

The Evolution and Cultural Connotation of Mulan’s Story

【作者】 张雪

【导师】 宁稼雨;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 木兰是中国古代著名的女英雄,她易装改服替父从军的传奇故事广为流传,对中国文学与文化有着深远的影响,历经千余年仍然有着不可忽视的当代价值。在历史上的各个朝代中,每一时代都会有一些受到表彰的女性道德模范,比如历代列女传中的的贞女、烈女、孝女等等,但随着时代的变更和价值观的改变,很多曾经得到赞赏和崇拜的偶像被人们渐渐遗忘,而木兰则是极少数能够继续留存在当代文化中并影响当代人精神文化的偶像之一。木兰故事中的孝文化、易装故事、女英雄主题和婚恋故事这四个文化主题都是古今中外人类文化中永恒的主题,而集合在这一个故事中就使得木兰故事有了穿越千年的魔力。从北朝的《木兰诗》到唐宋元时期的诗歌、笔记,乃至明清的杂剧、传奇、小说等,木兰故事在不同时期不同的文体中不断的演变,其叙事规模、故事情节和人物形象也随之变化。研究木兰故事,梳理故事的形成演变轨迹,将木兰故事放到整个古代文化的总体中考察,对挖掘分析其在中国传统文化中的地位和作用具有重要意义。本文在搜集古代以木兰为中心的各种文本,按照时代的先后顺序对文本的发展和演变的脉络进行梳理的基础上,对木兰故事中的各个文化主题在故事演变过程中的表现出来的文化演进脉络和轨迹进行分析,挖掘导致情节演变和人物变化背后的文化内涵。论文共包括六个部分:绪论部分是对研究对象、现状和研究方法的阐述。首先明确选题目的和意义,界定研究对象和研究范围,进而综述二十世纪以来的研究成果,提出需要解决的问题,最后介绍中国叙事文化学的研究方法,阐明本文的创新点。第一章为文献综述,旨在梳理与木兰故事相关的文献材料的基本情况。第二章以孝文化主题为分析中心,这是木兰形象成为文学文化史上的典范人物的最重要原因,也是在千余年的故事流变中,始终受到关注、较为恒定的主题。在孝主题的笼罩下,木兰易装出走、进入男性世界获取功名的“越界”行为不仅不是对礼教秩序的背离,而且成为近似于奇迹的英雄传奇,被主流文化接纳并歌颂宣扬。本章分析木兰故事中孝文化部分的演变轨迹,首先追溯历史中孝女文化和发展脉络,归纳各时代中孝女文化的时代特色;然后按时代分节,分别梳理从北朝到清代的木兰故事中的孝文化书写,分析其时代特色和流变轨迹,进而揭示出影响其演变的文化动因。第三章从易装文化角度分析木兰故事。木兰的易装从军是整个故事中极为重要的一个部分,也是对通俗文学和现当代戏曲影视创作影响较大的文化主题。本章首先梳理易装的文化渊源,总结易装故事在文学中的发展脉络;然后通过木兰易装历代的演变轨迹,考察其文化内涵,进而揭示影响故事生成和演变的内在文化动因。第四章从女英雄故事主题切入木兰故事,木兰一直是我国历史中著名的女英雄形象,她的英勇和功勋使得她在后人的叙述中逐渐成为传奇女英雄的楷模,这种完美的功绩让木兰在古代众多受到赞美的女性典范中成为比较引人瞩目的一位。木兰故事中的巾帼英雄主题一直存在于北朝到清代的故事流变中,是故事中比较恒定的主题。但随着历代政治经济背景、女性观以及文人心态、社会风尚等因素的变化,这个比较恒定的主题也会在叙述方式和关注重点等方面发生变化。第五章分析婚恋主题,婚恋主题是木兰故事中唯一一个原始故事中没有涉及到,而是后世的故事演变中新增加的主题。木兰故事的婚恋情节出现较晚,但却是对后世故事,乃至于现当代的木兰故事影视作品影响较大的故事主题。木兰的婚恋和女性的情感在明清的通俗文学中得到了重视,也使得故事的情节人物等元素得到了补充和丰富。结语部分总结以上各章的观点,归纳出木兰故事文本演变过程中的特殊节点,从情节内容和文化内涵的结合上,总结出四个文化主题的演变轨迹,指出木兰故事在文学文化史上的特殊意义,以动态的视角梳理文献和情节脉络,并揭示出暗含于文本之中的文化内涵。

