

A Study on the Middle Class Voluntary Societies in19th Century Britain

【作者】 袁弋胭

【导师】 马世力;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 世界史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在19世纪现代化进程中,英国已经逐渐形成了比较成熟的、独立于政治国家的私人自主领域——市民社会。英国中产阶级借助于市民社会的实体性组织——自愿社团,构建起公共领域,积极参与推动政治民主化进程。本文将在19世纪英国现代化进程的宏观历史背景中,以市民社会理论为分析视角和话语体系,以19世纪英国中产阶级自愿社团为切入点,考察英国市民社会与政治国家之间的关系。基于此目的,本文把19世纪英国中产阶级自愿社团作为一个特定对象进行研究,从自愿社团兴起的社会基础、组织类型、形态结构与经济机制、社会功能及其与国家关系五个方面入手,系统分析中产阶级自愿社团发展的动因、类型、机制、功能及其文化内涵,揭示自愿社团与英国政治现代化之间的内在关联性,力求客观认识与评价中产阶级自愿社团在19世纪英国社会发展中的地位与作用。19世纪英国中产阶级自愿社团的兴起具有深远的历史渊源和深厚的社会基础。17-18世纪启蒙运动思想家的市民社会理论和19世纪的自由主义思想以及中产阶级的“自助”观念等是自愿社团兴起发展的文化渊源。工业革命带来的经济发展改造了传统的社会结构,中产阶级在社会阶梯上崛起。随着中产阶级经济实力的增长和阶级意识的形成,必然产生要求政治变革、参与政权的愿望。然而,当时的英国社会并没有从组织形式上为这个集团提供发挥他们自身影响并获得社会声望的现成条件,他们必须创立自己的机构。随着工业化的迅猛发展,英国进入快速城市化时期,城市中的各种社会问题也成为中产阶级成立自愿社团的客观现实因素。19世纪英国中产阶级自愿社团从自身内涵到外在表现形式都是丰富多彩的。本文以布莱克本,博尔顿和普雷斯顿三个城镇数量众多的自愿社团为例,根据19世纪英国中产阶级自愿社团的活动宗旨和社会功能,参照学界通常使用的分类标准,将其分为经济社团、政治社团、文化社团、慈善社团和宗教社团五个类别,对各个类型社团的活动情况和城镇中产阶级的参与情况进行说明和介绍。同时,对19世纪英国妇女社团的活动状况进行简要阐述,以展现19世纪英国中产阶级自愿社团发展与繁荣的图景。自愿社团作为市民社会的实体性组织,虽类型有别、目标各异,但其组织形态具有基本的相似性和共同特征。本文从微观层面对中产阶级自愿社团进行细致的组织形态分析,考察其内部结构,成员的资格限制、经济地位及职业状况,社团的经济管理机制,以及自愿社团自我管理的方式。展示自愿社团的组织管理模式,勾勒出中产阶级自愿社团的立体结构,认识自愿社团内部自律和自治的基础。自愿社团对19世纪英国复杂的工业社会和城市化进程的重要贡献是,为中产阶级的城市生活提供了一种可资利用的自由选择方式,为高度分化的、流动的、异质的、多元化社会中的个人行动提供了互助合作的基础。本文将结合19世纪英国现代化的广阔社会历史背景中的自愿社团行动,从慈善公益,文化价值认同以及政治参与和社会治理等方面实证考察中产阶级自愿社团担负和履行的社会责任,并分析中产阶级自愿社团作为民主制度认同根基的特质。市民社会需要政治国家正如政治国家需要市民社会一样,两者之间已经形成了辩证关系。就英国的历史情境而言,市民社会在19世纪的英国受到国家的珍视,国家以政治体制和法律制度保护市民社会,否则它不能以正式的社会结构存在。因而,本文将从理论层面研究中产阶级自愿社团的民主价值和意义。通过分析英国健全和完善的政治权力之间相互制衡的政治架构,与同样健全和完善的以社会制约权力的社会架构之间的关系与互动,从而认为,中产阶级自愿社团是形成市民社会与政治国家在适度分离基础上的融合与互动关系的关键要素,而两者的适度分离和良性互动是英国社会政治稳定的基础。综合以上分析,笔者认为自治、自律、开放、民主的自愿社团文化是一种实践中的民主参与文化。这种民主参与文化倡导民主制度下的个人自由,希望把个人自由与公共价值观有机统一起来。19世纪英国中产阶级通过社团文化凝聚个人力量,以保证其自由参与和维持市民社会的能力,并对国家权力形成一种制衡的张力,从而为英国稳定、自由的民主体制奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 In the modernization process of the19th century, Britain has gradually formed a more mature, independent of political country public sphere—the civil society. The British middle class by means of the voluntary societies, built the public sphere, attended political activities positively, which pushed the development of the political democratization. This paper is to study the relationship between the civil society and political state, with the perspectives of the civil society theory and the point-cut of the middle class voluntary societies in the19th Century British modernization of macro historical context. Based on this purpose, this paper makes a thorough and systematic analysis of the voluntary associations ranging from the social foundation, organization types, morphological structures and economic mechanism, social function and its relationship with the country, trying to shed light on the internal relatives between the voluntary societies and social development of Britain so as to discuss it objectively and fairly.The rise of the British middle class voluntary societies in19th century had profound cultural historical origins and solid social foundation. The culture foundation including the17-18th century enlightenment thinkers’civil society theory, the19th-century liberal thought and the idea of "self-help" of the middle class. Industrial Revolution had greatly changed the class structure of traditional society in that the middle class has become the main class in British society. With the growth of the middle class economic strength and the formation of class" consciousness, and that they must have the demand of political change and the desire of the regime. British society at that time, however, was not provide an organizational form to exert their influence and access to social popularity for this