multiple subjects based on synergy innovation mode. This mode is consistentwith the current resources for innovation from a closed, discrete to integrated,synergy realistic background, but also meet the innovative research from independentinnovation, open innovation, synergy innovation to the theoretical background, itbecomes important mode to promote innovation, so it paid more attention by the twonational leaders of Hu Jingtao and Xi Jinping. But China’s current innovation systemis not deeply and widely enough for synergy innovation and lack of theoreticaldirection in the process of practice, it is unfavorable to the development of synergyinnovation. Therefor, this paper deals with the regional science and technologysynergy innovation in two aspects: performance evaluation and promotion ways. Then,grasping the synergy innovation performance level through the scientific evaluationof China’ s regional science and technology synergy innovation performance. Andbased on the research of promotion ways, some policy recommendations is proposed.This not only enriches the regional science and technology synergy innovation theory,but also has important practical significance for the construction of regional scienceand technology synergy innovation of our country.This paper firstly defines the meaning of regional science and technologysynergy innovation performance, proposes regional science and technology synergyinnovation performance evaluation concept and content by studying the theory ofregional innovation systems and performance evaluation theory. Regional science andtechnology synergy innovation performance means in accordance with the regionalscience and technology synergy innovation criteria and evaluation procedures, usingscientific evaluation methods and particular index system, in accordance withevaluation content and criteria to evaluate the run condition of regional science andtechnology synergy innovation.Secondly, based on the literature research and logical framework approach, theregional science and technology synergy innovation performance evaluation indexsystem was built, the index system consists of four modules: synergy input, synergy process, synergy output and synergy effect. There are18secondary indicators and82three indicators. Then through expert advice, membership analysis, correlationanalysis, discrimination analysis, and reliability and validity analysis indicatorsscreening and testing. Based on the built of the regional science and technologysynergy innovation performance evaluation index system, A comprehensiveevaluation model was built by cloud AHP model combines cloud model accordingwith the multilevel architecture and fuzziness and randomness of indicator values.To verify the performance evaluation of regional science and technologycollaborative innovation operability and effectiveness of the method, the paper onChina’s31provincial-level administrative regions in Mainland (not including Taiwan,Hong Kong and Macao) of regional technology innovation performance collaborativeevaluation and comparison, results of regional Technology innovation collaborativeinnovation performance evaluation of regional scientific and technologicalcollaboration ranked first in Jiangsu, ranking last in Tibet. According to China’spresent eastern, central, northeast and west four economic zoning method, we arriveat the current performance of regional science and technology collaborativeinnovation can be divided into three horizontal levels, the first level is the easternprovinces and cities in the country relative to the lead, the first two levels in thecentral and northeastern provinces, the middle level in the country, and the third levelis the western provinces in the country is relatively backward.Thereafter, by using structural equation modeling method, the regional scienceand technology synergy innovation performance promotion ways in-depth study,through the study found: synergy innovation capability, knowledge sharing degree,support of the leadership, effective communication, incentive mechanism, synergyinnovation willingness, resource dependency, the distribution of benefits andorganizational climate were able to positively promote regional science andtechnology collaborative innovation performance, and the distribution of benefits andcollaborative innovation capacity of two particularly important ways.Finally, in order to ensure regional science and technology synergy innovationperformance evaluation scientific and standardized, the paper from the evaluation ofthe main selection, the process of the assessment implementation and the safeguardmechanism three aspects to the in-depth study regional science and technologysynergy innovation performance evaluation arrangements. Meanwhile, in arriving atour regional science and technology synergy innovation are the main issues, the paperpresent through an integrated system of funding to support the development of science and technology intermediary, improve the government’s policy support system, tobuild multi-linkage of the organizational system to regulate the distribution ofbenefits innovation, synergy innovation to build scientific and technologicalpersonnel training system, to create a good atmosphere and building synergyinnovation organizational communication and coordination system of multi-levelseries of measures to further enhance our regional science and technology synergyinnovation performance, improvement of regional science and technology synergyinnovation of the building.The paper’s main target is enhance the regional science and technology synergyinnovation performance and it studies performance evaluation and impact factors ofthe regional science and technology synergy innovation. The paper built the regionalscience and technology synergy innovation performance evaluation index system andevaluation model. Based on the above, selected China’s provinces (Municipalities) tocarry out the regional science and technology synergy innovation performanceevaluation empirical study, then, study the promotion ways of regional science andtechnology synergy innovation performance, these studies greatly enriched theregional science and technology synergy innovation theory and modern performanceevaluation theory.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

