

Construct Welfare Pluralism System under the Transition of Social Welfare:Base on Empirical Investigation of Left-behind Children in Xingwen County

【作者】 万国威

【导师】 彭华民;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 社会学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 伴随着城镇化的大踏步推进,我国数以亿计的农民进入到城市中,成为数量庞大的外来务工人群。他们在为城市发展做出重大贡献的同时,也在默默的承担着本来不应该由他们承担的很多代价,其子女的抚育问题就是其中重要的一个。由于户籍制度的严格限制和富含在户籍背后的福利排斥,我国约4000万到8000万的儿童被父母留在了家乡,在生活、健康、教育等方面面临着新的社会风险。对于这些留守儿童所遭遇的问题予以研究,不但有利于推动我国社会福利制度的有序发展,也对优化我国未来城镇化的发展道路具有重要的意义。留守儿童问题的研究自2005年以来呈现出了井喷式的发展,这些研究都围绕留守儿童进行了细致的讨论,并为实践领域出台相应的保护政策提供了学理指导。但是,目前的研究也在研究对象、研究视角和研究方法上出现了一定的纰漏,因此无法从社会福利转型的背景下去观察留守儿童的福利建构问题,亟需在学理上进行优化。本研究正是从上述问题出发,采取福利多元主义理论作为本研究的核心理论,采取广义社会福利作为观察视角,通过定量和定性相结合的实证调研方式来对留守儿童的福利供应问题展开细致的剖析。本研究紧紧围绕留守儿童的福利获取状况及福利供应状况进行针对性的分析,希望通过对四个问题的讨论来研究留守儿童福利的基本状况。基于四川省兴文县的实证调查,本研究具有四个基本的发现:(1)儿童群体间在福利获取上的整体差距已经显现,留守儿童在整体福利获取上显著落后于普通儿童,且留守儿童在某些福利项目上的落后幅度非常巨大,因而福利供应和福利获取之间形成了一定的结构性问题,留守儿童在福利获取上的弱势地位未能够得到有效的转变;(2)留守儿童的福利衰减主要集中在外出家庭的福利供应领域,留守家庭的福利替代则较为明显,国家、社区和志愿组织未能出现积极的福利替代,因此留守儿童的福利责任转移实际上嬗变成为了家庭内部之间的责任调整,外出家庭主要负责资金供应,留守家庭主要负责服务供应,留守儿童的福利服务呈现出了一定的空巢化现象;(3)留守儿童在遭受到市民化福利排斥的同时也在居民化的过程中出现了福利的衰减,家庭内部的福利责任重构虽然能够在一定程度上发挥作用,但是却在福利供应的责任转变中面临着诸多困境,因而使留守儿童在福利获取面临较强的社会风险;(4)留守儿童的福利供应问题不是一个简单的福利责任转移问题,而是福利供应中多元主体的责任分担问题,其本质上反映出我国福利多元主体的构架不合理,并充分体现出了我国补缺型儿童福利制度的脆弱性和普惠型儿童福利制度建构的必要性。研究建议,我国应当逐步平衡城市和农村之间的福利供应差异,形成家庭支持型的社会政策,积极推动儿童福利服务的发展,努力实现儿童福利制度从补缺型向普惠型进行转型。

【Abstract】 With the great heap in China’s urbanization, hundreds of millions of peasants went into cities and form a huge number of migrant population in China. They make a significant contribution to the development of the cities, however they have to face a lot of problems. The issue of left-behind children seems to be the most important one. Because of urban-rural separate registration system and different benefits beyond it, approximately40million to80million children have been left by their parents in their hometown, and their basic living, health, education and other aspects have to encounter with new risks. Therefore, doing some researches on the problems of left-behind children can be not only to promote the development of China’s social welfare system, but also have great significance to optimize the path of development of China’s future urbanization.Researches on the left-behind children have shown a sharp increase since2005, all these researches have finished some analysis on left-behind children’s issues and contributed to our policies. However, the current researches also met some important problems in researching framework, research perspective and research methods, they so these researches can not focus on social welfare transformation behind the obvious problems from the regime of welfare pluralism. Based on these problems, this study want to make welfare pluralism as the core theory, take the social welfare as the viewing angle, and carry out a detailed analysis on left-behind children’s welfare supplying system with a combination of quantitative and qualitative empirical research methods.Based on the empirical investigation in Xingwen County, the study finds that the left-behind children’s welfare system can be concluded to be the following four basic features:(1) The level of left-behind children’s welfare supplying lags significantly behind that of normal children, the difference between these two groups is mainly in the health welfare and caring services, children’s needs for welfare supplying system and the real supplying system has formed a structural problem, the weaker position of left-behind children can not be effectively changed;(2) The great reduce of left-behind children’s welfare is mainly coming from the outside family, inside family shows an obvious increase in children’s welfare, but national, community and voluntary organizations seems to be not very significant, therefore the transformation of welfare supplying system has becomes transformation of family, outside family is mainly responsible for funding and inside family is mainly for serving;(3) After great exclusion in the process of urbanization, an obvious welfare falling of left-behind children can be also found in rural area, the transformation of children’s caring responsibility in family has met obvious difficulties, the overall welfare supplying and structural changes have to encounter with significant risks.(4) The problem of left-behind children’s welfare is not a simple welfare reductions but a structural adjustment in welfare mix, behind this problem we can find the vulnerability of residual social welfare system and necessity of universal social welfare.This study suggests that the problem of left-behind children’s welfare system really reflects the designing flaw in the children’s welfare system, and argues that China should gradually balance urban and rural welfare supplying, form a family-support social policy, strengthen the supplying of capital and services, and promote the transformation from residual social welfare to universal social welfare.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

