

Human Nature, History and Conflicts

【作者】 杨吉平

【导师】 张睿壮;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 国际关系, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 古典现实主义在国际关系理论史中占有重要地位,但围绕它一直以来也存在很多争论和误解,我们希望通过对古典现实主义核心思想的再思考能澄清这其中若干误解,具体方法是通过对古典现实主义阵营中最著名四位学者(爱德华·卡尔、雷蒙·阿隆、莱茵霍尔德·尼布尔和汉斯·摩根索)的学说进行归纳比较。我们试图回答的最终问题是:什么是“现实主义的”?它是否存在一致、统一的哲学基础?古典现实主义者意识到人追求权力的欲望根深蒂固,它不会随历史发展而消失,但这并不意味社会将冲突不断,安全困境的存在提醒人们要抑制自身的权力欲。他们还主张人的理性认识能力存在限度。古典现实主义者发现历史事实和历史规律的客观性存在限度,这个客观性难题难以获得理性的解决。人的理性能力存在限度使其无法获得关于历史整体的知识,历史没有无可争议的发展方向,人的选择自由使历史发展总是呈现多种可能。古典现实主义者认为实力对比是影响国家关系的最重要变量,大国相互尊重势力范围是和平的基石,势力范围的划分应建立在实力对比基础上且随之变化。实力上升的国家应获得更多利益,承担更多国际责任,绥靖是衰落国家的合理反应。不受限制的权力总容易恣意妄为,均势是阻止大国滥用权力、威胁和平的可靠途径。古典现实主义者并没有否认道德,而是主张道德判断难以轻易做出,他们都是道德怀疑论者。古典现实主义者意识到道德选择是承诺,带有武断性,这要求人们既要有决断,也要有怀疑精神,克制自我优越感。最后,他们都认为道德判断应基于行动产生的结果而不是行为者的目的或动机。古典现实主义从20世纪诸多反自由主义思潮中获取灵感,这些反自由主义者一致认为自由主义者习惯抽象的理性思维,缺乏对现实复杂性的认识,做到“现实主义的”就是要求人们如实面对现实,不能任由情感和愿望扭曲现实。并不是所有反自由主义者对“现实”都持同样假定,马克思主义者认为现实是理性的过程,即使人现在受到种种客观限制无法理解现实,但人通过努力克服自然与社会的限制终将彻底理解现实,和现实达成和解。反理性主义者和权力政治者则认为现实从根本上来看是非理性的,人无法彻底理解现实。保守主义者是中庸的,他们相信人能理解现实,但又认为这种理解存在不可避免的限度,这种哲学是古典现实主义唯一哲学基础——“现实主义的”还意味着人们既不放弃理解世界的努力,同时需要牢记自己绝非全知全能。

【Abstract】 Classical Realism took a very important position in history of International Relations Theory, but there were also lots of controversies and misunderstandings around it, we hope can clarify some of them by reconsidering the core thought of Classical Realism. Specifically, we will compare thoughts of four most prestigious scholars (E. H. Carr, Raymond Aron, Reinhold Niebuhr and Hans Morgenthau) in the Classical Realism tradition. The ultimate question of this enquiry is:What is realism? Does it have a coherent and united philosophical foundation?Classical reslist realied the lust for power was deeply ingrained in human nature, it won’t disappear with the development of history, but this didn’t mean that our society will full of conflicts, Security Dilemma remind states not to expand power. Classical realist also found the limit of rationality.Classical realist found the objectivity of historical facts and historical law were limited, the problem of objectivity can’t be solved rationaly, they also insisted that we can’t know the totality of history due to the limit of rationality. There was no historical trend that was undisputable; men always have the freedom of choice which makes history full of possibility.Classical realist thought that distribution of power was the most important variable to affect interstate relations. Great powers respected each other’s sphere of influence was the foundation of peace, spheres of influence should be based on distribution of power, and adjusted according to the changing distribution of power. Rising power should get more share of interest and take more international responsibility, for the declining power, appeasement was a rational choice. Great Powers which weren’t restrained are reckless, balance of power was a reliable approach to prevent great power from abusing power and threating peace.Classical realist didn’t deny morality, they just insisted that moral judgment can’t be made easily, they are all moral skeptics. They realized moral choice was essentially a commitment, and it’s also arbitrary, so it required statesmen have both the determination and the spirit of doubt, sense of superiority should be restrained, and finally they insisted that moral judgment should based on result, not goals or intention of the agents.Classical realist got their inspiration from anti-liberalism thoughts in20th century, those anti-liberalist shared the view that liberalist used to think rationally and abstractly, they neglected the complexity of reality, so be a realist means face the reality, make sure the reality should not be twisted by emotion and wishes. All the anti-liberalist didn’t have the some assumption about reality, Marxist assumed that reality is a rational process, even though men can’t understand reality completely now, finally they will, and they will make peace with it. Anti-Rationalist and Realpolitik hold an opposite assumption, they assumed that reality is irrational, Man can’t understand reality completely. Conservatives were moderate, they thought we can understand the outside world, but the understanding was limited, Conservatism was the exclusive philosophical root of Classical Realism, so being a realist also means one should never give up trying to understand the world, at the same time he must aware he is not omnipotent.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

