

The Study of Language Style of the Novel in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China

【作者】 何云涛

【导师】 孟昭连;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本论文主要采用了语言学、社会学、文化学、心理学、文本细读等方法,研究清末民初小说语体的特征、趋势以及文化运行机制之影响。清末民初小说语体与既往不同,与五四时期也有较大差别,显示出相对独立的价值,在汉语书面语文白消长过程中意义重大。本论文的论述目标主要包括:一、梳理清末民初之前文言、白话两种汉语书面语体的历史演进,以及在整个历史中的发展特点、趋势和规律。二、对清末民初的小说语体进行分类,探视小说语体的复杂性和独特性.二、分析清末民初小说语体趋势特征背后的文体观念、雅俗审美观念以及士人复杂心态,探讨社会运行机制的变化如何加速白话取代文言的质变过程。基于以上的目标,本论文主要分为六章。第一章是“清末民初之前文言白话之发展趋势”。笔者对文言和白话进行界定,梳理清末民初之前文言白话的发展脉络。文言、白话虽属于不同的词汇语法系统,但同根同源,且在发展过程中相互借鉴融合。从文言语体成为官方主流书面语之后,言文分离的现象一直是文人已深刻认识的问题,由于种种因素制约,白话书面语只能在边缘逐渐积累其优势,但已明显地呈现出文白消长的趋势。第二章是“清末民初小说之语体选择:多语体并存”。笔者对清末民初小说语体进行分类描述,在参照前人的研究成果基础上,使原来分类更加细化。白话语体可以细分为古白话小说及官话、方言小说、欧化译语体白话小说,其中的方言小说主要集中于北京方言、吴方言上;其次,根据具体的小说文本,文言语体可分为散体文言语体小说和骈文语体小说;最后论述韵文语体,主要是指清末民初时部分作家创作的弹词小说。第三章是“多语体并存与清末民初繁杂小说观念”。“新小说”为代表的白话小说为杂文学文体,语体上多采用白话;林纾则持史传的文学观念,语体选择倾向于古雅的散体文言书面语;徐枕亚则认同辞赋化小说观念,其语体选择骈文语体。“新小说”为代表的白话小说“以俗为雅”,用通俗白话创作严肃小说;林纾译作“以雅化俗”,以雅致的散体文言提升通俗小说雅化的空间;以徐枕亚为代表的骈文小说“以雅返俗”,用雅致的骈体文创作媚俗的艳情通俗小说。第四章是“多语体并存与清末民初文人心态”。清末民初处于激烈时代变革的语境下,文人心态与传统相比发生复杂的变化,小说多语体选择与文人心态密切相关。白话小说反映出革新派文人救亡图存的理想追求和经世致用的工具化实用主义心态,用白话语体新民救国成为激进派文人的共识;散体文言语体小说则代表了文化保守派文人心态,此派文人坚守只有使用文言语体才能创作“传世之文”和美文;骈文语体小说则代表有意逃离政治的文人心态,同时反映了此派文人追求盈利和炫耀才华之期望。第五章是“文言、白话的此消彼长”。本章首先从语言学角度分析文言语体的式微,其次本部分从小说理论、数量以及其他诸文体(诗歌、散文、剧本等)的白话语体实践,证明了文言语体表现空间被大大压缩,最后以梁启超文本为例分析文白消长的必然趋势。第六章是“清末民初文白消长的必然性与时代契机”。本部分一方面从内在原因分析文白消长的必然规律,另一方面从时代因素分析文白消长的外在原因,其中包括白话报刊的兴起、民族国家建构的需要、科举制废除与文人身份转变、教育体制改革以及异域文化的影响,内外因结合最终促成白话取代文言。本论文的结论是:在清末民初这个特定的历史时空中,文白的兴衰交替沿着其历史轨迹进入转型时期,自然的语言、文学的语言、政治的语言三者胶接在一起,共同促进了文言向白话的转变。从自然的语言来说,文白的兴替是汉语言发展的内在规律;不可否认政治因素对语言的发展具有相当大的影响,政治的语言成为文白兴替的“催化剂”。文学的语言既反映了自然语言的演变和政治意义上的语言特征,也成为语言变革的“试验田”和语言规范化的“净化器”。如果没有五四时期强制性地全方位推行白话文学运动,如果没有行政机构强制性地推行国语教育,也许汉语书面语言将遵照其内在规律继续发展。白话必将取代文言,但其过程将会延长,而且会在对峙融合中形成某种白话规范。历史不能假设,文学语言只能在自然的语言、政治的语言二者相互牵制的合力中发展。政治意义上的语言改革是二元对立式的非此即彼模式,一定程度上是政治霸权语言模式。自清末民初之后,白话取代文言成为不可逆的发展趋势。

【Abstract】 To study the feature and trend of the novel’s language style including the effect of culture operation mechanism in the late Qing Dynasty and the early republic of China, this paper mainly uses the linguistics, sociology, cultural studies, psychology, text analysis and so on. The classical chinese and the vernacular chinese belong to two different chinese written system, different language style representing different value orientation and the symbols of social status,and the traditional novel. presents the difference between elegance and popular beacause of different language style. The novel’s language styles in the late Qing Dynastv and the early republic or China, unlike the past,have a very big difference with the Five-Four period, which have the relatively independent value and the great significance of the classical chinese’decline and the vernacular chinese’ incease in the chinese written language.This paper mainly includes three specific aims. Firstly, it combs the historical evolution of the classical chinese and the vernacular chinese of two kind two chinese written language of ancient chinese literature, as well as the development characteristics, trends and patterns in the entire history. Secondly, the novel’s language style is classified in the late Qing Dynasty and the early republic of China, its complexity and uniqueness analysed.Threely, the article analyses the idea of literary style and the popular aesthetic concept and the complex state of intellectuals’ mind back the features and trends of novel’s language styles in the late Qing Dynasty and the early republic of China, and the change of the operating mechanism of the society how to accelerate the transition of the vernacular chinese instead of the classical chinese.Based on the above goal, this thesis is mainly divided into six chapters.The first chapter is " the development