

On the Relation between Overseas Education and the Idea of Constitutional Government System Advocated by Chinese Intellectuals at the Beginning of the20th Century

【作者】 陈健

【导师】 李喜所;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国近现代史, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪初,经历了“庚子事变”后的清政府不得不改弦更张,一场极具“西化”色彩的新政如火如荼地开展起来。政治改革是清末新政的重头戏,恰在此时,日本成为中国师法的榜样,成千上万的留学生奔赴日本,如饥似渴地吸收西方政治思想与文化,他们成为新知识分子的代表,亦是近代中西文化交流的重要媒介。在这次前所未有的留学日本的高潮中,学习法政成为当时留学界的主流,在留日法政教育中,又以法政大学创办的速成科最为引人注目。该科齐聚了很多俊才佳彦,既有已在国内取得状元、进士、举人等传统功名的科举名士,亦有毕业于新式学堂风华正茂的青年才俊,著名的有夏同和、刘春霖、杨度、汤化龙、汤寿潜、张知本、陈天华、汪精卫、胡汉民、朱执信、宋教仁、古应芬、沈钧儒等。就政治立场来看,清末君主立宪、民主立宪两大思潮的主要推动者咸集于此。翻检这些精英人物早期有关中国宪政体制的构想和推进政治改革的文章,大多发表于他们留学法政大学速成科、接受了较系统的宪政教育后不久。也就是说,这个群体知识分子的宪政思想与他们留学期间所接受的教育有着实质性的关联。当日速成科所配备的教师俱为日本最有名望的法学家,他们多数任职于东京帝国大学。美浓部达吉讲授的比较宪法学,笕克彦讲授的国法学,清水澄教授的行政法和宪法,中村进午讲授的国际法,小野塚喜平次讲授的政治学等课程对于当日中国留学生接受西学知识、传播现代政治思想以至中国近代社会文化的转型提供了全新的“思想资源”和“概念工具”,成为20世纪初中国知识分子走出传统、批判专制、追求立宪的重要影响因子。尽管速成科人才济济,有着相同的留学教育背景,但却因出身、年龄及阅历的关系导致在政治立场上分属君主立宪与民主立宪两大阵营,并为各自阵营的宪政体制构想而奔走呼号。此种政治理念的分殊,反映的是留学生知识群体对国家体制构想中具体道路选择的不同,而非对民主宪政体制本身存有根本分歧。也正因此,清末政府主导的立宪破产后,君主立宪派转而支持革命,寻求另一条道路的救国行动,两派知识分子在辛亥前夜,实现了政治理念的合流。

【Abstract】 Being affected by the Boxer Uprising and the Box Indemnity, the authority of Qing Dynasty had to reform their original system at the beginning of the20th century, thus speed up in adopting some western practice. Among the examples followed by the Qing authority who was busy reforming the corrupted old system, Japan was a focus. Therefore, many students and politicians went to Japan and came back with them the fresh ideas on modern politics. These students and politicians are named the New Intellectuals who played a key role in the movement.The mainstream of this ever-prosperous overseas study boom was the learning of law and politics which is symbolized by the Crash Course education in Hosei University. Many famous intellectuals had attended that course. Among them, there were successful scholars from both the circle of old educational system and the field of newly-adopted educational system, including Xia Tonghe, Liu chunlin,Yang du,Tang hualong,Tang shouqian, Zhang zhiben,Chen tianhua, Wang jingwei, Hu hanmin, Zhu zhixin, Song jiaoren, Gu yingfen, Shen junru, exc. Viewed politically, the advocators of both Constitutional Monarchy and Constitutional Democracy are all included in the list. After a reading of their articles on the political reform and the research on the idea of constitutional government, we may notice that these articles were written shortly after their learning in the Crash Course. That means the idea harbored in these elites was closely related to the education they received in Japan. Thanks to the famous and learned professors who taught for the Crash Course, the Chinese overseas students could learn better the western political system and modern politics thus offer a brand new think tank for Chinese political reform then.Despite their shared educational background abroad, the political tendencies of these intellectuals differ in accordance with their respective family background, age and experience. Some were for Constitutional Monarchy and the others were for Constitutional Democracy. This reflects the Japanese model of developing the useful and discarding the useless in learning from the west, which can be easily notified in the Crash Course education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

