

Study on the Modern Tianjin Broker’s Warehouse Industry

【作者】 杜希英

【导师】 李金铮;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国近现代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 作为商贸流通中间行业的近代天津货栈业,其产生和发展与明清以来天津政治、经济的发展密不可分。天津地理位置优越,水路交通便利,至明清时期,己成为漕运之总汇,畿辅之屏障,商业贸易逐步兴盛起来。在此基础上,至清中期,天津货栈业兴起。天津开埠后,进出口贸易兴盛、中外企业出现、交通更为发达,在此条件下,货栈业获得较大发展,在数量、经营商品种类、业务等方面都得到进一步扩展。“一战”后,随着民族资本主义工商业的发展、对外贸易的扩大、腹地范围的扩展、人口的增加以及金融业的发展等,天津货栈业迅速发展,并达到繁盛。经营数量大增,业务进一步扩展,竞争激烈,不仅打破了行业垄断,形成内部分工,同时还建立了同业组织,其经济、社会地位也得到大大提高。“七七事变”爆发后,天津被日军侵占,整个华北地区相继沦陷,农村经济破产、城镇工商业萧条,加之交通不便,天津货栈业客源减少、货源短缺,购销困难重重,开始走向衰落。此后历经八年抗战、三年内战、建国后的恢复发展,直至工商业社会主义改造的完成,天津货栈业全行业实现了公私合营,从此退出了历史舞台。近代天津货栈业的空间分布接近交通便利、商业发达、便于商品交易之地。而且随着天津商业空间的变化,出现了营业重心的转移,由华界向租界迁移,并形成同业聚集与区域集中的分布规律。因各货栈资本大小及业务繁简不同,其行号规模颇有差距,但整体以中小型货栈为主,且营业设施多不完善,在资金与使用人数方面,具有资金集中、人员分散的特点,行业内部两级分化现象比较突出。各货栈都具备了基本的部门与人事组织,并形成以交易及相关服务为基础的分工负责制,员工各司其职,各尽其能,从而保证了商号的正常与高效运转。而且,货栈业的薪酬与福利待遇,兼顾股东、经营者及普通员工三方面的利益,有利于增强内部的凝聚力及发展动力。可见,近代天津货栈业实际上已具备了现代企业经营管理的某些特征。不过,在货栈的人事构成、帮派特色、职员升迁、账簿与员工管理方面又体现出该行业明显的传统特色。随着城市近代化进程与对外贸易的开展,城乡物资交流规模的扩大,近代天津货栈业经营商品种类日趋增加,范围不断扩展,遍及大宗商品贸易的各个行业。总体而言,其货源大部分来自华北、东北、西北各地,少量来自华南与西南,销售去向则主要为天津市内(本埠)、外埠、出口三个方向。各货栈都有固定的营业区域与客户对象,所接待的客户主要以同乡为主,具有强烈的地域特色。而且因经营商品种类、客货来源的不同,各货栈间又呈现明显的帮派特色。加上货栈内部人员构成上的地缘特色,使近代天津货栈业呈现出强烈的地域与族群集中的特点。近代天津货栈业具有广泛的市场职能,包括中介说合、代客买卖、代客存储、寄宿客商、代客垫款、担保信用与货付等等,形成以委托代理为核心内容的经营模式。而且,随着行业的发展,部分货栈还兼自营购销,成为近代代理商与批发商的合体。货栈凭借其广泛的市场职能,充分介入到商品运销的具体过程,并与各行业、各部门建立了密切的关系网络,充分发挥了其连接产销、资金融通、信用担保等强大的市场作用,从而成为近代天津市场上不可或缺的角色,有力地促进了天津城市经济的发展以及天津与腹地的经济联系。资本问题实为货栈营业的根本问题。近代天津货栈业的资本组织形式普遍以合伙为主,采取掌柜领东经营的方式。货栈的投资者身份呈现多元化色彩,而以工商界为主,资本构成除自有资本外,往往还吸收各种形式的外来资本,以充实营业资金,方便资金周转。银行号存款、堂号存款、客号存款为货栈资本的重要来源,而对客垫款则为其资本运用的最主要部分。货栈收入多样化,既包括代客交易所收取的各项费用,还有依靠自营购销赚取的批零差价,其中又以代客交易所抽取的佣金、代存货物所收取的栈租、代客垫款所收取的利息为主。货栈的开支则因其营业结构与职能的不同而有别,总体上讲主要包括职员薪金、馈送、日用福食、房租、税捐、及日常杂费等,此外,经营中的诸多风险也增加了货栈的经营成本。货栈的利润分配,都是对其营业纯益的分配,在股东与职员间保持相对固定的比例,并充分参考了职员劳绩情况。其利润主要用于扩大营业规模、充实营业资金。而且,七七事变作为货栈业发展由盛而衰的分水岭,对货栈业的资本构成、运用及其利润分配等方面都产生了明显的影响,体现出战后该行业发展的相关变化。随着货栈业的快速发展,至民国二三十年代,天津市货栈业同业公会应运而生。其经历了七七事变前、日伪时期、国民党统治后期、解放后直至1956年社会主义改造完成四个历史时期的发展。相应地,其内部组织体制,也经历了委员制、董事制、理事制、并重归委员制的发展变化。然而,在公会内部组织设置与运作方面却大同小异,其各阶段的发展变化更多是在政府强力作用下发生的形变。作为一种新兴行业组织,天津货栈业同业公会在其组织设置与运作方面体现了明显的近代特色,但仍有诸多缺陷。它的成立,适应了行业发展的需要,不仅维护了会员的行业发展利益,而且也成为政府管理市场的重要中介。

【Abstract】 As the middle industry of commerce and trade circulation, the modern Tianjin broker’s storehouse industry, its rise and development are inseparable from the political, economic development of this city since the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Tianjin is well-located and easy of access. To Ming and Qing Dynasties, it had become the confluence of water transport of grain and the barrier to capital city and its environs, and its commercial trade had gradually flourished. Based on this, Tianjin broker’s storehouse industry rose in the middle of Qing Dynasty. After the treaty port of Tianjin was opened, import and export trade flourished, Chinese and overseas companies were established, and the transportation was more developed. Under this condition, broker’s storehouse industry had a larger development, the numbers, the types of commodity, the business, etc, had all further extended. After the First World War, with the development of the national capitalist industry and commerce, the expansion of foreign trade, the extension of the hinterland, the growth of population, as well as the development of financial industry, Tianjin broker’s storehouse industry developed rapidly, and achieved prosperity. The number had a significant increase, the business had a further expansion, and the competition between broker’s storehouses was fierce, which not only broke the monopoly of the industry, forming internal labor division, but also established the trade organization. Meanwhile, its economic and social status had also been greatly improved. After the out