

Tone Perception Pattern in Mandarin

【作者】 荣蓉

【导师】 石锋;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 语言中的音位是以母语者的听感为划分依据的,音素与音位之间并不是一一对应的关系。关于人类是如何完成音素与音位之间的对应,这是听觉感知实验希望解决的问题。目前听感实验常使用辨认实验和区分实验的方式进行研究。该实验是人工合成或半合成在某因素(如共振峰、音高、时长等)的参数上等步幅逐渐改变的连续统,请被试进行听感判断。本文以普通话声调为研究对象。前人对普通话声调的研究多以单音节刺激音为听感单位,由于汉语声调音高的相对性这一特征,同时为减小单字中语调对音高的影响,本文的实验是在前人听觉感知实验的基础上,考察真实语言双字组词中的汉语普通话声调的听觉感知范畴。实验选取两个不同调类对立的双音节词语对,按目标字(调类对立的音节)出现在双音节中的不同位置将词语对分为前字组(目标字在前)和后字组(目标字在后);按参照字(双字组词对中声韵调完全一样的音节)的不同调类将词语对分为阴平组、阳平组、上声组、去声组。刺激音调域9st至19st;目标字是11个步长1st的刺激音组成的连续体;具体实验刺激音的半合成按照不同调类之间的听感实验而进行具体设置。通过进行辨认实验及区分实验,对辨认边界位置、边界宽度、最大辨认率、感知范畴、区分峰值和反应时等参数进行分析。本文涉及的实验包括阴平-阳平之间、阴平-去声之间、阴平-上声之间、阳平-上声之间、去声-上声之间、不同时长、雷琴音与真词音对比的听感实验。其中阴平-阳平实验确定了阴平调在起点位置的听感范畴、阴平-去声实验确定了阴平调在终点位置的听感范畴、阴平-上声实验确定了普通话两个平调之间调阶的听感范畴。本文在对这三个实验进行数据整理和结果概述的基础上,总结并分析了阴平调的听感范畴。阳平-上声实验确定了上声调在终点位置的听感范畴、去声-上声实验确定了上声调在起点位置的听感范畴。结合阴平-上声实验结果,本文总结并分析了上声调的听感范畴。同时,结合阴平-阳平实验确定的阳平调的起点位置听感范畴、阳平-上声实验确定的阳平调的终点位置听感范畴,总结阳平的听感范畴;结合阴平-去声实验确定的去声调的终点位置听感范畴、去声-上声实验确定的去声调的起点位置听感范畴,总结去声的听感范畴。由此,我们对汉语普通话各调类的听感范畴有了大致的分析,由此总结了汉语普通话声调的听感格局。除此之外,影响汉语声调听觉感知的因素,也是我们所关心的主要问题之一。我们通过阴平-上声听感中时长因素作用研究的实验,分析了音高和时长因素对阴平-上声听感分界的影响。着重讨论了时长因素在普通话阴平调和上声调之间的听感上的影响作用,讨论仍然分前字对比组和后字对比组进行了分别分析,结果表明在前字组和后字组中时长因素的影响作用程度也有所不同。我们还以阳平-上声的听感分界实验结果为例,从不同选词、不同被试性别、不同选项呈现顺序、不同刺激音播放顺序这几个方面的数据表现来分析不同外部因素对汉语普通话声调的听觉感知影响。另外,我们以阳平-上声的实验为例,对雷琴刺激音与真词刺激音对比实验进行描述和分析。通过对在雷琴音基础上模拟汉语声调的刺激音的听感实验,对比控制了音强与音质因素后的雷琴音实验与之前的真词音实验的结果异同。希望能进一步总结普通话听感的影响因素,并发现更好的、可行的实验方法。据此,我们对影响听觉感知的内部因素、外部语言因素及非语言学因素有了一定程度的了解。在此基础上,我们总结了汉语声调的听感影响因素。我们认为,除了音高因素之外,汉语普通话声调听感的影响因素还有很多,这些因素对不同调类间感知影响的程度也是各不相同的。