trend of the classical chinese and the vernacular chinese before the late Qing Dynasty and the early republic of China". The author defines the classical Chinese and the vernacular Chinese, combing the development of the classical chinese and the vernacular chinese before the late Qing Dynasty and the early republic of China. The classical chinese and the vernacular chinese pertain to different vocabulary and grammar system, but they are the same origin, based on the basis of Ideographic writing system and mutual blended in the development process. After the classical Chinese becoming the official mainstream written language, intellectuals have had a profound understanding of separation phenomenon between the classical Chinese and the vernacular chinese, due to various factors, and the vernacular chinese only accumulates its advantage gradually in the edge, but it has clearly emerged the fluctuation trend.The second chapter is " the language style selection of the novel of the late Qing Dynasty and the early republic of China:multiple language styles". On the basis of other research results of the late Qing Dynasty and the early republic of China, the author classifies novel’s language styles, more detailed classification.The vernacular written language includes the ancient vernacular and Mandarin, dialect, vernacular written language from the translation of western literature, and the dialect written language mainly including Beijing dialect,and Wu dialect. Based on the novel text, the classical Chinese can be divided into the syntactic irregular classical chinese and the parallel classical chinese. The rhythmic language style mainly refers to the written language of some writers’s Playing and Singing Novel.The third chapter is "multiple language styles’coexists and complicated novel idea in the late Qing Dynasty and the early republic of China". As the representative of the vernacular novels,"New novel" is named the novel, but It is actually many literary styles mixed together.Lin Shu insisted on historical literary idea of the novel, style selection of the elegant and free classical Chinese selected,however Xu Zhenya used the parallel prose concept of novel, the dual parallel classical chinese selected. In the late Qing Dynasty and the early republic of China, the difference between the classical chinese and the vernacular chinese was no longer division standard of elegance and vulgarity, which had been transformed into conveying truth of the traditional concept as the measure.As the representative of the vernacular novel,"New novel" is "to vulgar as elegance", writers writing serious fiction with the popular vernacular chinese; Lin Shu is "elegance’s changing vulgar", enhancing the elegance of popular novels using the elegant and free classical chinese; As the representative of the parallel prose fiction, Xu Zhenya is "to the elegant to vulgar", who wrote the erotic love fictions with elegant and parallel classical chinese.The fourth chapter is "multiple language styles’coexists and Intellectual mental state in the late Qing Dynasty and the early republic of China".In the intense changes in the social context, Intellectual mental state was complexedly changed compared with traditional in the late Qing Dynasty and the early republic of China, so it was also closely related with multiple language styles’selection. The vernacular novels reflected the reformers intellectuals’ideal pursue saving the nation and the pragmatism attitude, then vernacular literature became radical intellectuals’common goal.The elegant and free classical chinese novels represents the mentality of conservative cultural intellectuals, who used free classical chinese writing "the book handed down" and aesthetic article. The parallel prose’s style novel