

Study on Consumer Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives

【作者】 肖捷

【导师】 欧阳润平;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 工商管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 企业希望通过积极履行社会责任的方式来得到消费者对企业和产品的认可,以实现企业战略性目标。然而,在企业开展的各项社会责任活动中,并非所有的社会责任项目都能促进企业形象感知的提升,进而实现其战略性目标;部分项目有时甚至可能产生负面效果。现有从消费者视角探索企业社会责任的研究多立足于企业社会责任行为已经在消费者心目中形成良好的企业感知后,消费者可能产生的支持性反应(比如购买,赞扬等);也就是说既有研究都集中在企业社会责任联想的结果和影响,多关注消费者在正面企业社会责任联想下的行为倾向,而鲜有研究探究这种正面的企业社会责任联想是如何产生的及其成因。此外,现有文献缺乏对消费者如何决定是否支持一项企业社会责任项目的研究。然而,消费者对于企业社会责任项目评判的思考环节对于企业社会责任项目设计具有重要的参考价值,但既有研究对此过程的关注度严重不足。总体来看,现有企业社会责任项目的理论和实践需要研究以下问题:消费者在购物行为中是否会对企业社会责任行为予以反应?消费者在接受企业社会责任项目信息后会产生怎样的思考过程?企业社会责任项目是怎样影响消费者决策的?为了回答上述问题,本文综合运用定性研究和定量研究方法,力求通过两种研究手段的互补优势以获得更可靠的研究结果。本研究首先对企业社会责任理论、企业社会责任理论、消费者响应理论和调节定向理论进行了系统梳理;然后采用探索性因子分析方法探索了我国消费者行为中的责任因子,以验证消费者在购物行为中会对企业社会责任行为予以反应。紧接着,本研究通过开展27个深度访谈,以了解消费者对各种企业社会责任项目的看法和态度,进而归纳出消费者对企业社会责任项目信息的处理过程。通过整理谈话内容,本研究得到初始编码,即八项能让消费者产生积极的企业社会责任联想的企业社会责任项目所需涵盖的要素;基于内在逻辑分析和关联编码,本研究构建了“企业社会责任项目的信息呈现与消费者响应的作用机制”模型。随后,本研究开发并进行消费者情境实验,以验证基于扎根研究所得到的消费者对企业社会责任项目信息接收方式。通过综合运用单因素方差分析、双因素方差分析、层次回归分析等数据分析技术,本研究进一步验证了基于消费者视角的企业社会责任项目的作用机理。本研究最后部分基于研究结果,提出了管理建议。基于上述四项研究,本研究得出以下结论。首先,消费者对企业社会责任项目可能产生效益与安全两个维度的认知。一方面,当企业社会责任项目信息中涵盖了项目有利于重要利益相关者的福利提升、有利于实现公司的可持续发展、与公司的业务品牌、定位和公司形象高度相关,以及项目具有持续性的生命力这四个信息时,消费者将会产生效益感知。另一方面,消费者同时希望企业开展的社会责任项目是真实、安全和有效的。具体而言,当企业社会责任信息中涵盖了有相应的制度安排来保证项目真实地执行、设立了监督和管控方式来确保项目执行中不发生偏差、确保项目不会产生危害作用,以及发布公司承诺这四个要素时,消费者将会产生安全感知。如果消费者对企业社会责任项目能形成效益感知和安全感知,那么消费者会对企业形成正面的负责任形象感知,并提升购买意愿。其次,基于对企业社会责任项目信息消费者接收的过程的探讨,本研究构建出企业社会责任项目的信息呈现对消费者响应的作用机制。企业社会责任项目中呈现的某些信息能使消费者产生对企业社会责任项目的感知,而这种感知能在消费者调节定向类型的调节作用下让消费者形成更强的企业社会责任联想,并进而最终增强消费者的购买意愿。最后,本研究将消费者调节定向理论运用到企业社会责任研究中,验证了消费者的调节定向类型对效益、安全感知和企业社会责任联想之间的关系具有调节作用。研究结论表明,偏促进定向型的消费者对企业社会责任信息更为敏感;而偏预防定向型消费者更注重企业核心业务信息,且企业社会责任信息对其企业社会责任感知影响有限。

【Abstract】 More and more companies started to practice socially-based events in order to enhance company images and achieve their strategies. However, in the practices, not all the corporate social responsible initiatives are effective. Some of them even cause negative effects.More research on the corporate social responsibility from a consumer perspective focuses on the things happened after the positive company image has built by CSR behaviors. However, little is known about how consumers’CSR beliefs are formed. This is because extant research has been concerned primarily with the consequences of CSR:it has either manipulated consumers’CSR association in an experimental context or assessed such beliefs without attention to its antecedents. Also little is known about how consumers decide to support a CSR initiative. Actually, the consumers’perception process is crucial to the design of a proper CSR initiative.Targeting at the gaps in practices and theories, our research questions include following:Do consumers care about the CSR initiatives? How do consumers think when they receive the CSR information? How do CSR initiatives influence the behaviors of consumers?To answer those questions, both qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis are conducted in this research. First of all, we reviewed the theories of CSR, consumers responses and regulatory focus. Secondly, we explored the socially responsible purchase and disposal behavior in China, and the empirical analysis supports a scale of6dimensions. The analysis shows that consumers in China do care about the CSR initiatives during their purchase. Thirdly, semi-structured depth interviews were conducted with27interviewees on their attitude toward the CSR initiatives. Based on the analysis of the original materials and open coding, we concluded with eight elements to achieve positive CSR association has been gained. After axial coding, the first four elements are coded as profit belief, and the rest four elements are coded as security belief. Then after core coding, the model named "the function mechanism between CSR initiative information and the consumer responses" has been developed. Fourthly, a scenario-based experiment has been conducted. The data is analyzed with single-factor analysis of variance, two-factor analysis of variance and multi-level regression analysis. The last but not the least, managerial suggestions has been provided based on the research results.The research results in the dissertation are following:When a CSR initiative is able to improve the welfare of companies’important stakeholder, help to achieve the sustainable development, keep high fit and long vitality, consumers may attain the profit beliefs. Besides, if there are supervision and administration to assure the reality, the correction and the security of the CSR initiative, and there is corresponding corporate commitment, the consumers produce the security beliefs. CSR association and purchase intention are derived from profit beliefs and security beliefsThis research discusses the consumer reaction towards CSR initiatives, the function mechanism between CSR initiative information, and the consumer responses. The certain CSR information induces the profit beliefs and security beliefs about the initiative, then influence CSR association and purchase intention under the moderating effect of consumer regulatory focus.The regulatory focus theory has been used in the CSR domain in the research. It is proved that consumers regulatory focus moderates the initiative belief and CSR association. Consumers with a promotion focus are more sensitive to CSR information, and prevention focus consumers are not so much into CSR because they care more about direct consumption information.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期

