

Mental Health, Labor Participation and Productivity

【作者】 朱礼华

【导师】 李建民;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 劳动经济学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 本研究从人力资本的视角考察了心理健康对劳动参与和劳动生产率的影响以及心理健康投资的影响因素。本文在文献梳理的基础上阐述了心理健康的人力资本特性,并就心理健康影响劳动参与和劳动产出的机制进行了分析。针对中国、日本和韩国数据(CHARLS, JSTAR, KLOSA)的实证研究结果表明,人们的心理健康状况对劳动参与和生产率具有显著影响,心理健康水平高的人具有更高的劳动参与倾向和更高的生产率。并且,可以通过各种途径改善社会心理健康水平,来提高社会劳动产出。研究的主要发现如下:(1)心理健康障碍日渐成为人类社会的一个突出问题,严重危害着人类的生活质量和社会产出。心理健康的社会影响因素及其对劳动参与和劳动产出影响的文献近年来日益增多,本文在文献梳理的基础上,提出心理健康对劳动参与和劳动产出的三条影响途径:一是心理健康状况会影响向其它形式人力资本的投资效率;二是心理健康是获取和有效使用社会资本的必要条件;三是心理健康状况决定了工作场所中的激励效果。(2)针对心理健康对劳动参与的实证研究表明,心理健康可以显著影响人们的劳动参与状况。总体而言,心理健康对劳动参与的影响要大于身体健康,KLOSA数据显示韩国调查样本的身体健康状况对劳动参与没有显著影响,随着人们身体健康状况提高和工作性质、工作环境的改变,这种特征将会更加明显。受教育状况对劳动参与的影响程度也较心理健康弱,JSTAR数据显示日本中老年人受教育水平对其劳动参与没有显著影响,KLOSA数据显示韩国中老年人受教育状况对整体劳动参与的影响也不显著,但女性随受教育程度的提升劳动参与下降。就CHARLS数据而言,中国农村户籍人口的非农劳动参与会随受教育程度和身体健康状况的提高而显著提高,但并没有发现受教育程度和身体健康状况对城镇户籍人口劳动参与的显著影响。由此可见,相对’于受教育程度和身体健康等人力资本形式而言‘,心理健康对劳动参与的影响会更显著。(3)针对心理健康对工资率影响的实证研究表明,心理健康状况会对人们的劳动生产率(工资率)产生显著影响。针对韩国工作全样本数据的研究表明,心理非健康倾向与18%的生产率损失相关联,日本和中国数据所体现的这一数值分别是15%与21%。针对中国数据的研究表明,心理健康状况对自雇群体生产率的影响要大于对受雇群体生产率的影响。心理健康资本的价值会在不确定性和高压力的工作环境中表现得更加突出。研究结果还发现,随着工作特征和工作性质的变化,中老年人身体健康状况对生产率的影响将会越来越弱,心理健康、受教育程度等人力资本形式对生产率的影响将会更加突出。(4)针对心理健康影响因素的实证研究结果表明,三国居民的心理健康影响因素和影响特征具有较多的共性,基本符合该领域文献中关于其他国家样本的相关研究结论。主要表现为:其一,工作状况、居住条件、社会交往、婚姻状况、经济状况以及身体健康状况都与人们的心理健康状况显著相关。通过改善这些因素可以提升人们的心理健康水平。其二,性别本身并非是心理健康的重要影响因素,社会经济状况等诸多因素的性别差异才是导致女性心理健康水平低于男性的主要原因,改善与之相关的社会和环境因素可以有效的改善女性群体的心理健康水平。这是本研究的一个重要发现。其三,年龄与心理健康的关系具有双重性。一方面,随着年龄的升高,中老年人在身体健康、人生挫折、工作和社会交往等方面出现的变化都会对其心理健康产生不利影响;另一方面,随年龄增长的人生阅历和心理调节能力的提高又会对其心理健康的保健和改善发挥积极作用。研究发现,影响心理健康的很多重要因素都是与社会和环境因素相关的,个人、家庭和社会可以通过一定的干预方式来提升心理健康水平。

【Abstract】 This paper investigates how mental health can affect labor participation and productivity as well as how we can improve the mental health level from the perspective of human capital.The mechanisms of how mental health can affect the labor participation and labor output are analyzed on the basis of literature review elaborated the human capital characteristics of mental health. It shows that mental health has a significant influence on labor participation and productivity with the results of the empirical research on the survey data in China(CHRALS)、Japan (JSTAR) and Korean (KLOS A).People with higher level of mental health have a higher tendency of labor participation and higher productivity. The society can improve the social labor output by improving the social mental health level through various channels. The main findings of the study are as follows:(1) Mental health disorders has been becoming a prominent problem in human society, which cause serious damage to the quality of life and social production. Researches on the influence of social factors on mental health and its impact on labor participation and output have been conming out more and more recently. On the basis of literature review, this paper puts forward that the mental health can improve labor participation and output by three channels:(1) Mental health status can affect the investment efficiency of the other forms of human capital;(2) Mental health is essential for acquisiting and using of social capital effectively;(3) Mental health status determines the effect of motivation in the workplace.(2) The empirical studies show that mental health can significantly affect labor participation. The impact of mental health on the labor participation is more than body health totally. In Korean, study shows that body health does not affect labor participation significantly. With the so far improvement of physical health as well as the change of the nature of work and working environment, this feature will be more obvious. The influence of mental health on the labor participation is also stronger then education status. The educational level does not play an significant role on labor participation in Japan as well as in Kroean, but the rate of labor participation for Kroean woman will drop with the increasing of the education level. The non-farm labor participation of the rural citizens in China increases with the increasing of their education level as well as their physical health, which is not shown for the non-rural citizens. So we can conclude that mental health does a more important role in labor participation than education and physical health do.(3) The empirical studies aso show that mental health plays a significant role in labor productivity. It shows that mental unhealthy workers has a productivity loss by18%, which is15%for Japanese and21%for Chinese respectively. The role of mental health is more important for the self-employed than the employee. The value of mental health appears more prominent in the high pressure and uncertainty environment. Results show that the impact of physical health on productivity will be weaken with the change of job characteristics and the natural of work, while the role of mental health as well as education will be strengthen.(4) Characteristics and influence factors of mental health have more common for Chinese, Japanese and Kroean, and we get the similar results with those literatures in the field. Working status, living conditions, social capital, marital status, economic status, and physical health are all closely with human’s mental health. So we can improve social mental health level by increasing these factors. Gender itself does not play an important role on mental health. The gender difference of social and economic status is the main reason that put the women into a serious mental health position. We can improve women’s mental health effectively by improving the related social environmental factors. This is one of the important findings of this study. Another interesting finding of this study is that the relationship between age and mental health is uncertain. On the one hand, the older the elderly, the worse of the physical health, the more setbacks in life, the less of social support and network, which are all harmful to mental health. On the other hand, the older the elderly, the more life experience and the higher ability of phychological adjustment, which are play a positive role in mental health care and improvement. In general, many of the important factors affecting mental health are related to social and environmental factors. Individuals, families and society can improve the mental health level with proper interventions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