represents intellectuals’mentality away from politics, at the same time, profit and showing off his talent.included.The fifth chapter is "the classical chinese’declind and the vernacular chinese’s increase". This chapter firstly analyses the decline of classical chinese from the angle of linguistics, then the theory about the novel, and the number of novels and other various styles (poetry, prose, drama) practicing the vernacular chinese greatly reduced the performance space of the classical chinese,finally analyses the inevitable trend of the classical chinese’declind and the vernacular chinese’s increase taking Liang Qichao’s text as an example.The sixth chapter is "the necessity and an opportunity of the times of the classical chinese’s declind and the vernacular chinese’s increase in the late Qing Dynasty and the early republic of China".This part analyses the inexorable law of the classical chinese’s declind and the vernacular chinese’s increase from internal causes, and analyses external causes of the classical chinese’s declind and the vernacular chinese’s increase from the factors of the era, including the rise of vernacular newspapers, the needs of national construction, the abolition of the imperial examination system, the reform of education system, the transformation of the intellectual identity,and the influence of different exotic cultures. The combination of the internal causes and the external causes facilitates eventually the vernacular chinese instead of the classical chinese.The conclusion of this paper is:in this special historical background in the late Qing Dynasty and the early republic of China, the rise and fall and alternation of the classical chinese and the vernacular chinese got into the transformation period along the historical trajectory,and the natural language, the literature language, the language of politics were glued together, promoting together the transformation of the classical chinese to the vernacular chinese. First of all, the rise and fall and alternation of the classical chinese and the vernacular chinese is the inherent law of the development of the chinese language from the natural language; secondly, political factors have undeniably great influence on the development of language, the language of politics became the "catalyst" of the rise and fall and alternation of the classical chinese and the vernacular chinese. Thirdly, literary language reflected the evolution of the natural language and language characteristics of political sense, and became the "experimental field"of written language change and the "purifier". of the chinese language’s standardization.If there was no mandatory and all-round implementation of the vernacular literature movement in Five-four Period, if administrative institutions didn’t implement the use of Mandarin education mandatorily, perhaps chinese written language would have followed the inherent laws of development. The vernacular chinese will replace the classical chinese certainly, but the process would be extended, and form a vernacular specification in between the confrontation and the fusion. History cannot be assumed, the literary language develops only in the two competing forces between the natural language and the language of politicsThe the language reform of political meaning is either this or that mode, so the vernacular chinese insteading of the classical Chinese is a break from the modern and traditional culture, and is a fight for the discourse right between different social classes, and is partly language model of political hegemony. Since the late Qing Dynasty and the early republic of China, the vernacular chinese insteading of the classical Chinese becomes the irreversible development trend.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

