

The Reform and Supervisory Research of Taiwan Pension Fund

【作者】 刘世恒

【导师】 李秀芳;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 保险学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在全球人口逐渐老龄化的趋势下,以及金融风暴的影响下,世界各国社保基金、养老基金等主管机构已感受到负债缺口压力逐渐加大。因此纷纷开始重新检视基金状况,评估退休基金是否能在未来益发严苛情况下做到永续经营,是否需要加快脚步开始进行改革。因台湾现阶段并无经过立法规范的企业自办养老金情形,本论文所提及与探讨的台湾养老基金均为立法院已通过法条而设立且由政府机关负责管理与监理的养老基金。其筢圉包含第一层法定社会保险养老金为劳工保险基金、公教人员保险基金、与不属于以上两者且年龄为25岁至64岁国民所投保国民年金。第二层法定职业养老金为劳工退休金新制与旧制、公务人员退休抚恤基金。另军人保险、老农津贴、私校教职员工退抚制度、公务机关聘雇人员离职储金、国营事业退抚制度与政务人员离职储金等因属暂时施行条例或是受益人太少较不具代表性,不在本论文个别探讨范围内。台湾养老金现阶段所面临问题也相当严峻。一直以来养老金费率偏低、给付条件优厚,收支并不平衡。再加上长期以来台湾的社保、养老金并未完全提存,多采用即收即付与部分提存方式,使现有基金提存率偏低,政府潜在负债巨大。近年来由于人口结构快速朝少子化及老龄化发展,老年抚养系数逐年提高,这会演变为代际不公问题;并且公务员替代率远较一般劳工替代率高,使社会上也产生很多要求职业公平的呼声。近年来,政府已经察觉此问题的严重性,开始着手研拟解决方案,但目前讨论中的解决方案是以调整各养老金支付条件藉以缩小财务缺口为主。本研究认为,政府除了调整替代率、给付条件之外也必须用全方位角度来思考养老金全面改革的必要性,让台湾养老基金制度与管理能更健全发展,毕竟养老基金现阶段问题是属于长期结构性问题,不是仅短期手段能彻底解决。鉴于过去台湾学术界方面关于养老金研究都比较偏向单一领域量化研究或者是单一基金定性研究,比较缺乏对整体内外环境、与整体养老基金研究,本论文冀望能做一个全面性分析探讨。从研究广度来说本论文研究范围包含台湾所有主要养老基金及其管理制度,层面包含养老基金支付制度、公司治理制度、投资与风险管理制度、财务精算制度与信息,重要信息披露机制等五大层面,基本上已经包含台湾养老基金所有重要层面。本论文研究方法拟采“文献回顾法”以及“历史比较分析法”两种研究方法进行研究。本研究通过汇整分析多方搜集的资料,并以世界银行所提出三层支柱式养老金制度作为分类准则,来探讨与分析台湾现有确定给付与确定缴费养老基金的监理架构,与之前提及的五个重要层面。对于养老金改革,本研究欲透过历史比较分析法分析先进国家养老金在不同时空背景下产生的改革行为,并透过历史比较研究分析这些改革的优劣得失与能否用于鉴镜。本论文的章节安排首先探讨台湾及全球主要地区人口结构改变趋势与影响养老金的方向与程度,并针对其成因与对经济及养老金制度所造成冲击做分析。接著探讨现阶段台湾整体养老金问题焦点,各养老基金现况分析、世界先进国家养老金制度改革与养老基金管理发展趋势、绩效或监理措施经验上值得借镜之处。紧接著分析台湾现阶段各界所关心的养老基金主要的焦点议题与其面对的困境所在,再分别就个别养老基金做出分析,检讨制度与基金管理机制。最后提出改进台湾养老基金之政策建议,从整体角度来思考要如何改革方能一举解决长年盘根错节的问题并形成建议。本研究发现台湾所有养老金现存五大严重问题:1.给付条件严重失衡,2.筹资率偏低造成代际不均,3.不同行业养老金支付制度差异太大造成行业别对立,4.养老基金长期运用绩效低于国际水准,5.养老金监管透明度不足让民众信心不够。本研究根据以上养老金问题分析结果推导出未来台湾养老金应有的战略目标为建立五层支柱保障式年金架构。建立跨行业别的全台湾一致性的养老金制度。确立养老基金监管分离制度、成立台湾年金局统筹管理运用台湾现有养老基金。把养老金部分系统私营化、个人化与商品化。停止即收即付制度、立法严格限制部分缴费情形,加速补拨劳保、退抚基金。把养老金与政府自偿性公共建设结合,并筹设养老金储备基金。另外本研究提出台湾养老金改革短期行动方案、中期行动方案与长期行动方案。。短期策略应优先调整组织将众多养老金以专业原则集中管理,整合资源提升绩效另调整养老金支付条件以减缓财政压力与加强信息披露透明度。中期策略应著重优先缩小行业别给付差距与变更政府所施行的部分缴费方式以增加世代公平。长期来看,应遵循世界银行五层式支柱做法实施养老金多元化。本研究希望能提出较为全面性改革改善台湾养老金长期发展,达到永续经营目的。