【Abstract】 The phonemes in a language are identified by native speakers’audio impression, and there are no one-to-one relationships between phonemes and phones. Perception experiments are designed to solve the problem that how human constructs the relationships of phones and phonemes. Currently perception experiments usually adopt the methods of identifying and discriminating in research. We synthesized a number of stimuli in a certain step by changing parameters (such as formant, pitch, duration) to get continua for tested to listen.This article studies the tones of Mandarin. Previous researches mainly used monosyllable stimuli to study tones. Due to the relativity of the tones’pitch in Mandarin, the experiment in this article studied disyllabic words in authentic materials to analyze the categorical perception of the tones in Mandarin. This method can also reduce the disturbance of intonation in monosyllable on pitch.The study chose two series of different disyllable-word pairs with opposite tone category. The words are divided into two groups according to the target character’s position in disyllable:front-contrast continua and back-contrast continua. And the words are also divided into four groups(tone1, tone2, tone3, tone4) based on the different tone category of the referential characters(the syllables with the same consonants, vowels and tones in pairs). We synthesized the target characters with a set of11stimuli which range from9st to19st.by the step of1st. The stimuli that were semi-synthesized in experiment were set according to audio tests of different tone category. Parameters (boundary position, width of boundary, maximum identification rate, categories of perception, peak value in discrimination test and reaction time, etc.) were analyzed via identification and discrimination experiments.This article covers the perception experiments of tone1-tone2, tone1-tone4, tone1-tone3, tone2-tone3, tone4-tone3, different duration and speech and non-speech stimuli.The tone1-tone2experiment confirms the perceptional category of the tone1at the starting position. The tone1-tone4confirms the perceptional category of the tone1at the ending position. The tone1-tone3experiment confirms the perceptional category of pitch level between the tone1and the tone2in Mandarin. This paper analyzes and summarizes the tone1’s perceptional category basing on the data and result of the three experiments.The tone2-tone3experiment confirms the perceptional category of the tone3at the ending position. The tone4-tone3experiment confirms the perceptional category of the tone3at the starting position. Considering with the tone1-tone3experiment, the paper analyzed the tone3’s perceptional category and came to a conclusion.Together with the tone1-tone2experiment which confirms the perceptional category of the tone2at the starting position and the tone2-tone3experiment which confirms the audio category of the tone2at the ending position, the audio category of the tone2is summarized. Also, the experiments of tone1-tone4and tone4-tone3go to a conclusion of the perceptional category of the tone4.Thus, an perception pattern of the tones in Mandarin can be drawn based on the analyses about each tone’s perceptional category.Besides, those factors that might influence the perception of the tones in Mandarin are also concerned about.Based on the experiment about the duration in the tone1-tone3perception, the influence of pitch and duration on the tone1-tone3perception boundary has been analyzed. We mainly discuss the effect of duration on the perception of tone1-tone3. This experiment still divides the language materials into two groups which are analyzed separately. It is shown that the effects of duration differing in these two groups.We also analyze the external factors’influences on the perception of tones in Mandarin. These factors include the choice of words, the subjects’gender, the display order of options and the broadcasting order of stimuli. The analysis is based on the result of the boundary position in the tone2-tone3continuum.Moreover, in the tone2-tone3experiment, the comparison of nonspeech and speech stimuli is analyzed. By using nonspeech stimuli to imitate tones of Mandarin, it is compared the previous experiment of speech with the nonspeech experiment in which intensity and timbre are under controlled. In this way, it is supposed to summarize the influencing factors further and explore some better and more practical experimental methods.It is then clear that the influences of those internal factors, external of language and non-linguistic, on which, we summarize the influencing factors of perception in Chinese tones. Therefore, we hold that except the pitch factors, there are some other influencing factors in perception of Chinese tones, and it differs in degrees of these factors’influences on the perception between different tone categories.

【关键词】 声调感知范畴边界
【Key words】 TonePerceptionCategoryBoundary
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

