

【作者】 任金帅

【导师】 王先明;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国近现代史, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 伴随着20世纪二三十年代时农村危机的凸显,乡村建设运动在全国范围内兴起并成为是时社会运动之主潮。无论是民国时人为挽救时弊所做的对策性研究,还是今人为解决现实“三农”问题而开展的学理性探讨,乡村建设运动都因具备丰富的历史蕴含而得到极大的重视。本文选取乡村建设运动的主体力量——“乡村建设工作者群体”为研究主题,尝试以“群体”为切入点,以1926-1937年间的华北主要乡村建设区域为中心,考察乡建工作者群体的产生背景、形成路径、群体特征、实践活动、工作方式、社会认同及群体走向等问题,并立足于对上述问题的分析,一方面探讨乡建工作者对乡村建设运动发展与走向的影响,一方面基于乡村社会变迁的全景对工作者群体进行再审视,以期形成对乡村建设运动的新认识。乡村建设工作者群体的形成、发展壮大与乡村建设运动的发展密切相关,其根源则在于近代以来城乡关系的结构性失衡。进入20世纪以来,城市化、工业化的进程并未与乡村社会的发展形成良性互动,城乡关系的结构性失衡日渐明显,促成城市中知识分子的“冗余”现象以及乡村社会的全面破产。出于救国救民的热忱以及谋求生路等的考虑,越来越多的知识分子投身于乡村建设事业,而部分规模较大的乡建团体、机构也在选拔、培养相当数量的专门人才。由此,一个以宗旨目的上的统一、事业内容上的一致,情感价值上的相近等为内聚力的工作者群体逐渐形成。为实现救济农村、复兴民族国家的目的,群体成员在不同岗位上承担起贯彻乡村建设理论、路线,推进诸如社会调查、乡村教育、农业经济、医疗卫生等工作的重任,他们的行为与活动直接影响着事业的走向与成效,可谓乡村建设运动的骨干与灵魂。然而尽管乡村建设工作者群体为事业的开展做出各种努力,也取得了一定的成效,但工作者数量、能力的增长与乡建事业不断深化发展趋势之间的脱节,以及因各种主客观因素制约而出现的工作者角色错位问题,均成为影响运动未能取得预期成效的重要致因。更进一步说,工作者群体的工作内容及方式不仅关乎运动的进展,还影响着其他社会群体对乡建运动及工作者群体的评价。而这些来自外界尤其是政治势力的评价以及自身的工作体验复又影响着工作者群体的社会认同,成为影响整个群体分化与走向的重要因素。可以说,对乡村建设工作者群体的研究是重新审视乡村建设运动的一个有待发掘的视角,有助于填补运动的“血肉”,使研究突破“史实再现”的宏观叙述模式与泛泛铺陈的写作手法,真正深入到运动的内部场景,获得有关乡村建设运动产生、发展、成效、局限及其根源所在的更为全面、深刻的认识。

【Abstract】 With the manifestation of the agricultural crisis in1920s and1930s, the Rural Construction Movement sprung up throughout the country. Whether in the applied study carried out in modern china or the academic research conducted on the issue concerning agriculture, Countryside and farmers in nowadays, the Rural Construction Movement has been got much attentions of the academic circle because of the rich historical connotations it contains. In order to obtain a new understanding, this paper investigates, from the social group perspective, the production background, the formation, the characteristics, practical activities, and the social identification of the group of workers engaged in the Rural Construction. Based on the analysis of the above-mentioned problems, this article further studies the effect of this group on the Rural Construction Movement and re-examine this group against the backdrop of modern Chinese social transformation.The formation of the group of workers engaged in the Rural Construction which has close connection with the development of the Rural Construction Movement can be attributed to the Imbalance of urban-rural relationship. Since the beginning of twentieth century, the benign interaction relationship has not been able to be formed between the process of urbanization and the development of rural society. As a result the phenomenon of excessive supply of intellectuals and the bankruptcy of rural society become more and more evident.Out of various considerations such as the passion for saving the country, earn a living, more and more intellectuals take part in the Rural Construction Movement. At the same time, some lager rural reconstruction organizations also select and train large quantities of skilled talents for the Rural Construction Movement. Therefore, the group of workers engaged in rural construction which share the common purpose, work and sentimental value gradually formed.In order to carry out the intention of rural reconstruction and national salvation, group members implement rural reconstruction theory and take on formidable tasks such as social investigation, village education agricultural economy, and rural medical security. And their behavior and activity exert influence on course and achievements of the Rural Construction Movement.And yet, even though the group of workers engaged in rural construction make great efforts to push the work forward, the great discrepancy between the number and capability of workers and the development of the Rural Construction Movement, and the dislocation of intended social role due to subjective and objective factors, both are the causes why the Rural Construction Movement doesn’t accomplish the purpose desired.Further more, the content and the way the group member work are not only concern with the development of the Rural Construction Movement, but also affect the comments made by other social groups. These valuations especially those from political force, together with the feeling about their own work have a powerful influence on the social identification and the differentiation of the group.In a sense, research in the group of workers engaged in rural construction present a special and potential view to re-examine the Rural Construction Movement. Studies from this new angle of view will able to flesh out the Rural Construction Movement, break descriptive research model,and obtain new understanding of the generation, development, efficiency, limitation of the Rural Construction Movement, by going deep into the movement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期
  • 【分类号】D422.6;K26
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】536
  • 攻读期成果