【Abstract】 The global population structure has been gradually aging, coupled with the financial turmoil. The most world’s national social security fund, pension funds and other competent authorities have felt the increasing pressure of liability gap gradually. They have started to re-examine their fund’s balance sheet, the funding ratio, funds investment return, and thesecurity level of fund investment portfolio and risk management. Evaluate whether the pension fund can sustain in the harsher environment. Orjust turn back and begin to reform the fund.The problems faced by Taiwan’s pensions at this stage are quite grim. It has been uneven balance sheets for sometime due to the lower contribution and higher retiring payment. Taiwan’s social welfare pension funds were not fully funded. They use pay as you go (PAYG) and partial funding method quite for a long time lead the underfunding situation of the existing funds. These problems cause serious government financial imbalances. In recent years that there are also the trend that population structure quickly toward the low birth rate and aging. The younger generation certainly will face a much heavy burden, which in turn evolved an injustice for our next generations. The replacement rate of public servants is much higher thancommon privatelabor isusually less than half compare to public servants, there was unfair feeling for the common private workers. The Government should understand the seriousness of the problem, and already began to develop a solution to the problem, it seems the government set up30years’ pension fund finical safety as a primary goal. This study suggests it may not be achievable if try to only adjust the replacement rate, payment conditions, the government should also use a more comprehensive perspective to think about the needs of a meaningful reform, In this research. We thinkin, a more thorough analysis will produce more long-term solutions. After all, the problems encountered by the pension funds are long-term structural problem, not a short-term means completely resolved.In view of the qualitative research of the past Taiwan academic pension study is more favor of a single field of quantitative research or a single fund. Not the overall fund inside and obstacles. This thesis hope to do a more comprehensive analysis explore. Therefore, the scope of this thesis contains all of the major pension funds and their management system level. Major research areas for the payment of the pension fund system, the system of corporate governance, investment management system, risk management system, financial indicators, actuarial information, and information disclosure mechanism. There are totally five important analysis layers, basically it should have covered most of the pension funds in Taiwan for external supervision and management at all levels. Research methods to be adopted are "literature review" and "historic analysis". In this study, the use of literature review, the whole analysis of primary data including, three pillars proposed by the World Bank as the classification criteria to investigate and compare the existing defined benefit and definite contribution pension fund supervision framework. And domestic and foreign information from the relevant journal articles, dissertations, pension funds competent authority, supervision and management institutions, publications, statistics of this study is to collect their own analysis and discussion about the pension fund case. On pension reform, the international community from the early1980s has been continuing to do, so this study is to the advanced foreign pension reforms in the context of what time and space through the comparative analysis of the historical analysis, through historical comparison pros and cons of the pros and cons to analyze the reform later.This thesis chapters’arrangementstart from the analysis of Taiwan and the world’s major demographic which both had population composition changes, the influence to economy and pensions trends. Then we explore the major focus of different commom people in Taiwan about the overall pensions. The pension funds the status of the world’s advanced countries, pension reform and pension fund management trends worth learn from the experience of the performance of the fund management or supervisory measures. Only analyzes its difficulties faced by the pension funds are concerned by all sectors of Taiwan’s current main focus issues. Then the individual pension funds beinganalyzed, review the system and fund management mechanisms. Finally, to improve the policy recommendations of the pension funds, starting with the overall perspective to think about how to reform can solve the, long-standing deep-rooted problems in oneswoop and form recommendations.In this study, I found there are five categories of serious pension problems existing:serious contribution/payment imbalance, generations unfairness, society conflicts break the harmony due to the welfare system gap caused by civil servants and common private workers, long-term less performance of the existing pension funds compare to international standards, the pension regulatory transparency is less than the people’s confidence is not enough. This research study analyzed the above problem is satisfied. The corporate governance、organization and human resources、 financial and actuarial、Investment management, risk management and outsourcing system, government policies and systems, information disclosure transparency of five categories、18sorts need to be solve the dilemma. This study suggests that short-term strategy should give priority to set up a new professional based origination for centralized manage all Taiwan major pension, integration of resources to enhance the performance. Narrow the gap between the payments of the surface to enlarge the life of pension. Enhance the transparency of information disclosure. An excellent medium-term strategy should be to reduce the industry else and pay gaps. Long-term point of view, should follow the practice of the World Bank and the5pillars of implementation of pension diversified, unified pension system in Taiwan is also recommended to think about, a single platform, the same system, different employers, salary, the same for compulsory rate, different self-contribution rate. Personal account is movable. This study will suggests this which is best meet the justice across no matter which vocation or generation is. Most of all, achieve the efficiency.

【关键词】 台湾养老基金改革与发展监理问题
【Key words】 Taiwan Pension FundReformSupervisory
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

