

Study on the Literary Thought of "Baopuzi"

【作者】 张文亭

【导师】 张峰屹;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文以《抱朴子》为研究对象,运用文学思想史的研究方法,对早年葛洪的心态、思想、基本文学观念、文学创作和鉴赏的理论与实践,加以全面综合的探究,并力图通过《抱朴子》文学思想的层层剖析,发掘其在文学思想史上承上启下的重要意义。《引言》在分析《抱朴子》文学思想研究现状的基础上,针对前人研究的不足,提出本文的写作思路和创新之处。第一章《葛洪与<抱朴子)》,从两晋之际东吴士人的生存境遇与处世心态入手,透过葛洪的家世,分析《抱朴子》对待汉、吴、晋政权的态度;通过葛洪早年的生平遭际探析其创作《抱朴子》的心态,并从《外篇》的隐逸思想解读葛洪的人生态度。第二章《(抱朴子外篇>的文学思想》,先论《外篇》对仁、礼、法的拣择,探析其人性论及政治思想;在心态考论和思想探析的基础上,分析《外篇》反对贵古贱今、力推子为经衍、倡导文德钧等的文章价值论,再联合分析《外篇》的创作论与其自身的创作特色,最后结合《外篇》的人物品评,探讨其“品藻难一”的鉴赏论。第三章《<抱朴子内篇>的文学思想》,首先探讨《内篇》思想的宗教哲学性征,在此基础上论说《内篇》玄道之由来与仙境之美,及《内篇》向虚而实与向实而虚的双重审美理想。第四章《<抱朴子>在六朝文学思想史上的意义》,把《抱朴子》置于六朝文学思想发展的过程中予以审视,以展示其历史地位。主要包括:《抱朴子》的文章价值论从注重思想内容向兼顾表现形式过渡的意义,鉴赏论由作家禀气向作品风貌发展的意义,及其文质观与时代风尚的关系《抱朴子》的文学思想,整体呈现出一种过渡性的特征。葛洪选择性地继承了扬雄、王充、曹丕、陆机等汉魏晋诸子,在对文学之现实功用的追寻中不失却对作家才性的关注和对作品文学价值的探讨,《文心雕龙》的某些重要的文学思想倾向,在此业已蓄势。

【Abstract】 This study is about Baopuzi, using the methods of the history of literary thought’s studying. This is a comprehensive, integrated research about Gehong’s psychology, thought, basic literary concepts and the theory and practice of his literature production and appreciation, summed up the importance of its transition value through detailed analysis of his literary thought.Introduction analysis the current status of its researching, the innovation of this paper is proposed based on the study of the defects of former’s research. The first chapter pay attention to psychological analysis of people in Dongwu, concerning about his social-background, and analysis Gehong’s life style through Waipian’s hermitting thought. The second chapter study about Waipian’s literary thoughts. First, analysis his understanding of human nature and his political standpoint by looking into his choices between benevolence, propriety and law. Second,basic on the study of Gehong’s psychology status, analysis his views on metaphysic by discussing his comments on current affairs and figures. Figure out the structure of his thought and the relationship between the actors constructing it, summed up his thought’s characteristics, the synthesis, selection, application and practice. Third, to discuss its basic literary concepts:oppose to magnification of the ancient articles, criticism of contemporary articles, regard Zhu-zi as the classics’offspring, equal treatment on the the value of article and the writer’s character. Comprehensive analysis on its writing theory and writing practice. Discuss his character comments, analysis his theory of literary appreciation and its variety standards on appreciation of literature productions. The third chapter is about Nepian’s literary thought. Nepian’s thought is some kind of Philosophy of Religion,it is the basic of the Metaphysics and Daoism, also of the beauty of the wonderland. In Gehong’s point,the fake and truth in literature are both beautiful. The forth chapter is studying about the value of Baopuzi in the history of literary thoughts in Liuchao. First, Baopuzi appraise the value of literay works,based on both its Ideological content and Manifestations. Second,it Appreciation Theory is focusing on the "Qi"of authors and turning into the style of the literary works.Third,Gehong’s evaluament on Ideological content and Manifestations of a literary work is as same as the people surrounding him, and some time better than them.It features a comprehensive literary thought. He inherited the thought of Yangxiong,Wangchong,Chaopi and Luji by chosen. He pursued the practical value of articles, while he also concerned about the writer’s talent and character and explored the artistic value of the article. It should be regard as the beginning of some sort of literature thought of Wenxindiaolong.

【关键词】 葛洪抱朴子文学思想
【Key words】 GehongBaopuziliterature thought
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