break of "The July7th Incident", Tianjin was occupied by the Japanese troops, and the whole area of North China had fallen in succession, rural economy was bankrupt, urban business was stagnant, and coupled with the inconvenience of traffic, Tianjn broker’s storehouse industry facing with the reduce of guests, short of supplies and many difficulties in the purchase and sales, began to decline. Then after eight years of war, three years of civil war, the recovery and development after the founding of the PRC, until the completion of the socialist transformation of commerce and industry, Tianjn broker’s storehouse industry achieved full realization of public-private partnerships and thence withdrew from the stage of history.The space of modern Tianjin broker’s storehouse industry located closely to places, which had convenient transportation, flourished commerce and could facilitate commodity trading. Moreover, with the change of Tianjin city’s commercial space, the business focus appeared to transfer, migrated from Chinese controlled districts to the concession, and formed the distribution rule of professional accumulation and regional concentration. Due to their different sizes of capital and simplifications of business, the scale of different broker’s storehouses had a wide gap, but the overall was mainly small and medium-sized, and business facilities were imperfect. In terms of capital and employee, there were the characteristics of capital centralized and people scattered, and the phenomenon of internal polarization was more prominent. Each broker’s storehouse was equipped with basic departments and personnel organizations, and formed the division of labor responsibility system, which based on transactions and the related services. In this system, employees could perform their respective duties and play their best, thus ensuring the normal and efficient operation of the firm. In addition, the pay and benefits of modern Tianjin broker’s storehouse industry, taking into account the three different interests of shareholders, managers and ordinary employees, were conduce to enhancing internal cohesion and development momentum. It was thus clear that modern Tianjin broker’s storehouse industry actually had some characteristics of modern enterprise management. However, it obviously reflected the traditional features in its personnel composition, characteristics of gangs, staff promotion, account books and staff management, etc.With the proceeding of city modernization, the developing of foreign trade and the expanding of urban and rural commodity transaction scale, the commodity types of modern Tianjin broker’s storehouse industry were increasing and its range was expanding, almost throughout every line of trade in bulk commodities. In general, most of its goods supplies were from the areas of north, northeast and northwest China, only a small amount from south and southwest China, but all of them were mainly sold to the local city, other cities and overseas in three directions. Every broker’s storehouse had the fixed business areas and guests, and the received guests were mainly countrymen, so it was full of strong regional characteristic. And it also showed obvious gang characteristic because of its different types of commodities and sources of guests and supplies. Combining with geographical features in its personnel, modern Tianjin broker’s storehouse industry showed the characteristic of strong geographic and ethnic centralization. Modern Tianjin broker’s storehouse industry had broad market functions, including intermediary mediating, brokering transaction, brokering storage, boarding merchants, brokering advance, vouching for credit and goods payment, and so on, forming the entrust-agent centered business model. Moreover, with the development of the