【Abstract】 Mulan is a famous ancient Chinese heroine, and the legendary story is well-known. Mulan’s image have important value in Chinese literature and culture, after thousands of years the story still has a contemporary value. Each dynasty in history, there will be some recognition by the female moral models, such as the history of biography of women in virgin female, filial daughter and so on. With the development of the times, the change of values, many idols who have been appreciated and worship have been gradually forgotten, while Mulan was a few image which can stay on the contemporary spiritual culture and make influence to the contemporary culture. The four theme of the story of Mulan in filial piety culture, costume culture, the heroine, and story of love and marriage are the eternal theme of human culture at all times and in all countries, and set in this story makes the story of Mulan through thousands of years’ history.From the "Mulan" to the song and Yuan Dynasties Poetry, notes, and the Ming and Qing Dynasty, legend, novel, the story of Mulan in different periods, different styles of the evolution time scale, narrative, story and characters change. We should put the Mulan’s legend into the ancient culture which gestates the legend.The reach about this formation process and the evolution of legend about Mulan can help us to exp;re the whole Chinese basic context of the evolution of ancient lengends.This paper based on the variety of the collection of Mulan story,in accordance wjth the development and evolution of the order context. And then,this paper analyses the development of the plot elements of legend about mulan to show the evlution of culture context and the different cultural backgrounds.This paper expect to explore the legend of evolution and interaction between cultures,the thesis consists of six parts as follws:The first part is the exordium. The thesis introduces the rearch object,current status and the research method. The first chapter is the literature review, desighed to sort out the relevant literature and the basic material conditions of legend about mulan.The second chapter of filial piety culture theme of Mulan’s image has become the most important reason model character literary and cultural history, but also in the story changes of thousand years, always pay attention, more constant theme. Enveloped in the theme of the filial piety, Mulan is away, into the male world and gain fame "crossing" behavior is not only not to deviate from the social order, but also become similar to the miracle of the legendary hero, was accepted and praised by the mainstream culture. This chapter analyzes the evolution of the filial piety culture of Mulan story, first filial culture and history development history, summarized characteristics of the times and filial culture in different ages; then according to the time section, summarizing the Northern Dynasties to the writing of filial piety culture of Qing Dynasty in the story of Mulan, analysis time generation characteristics and rheological trajectory, and further reveal the cultural motivation effect of its evolution.The third chapter analyses the story of Mulan in the costume story. The story of Mulan in costume theme is a very important theme in the story, the theme is large influence on popular literature and contemporary stories. This chapter focuses on Cultural Perspective from transvestites Mulan story, first sort out the cultural origin of cross-dressing, development summary easy story in literature; and then the evolution history of the story of Mulan brand story, story of the cultural connotation of investigation, which reveals the influence of inner cultural motivation of story generation and evolution.The fourth chapter starting from Mulan story heroine Mulan has been the theme of the story, a famous female hero image in the history of our country, her bravery and meritorious service makes her become legendary female hero model in the later narrative, this perfect achievement let Magnolia in ancient times many have become a relatively high-profile praise female model. In the story of the heroine Mulan theme has existed in the Northern Dynasties to the story changes in Qing Dynasty, is the constant theme in the story. But with the change of political and economic background, feminism and literati mentality, social customs and other factors, the constant theme will also change in the narrative way and the attention key.The fifth chapter analyses the subject of marriage and love, love and marriage theme is the story of Mulan in only one original story relates to, but later story evolution in the newly added theme. The story of Mulan’s marriage plot appeared relatively late, but in later stories, and even in the contemporary story of Mulan film and television works of the theme of the story. Mulan’s marriage and female emotion gained importance in the Ming and Qing Dynasties in popular literature, also makes the story plot and character elements have been added and rich. The story of Mulan’s marriage plot appeared relatively late, but in later stories, and even in the contemporary story of Mulan film and television works of the theme of the story.The conclusion part summarizes the above chapters point of view, summed up the story of Mulan special text node in the evolution process, from the combination of the plot content and the cultural connotation, summarizes the evolution of the four cultural themes, points out that the special meaning of the story of Mulan in the history of literature, with the dynamic perspective, combing the literature and plot line, and reveals that the implicit in the text after the cultural connotation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

