

A Research on the Mechanism of Public Participation in Destination Governance

【作者】 王京传

【导师】 李天元;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 旅游管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 目前,我国民主政治建设、立法推动、战略推进、政府职能转变以及各级政府旅游行政部门的实践已经为旅游目的地治理中公众参与奠定了基础。但是,其理论构建和实践机制还不完善。基于此,本文引入新公共管理理论、治理理论、公众参与理论等对旅游目的地治理中的公众参与机制进行研究,并结合案例调研结果提出相应的实践框架。通过对国内外旅游目的地治理研究和公众参与旅游目的地公共事务研究相关文献的综述,并根据上述相关理论,本文界定了旅游目的地公共事务、旅游目的地治理、旅游目的地治理中的公众参与等概念及其内涵。在此基础上,本文提出旅游目的地治理中的公众参与机制要包括动力机制、实现机制、保障机制三个方面。具体来说,旅游目的地治理中公众参与的动力机制是基于公众与政府双重视角的,由推力机制和拉力机制共同构成的整体性机制。其中,推力机制包括旅游业地位的提高、目的地公众参与意识的强化、目的地公众需求表达和整合的需要等五个因素;拉力机制包括目的地发展环境的复杂性、目的地公共事务的广泛性、目的地内外部平衡发展的需要、政府职能转变及其对公众参与的需要等八个因素,而旅游目的地治理的4E(经济、效率、效能、公平)目标和旅游目的地可持续发展则兼具推力与拉力之双重动力。旅游目的地治理中公众参与的实现机制是一个由参与主体、客体、层次、方式、过程、结果共六个维度构成的整合性机制,其有效实施包括参与选择、参与过程、参与结果三个方面。首先,参与主体包括居民、社区组织、旅游企业、旅游从业人员、旅游者、非政府组织、教育机构、研究机构、媒体、专家学者等;参与客体(游目的地公共事务)包括旅游立法与执法、旅游政策制定与实施、旅游规划制定与实施、目的地品牌化等18类;参与层次包括告知、咨询、民意支持、资源支持、协作(协商/合作)、授权、公众自主,并可划分为低度、中度、深度三个综合性层次;参与方式有政府信息公开、关键公众接触、名义小组、共同生产等40多种。针对参与选择的有效实施,本文根据旅游目的地公共事务的专业性程度、公众支持的重要性程度、时间限制程度三个维度,基于与之相应的7个问题提出了“基于参与选择的旅游目的地治理中公众参与实现机制实施模型”。进一步来看,旅游目的地治理中公众参与的过程是一个持续性进程,其有效实施的核心要素是全程性参与、公平性参与、参与程序合法、政府有效回应。而旅游目的地治理中公众参与的结果则是以4E目标的实现为核心,涵盖公众输出与输入、政府输入与输出及它们之间的互动机制。旅游目的地治理中公众参与的保障机制涉及到参与型政治文化构建、服务型政府建设、公众参与能力提升、制度供给、有效的激励机制等。其中政治文化是基础,其他几个方面则是激发并使公众保持参与热情的保障。在上述研究基础上,本文选择山东省“文化圣地、度假天堂”旅游品牌的重要依托城市——青岛市、济宁市及其所下辖的中国优秀旅游城市即墨市、曲阜市、邹城市为案例,对当地旅游行政部门工作人员和个体公众中的居民进行自填问卷式调查,并利用SPSS19.0软件对调研数据统计与分析。调研结果表明,当地旅游目的地公共事务执行主要需要公众的深度参与和中度参与;参与过程中全程性参与、公平性参与、参与程序提前取得公众认可为公众所重视;政府人员看重政府输入和4E目标实现等参与结果,而公众则关注对实际参与过程的感知满意及表达权范畴的参与结果;当地公众的权利意识已经形成,但是其公共精神不足,他们接受公众参与知识教育培训和接受组织化参与的意愿尚需强化;政府人员已经认可公众参与旅游公共事务,并正在积极推动政府信息公开,但是当地公众参与旅游公共事务的制度供给不足;公众依次看重对参与结果的影响力、政府提供便利条件、经济报酬/补偿、奖励等激励手段。本文基于旅游目的地整体层面创新性提出了由动力机制、实现机制、保障机制构成的旅游目的地治理中的公众参与机制,具体创新点主要有:1.引入公共管理等相关学科的理论,界定和阐释了在旅游目的地情境中公共事务、治理、公众参与、公众参与机制等相关概念及其内涵;2.突破以往研究中单纯工具性目标导向或价值性目标导向的研究思路,引入“推拉”理论,基于公众与政府的双重视角,提出了整合性的旅游目的地治理中公众参与的动力机制模型;3.超越以往研究中提出的单维度、三维度、四维度,首次构建了基于六维度的旅游目的地治理中公众参与实现机制模型;4.将托马斯的随机决策模型由两维度扩展为三维度,并对其中的具体实施步骤进行了修正与扩充,从而提出了兼顾公共决策性事务和公共行动性事务的公众参与实践框架。