industry, some broker’s storehouses were also engaged in self-purchase and sale, and became a combination of modern agents and wholesalers. With its wide market functions, the broker’s storehouse fully involved in the specific process of commodity marketing, and established a close network of relations with various industries and departments. It gave full play to the role of strong market functions, for example, connecting the production and marketing, financing, credit guarantee, etc, and thus played the indispensable role on the modern Tianjin market, effectively promoting the development of Tianjin’s economy and the economic ties between Tianjin and its hinterland.The capital problem was indeed the fundamental in broker’s storehouse daily business. The capital organization form of modern Tianjin broker’s storehouse industry was given priority to partnership, and took the managing mode that manager was in charge of business instead of shareholders. The identities of broker’s storehouse investors were multiple, but mostly business circles. Broker’s storehouse usually absorbed various forms of external capital besides their own ones, so as to enrich the business capital and facilitate the turnover of funds. Bank deposits, shop deposits, merchant personal deposits were important sources of its capital, while guest advance was the most major part of its use. Broker’s storehouse’s income was variety, including both all kinds of fees charged by brokering transaction and price differences between wholesale and retail earning through self-purchase and sale, of which commissions, brokering storage charges and interests charged by brokering advance were the major. Broker’s storehouse’s expenditures were different due to their different business structures and functions. Generally speaking, it mainly included staff salaries, presents, daily blessing food, rent, taxes and daily expenses, etc. In addition, many business risks also increased its cost. The profit distribution of broker’s storehouses was all according to their net profits maintaining a relatively fixed proportion between the shareholders and staff, and took into full account the merits and achievements of its staff. Its profit was mainly used to expand the business scale and enrich the business funds. Moreover,"The July7th Incident" as a watershed in the development of broker’s storehouse industry from prosperity to decline, had a significant impact on its capital composition, employment of capital and profit distribution, etc, reflecting relevant changes in the post-war development of the industry.With the fast development of broker’s storehouse industry, to1920s and1930s, Tianjin broker’s storehouse association came into being. It went through four historical periods of development that were the period before "The July7th Incident, the Japanese Puppet Government Period, the late period of Kuomintang, the period from the liberation to the completion of socialist transformation in1956. Accordingly, its internal organizational system also experienced the development changes, committee system, directors, governing system and returning to committee system. However, the internal organization setup and operation of the association were much the same, and its developments of each stage were more deformation occurred under the action of government’s powerful force. As a new industry organization, though Tianjin broker’s storehouse association showed the modern features in the aspect of its internal organization setup and operation, there were still many defects. Its setup adapted to the needs of the development of the industry, and it not only safeguarded the development interests of its members, but also became an important medium for government to manage the market.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