group, they must create their own institutions. Along with the swift and violent development of the industrialization, Britain has entered into the era of rapid urbanization, and series of social problems in cities come forth subsequently, what become the objective reality factors that the middle class set up voluntary societies.The voluntary society was full of variety from its own connotation to the visible expression. This paper focuses on the lots of the voluntary societies of three towns—Blackburn, Bolton and Preston, according to that of the activity purpose and social function as well as commonly used classification standard, put them into five categories such as the economic societies, political organizations, cultural associations, charitable organizations and religious communities, and to give a picture of the development and prosperity of them.Although these societies were diverse in their form, size and purpose, they had some basic similarities and common characteristics of the organization form. From the micro level, this paper is to make a detailed study of the internal structure, membership qualification limit status, economic status and occupation, economic management mechanism and self-management way of the societies. Try to reveal the organizational management mode, outline a dimensional construct, and understand the basis of self-discipline and autonomy of the voluntary societies.The important contribution of voluntary societies to the complex industrial society and urbanization was for the middle class provided available free choice of a way to the city life, it offered a form of cooperation and unity for the individual action of the highly differentiated, mobile, fragmented and diverse society. This paper is to investigate that the middle class carried out the social responsibilities from charity, culture identity and political participation and social governance aspects, as well as analyze the characteristics of the middle class voluntary associations as the foundations of democracy identity.Civil society needs political state just as the political state needs to the civil society which has already formed the dialectical relationship between the two. In terms of historical context of Britain, civil society in19th century Britain was enshrined by the state that protected it with laws and with main force, otherwise it could not exist as a form of social structure. Therefore, this paper will research the democratic value and significance of the middle class voluntary society from the aspect of theory. Through the analysis of the checks and balances political structures between the sound and perfect political power, and also of the improve relationship between the socialization of power and the social fabric, consequently, I think that the voluntary association was the key factor that formed the interactive relationship based on the moderate separation of civil society and political state, and the moderate separation and positive interaction of two was the foundation of the British social and political stability.On the basis of the above analysis, I think that the autonomy, self-discipline, democracy and open association culture is a kind of democratic participation culture in the practice. It advocates the personal freedom under the democracy, and hopes to unite harmoniously the personal freedom and public value. The middle class through the association culture condenses personal strength, to ensure that the ability of the freedom to participate and maintain civil society, and to form a tension balance of state power, consequently, such a culture paved the way for a stable open liberal democracy in the19th century Britain.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