【Abstract】 The democratic political development, legislation promoting, strategy propulsion, duty transformation of government and the practices of tourism administrative departments at all levels have established the foundation of public participation in destination governance in China. But its theory and practice is insufficient at present. Therefore this paper introduces the public management theory, governance theory, public participation theory to research the mechanism of public participation in destination governance and its practice framework.Based on the reviews of the existing research achievements on destination governance and public participation in destination public affairs, this paper analyzes the concepts and connotations of destination public affairs, destination governance, and public participation in destination governance. At the same time, this paper puts forward that the mechanism of public participation in destination governance is composed of three dimensions:dynamic mechanism, implementation mechanism and guarantee mechanism.Specifically, its dynamic mechanism is composed of pushing mechanism and pulling mechanism. Firstly, the pushing mechanism includes five factors, such as the status rising of tourism in the public’s life, the improvement of the public’s consciousness of participation, the requirement of the expression and integration of public demands. Secondly, the pulling mechanism includes eight factors, such as the complexity of destination surroundings, the diversity of destination public affairs, the requirement of destination’s balanced development, the duty transformation of governments and their needs for public participation. Moreover,4E (Economy, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Equity) objects and the sustainable development of destination are bidirectional dynamics.Its implementation mechanism is an integration mechanism, which is composed of the subject, object, level, way, process and result of public participation. And its execution depends on the effective execution of three aspects:public participation choice, process and result. Firstly, public participation subjects are composed of residents, community organizations, tourism enterprises, tourism workers, tourists, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, research institutions, media and specialists. Public participation objects are composed of eighteen classes, such as tourism legislation and law enforcement, tourism policy formulation and implementation, destination branding. Public participation levels include low, moderate and high degree, which are composed of informing, consultation, public opinion support, resource support, collaboration (negotiation/cooperation), power delegating, and public autonomy. Public participation ways cover more than forty different ways, such as government information publicity, key contact, nominal group, civic meeting and coproduction. Based on the professional degree, the importance of the public’s support, time limit degree and the corresponding seven questions, this paper constructs the model for the effective execution of public participation choice. Furthermore, the process of public participation in destination governance is a continuous process, whose key effective execution factors are full process, fairness, legal and legitimate procedure, government’s effective response. The results of public participation in destination governance are4E-centered and include the public’s output and input, government’s input and output. Its effective execution depends on the fully achievement of the above factors.Its guarantee mechanism involves the construction of participative political culture and service-oriented government, the enhancement of the public’s participation ability, institutional supply and the establishment of an effective incentive mechanism. Furthermore, the political culture is the foundation of its guarantee mechanism and the other aspects are guarantees to stimulate and keep the public’s enthusiasm for participating in destination public affairs.Based on the above researches, this paper chooses five Chinese excellent tour cities (Qingdao, Jining, Jimo, Qufu, Zoucheng) as examples to carry out self-administered questionnaire survey in personnel of the administrative department of tourism and the public (residents). The survey data is analyzed by SPSS19.0. Survey results show that, destination public affairs mainly need the high level and moderate level public participation; the public pay more attention to the following factors:full process, fairness and legitimate procedure; governmental personnel more approve the participation results of government’s input and4E, the public more approve the participation results of satisfaction with participation activities and the factors belonging to their participation rights; the public’s consciousnesses of rights have been formed, but their public spirits, their willingness to accept education for public participation and organized participation are insufficient; governmental personnel have accepted public participation in tourism public affairs and are trying to promote government information publicity, but the institution supply is inadequate; the public regard the influence on participation result, government providing convenient conditions, economic return/compensation and governmental reward as important incentives.This paper’s innovation mainly lies in four points:Firstly, introducing the theories of public management to define and interpret the concepts and connotations of public affairs, governance, the mechanism of public participation in the context of tourist destination for the first time; Secondly, changing the one-way thought to two-way and introducing the push and pull theory to newly construct an integrative model for the dynamic mechanism of public participation in destination governance; Thirdly, constructing the implementation mechanism of public participation in destination governance which is composed of six dimensions for the first time; Fourthly, expanding Thomas’s model to three dimensions and amending its operation steps to construct a model for the operation of the implementation mechanism which applies to both public decision affairs and public action affairs.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

