

Research on the Ideological Function of Popular Culture

【作者】 王迎新

【导师】 平章起;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着中国改革开放和社会主义市场经济的深入发展,大众文化已成为中国人民文化消费的主要内容,这种文化消费模式改变着人们的工作、生活和思维方式,表现出强大的意识形态功能。本文主要以马克思主义意识形态理论为指导,梳理、分析、借鉴西方思想家有关大众文化意识形态功能分析的理论,全面研究分析中国大众文化的意识形态功能。全文基本内容分述如下:首先对于大众文化和意识形态的基本问题的澄清,研究了大众文化与意识形态的关系;分析西方大众文化理论主要学派的大众文化理论,梳理大众文化发展的历史渊源,选取法兰克福学派的大众文化批判理论,鲍德里亚的消费文化理论和费斯克的大众文化抵抗理论,进行大众文化意识形态功能的理论分析。论文主体从政党、大众文化生产制作商、受众个体角度出发,从大众文化承载的意识形态控制功能、意识形态渗透功能和意识形态逃离功能三个维度进行了研究。从政党角度分析大众文化的意识形态控制功能,意识形态控制是现代社会政治国家进行统治的重要方式,拥有文化领导权是执政的根本要求。意识形态控制的关键就是采用哪种方式和渠道进行,大众文化正好是最佳形式。葛兰西的文化领导权与阿尔都塞的文化的意识形态论述了大众文化意识形态控制的理论基础,阐述了大众文化意识形态控制的特点和主要方式,最后分析了大众文化意识形态控制的实现机制。从大众文化制作商角度分析大众文化的意识形态渗透功能,大众文化的渗透性是为其获得商业利润的杀手锏。消费社会的存在是大众文化发展的现实环境,也是大众文化意识形态渗透的推动器,大众文化生产制作者利用视觉符号的技术手段操控着大众文化意识形态渗透的源头;大众集体无意识、平民意识、现代受众意识是大众文化与意识形态共谋的主要表现形态;大众的社会心理机制的分析展示出大众文化意识形态渗透的作用形式。从大众个体角度分析大众文化的意识形态逃离功能,大众文化是大众自己积极能动的选择,是一种自下而上的文化。大众的能动性,作者式文本和大众的主动抵抗性是分析大众文化意识形态逃离的动力;注重娱乐消遣狂欢化、选择沉默、积极建构新的文本意义是大众文化意识形态逃离的主要特征,意识形态逃离为大众提供心理抚慰,宣泄大众情绪,化解现实社会矛盾,同时后现代思维会解构主流价值文化、导致人文精神失落、造成文化生态失衡;选取女性文化,青年亚文化,草根文化形态分析大众文化意识形态抵抗或逃离的意义。最后论文论述了中国特色大众文化的意识形态功能研究的构建策略。当代中国的大众文化发展的时代特征、大众文化与多元意识形态的发展,主流意识形态与大众文化的关系,大众文化的积极效应和消极效应都是构建有中国特色社会主义文化应思考的问题,论证建设有中国特色大众文化的战略思考,最重要的是要有一种以现实为基点,着眼于未来发展的远见,提出坚持一元引领与多元发展的引导原则、以人为本的原则、文化生态可持续发展原则、本土化发展原则;处理好自主发展和学习借鉴的关系、经济效益和社会效益的关系、民族化与国际化的关系;从宏观上对中国大众文化的发展进行科学规划和中国特色大众文化意识形态建设的基本构建,从微观上社会主义核心价值体系为大众文化发展提供思想保障、寻求大众文化与意识形态契合点,提升自身建设质量、深化文化体制改革,为大众文化发展提供制度化保障、优化文化发展环境,促进中国特色大众文化的健康发展。本文研究分析大众文化的意识形态功能,正确规范和引导大众文化,把它纳入到国家管理的范围和正确的发展轨道上来,让大众文化成为国家软实力的重要组成部分。

【Abstract】 With the reform and opening of China and the further development of socialist market economy, popular culture has become the main content of Chinese cultural consumption. This kind of cultural consumption pattern changes people’s working way, living style and thinking model, which represent a strong function of ideology.Based on Marxist theory of ideology, this paper sorts out, analyzes and draws lessons from Western thinkers about popular cultural ideological function theories, to make a comprehensive research on the ideological function of Chinese popular culture.This paper basically includes some parts as follows:Firstly, clarify the basic problem between popular culture and ideology and make a research about the relationship between popular culture and ideology; secondly, analyze the popular cultural theories of main Western representatives, and sort out the historical development of popular cultural, and conduct the theoretical analysis about popular cultural ideological function based on popular cultural critique theory of Frankfurt school, consumption cultural theory of Baudrillard and Fiske’s popular cultural resistance theoryThe main part of this paper is from the perspective of party, popular cultural producers and individual audience to conduct a research from three popular cultural ideological dimensions including control function, infiltration function and fled function.In the view of party to analyze the ideological control function of popular culture and ideological control is an important way for modern social political states to rule, while the cultural leadership is the requirement of government. The key to ideological control is to adopt what kinds of ways and channels and popular culture is just the best choice. Gramsci’s cultural leadership and Althusser’s cultural ideology describe the theoretical basis, the main characteristics and ways, and analyze the inherent mechanism of popular cultural ideological control. In the view of popular cultural producers, analyze the infiltration function of popular cultural ideology. The infiltration function of popular culture is to gain the commercial profits. The existing of consumer society is not only the real environment of popular culture but also the trigger of ideological infiltration. The producers of popular culture make use of visual symbols to control the source of popular cultural ideological infiltration. Collective unconscious, civilian consciousness and modern reacceptance conscious are the main forms of expression for the combination between popular culture and ideology. The analysis of social psychological mechanism demonstrates the form and usage of popular cultural ideological infiltration.The popular culture is a positive dynamic choice from the perspective of individual and ideological fled function, and also a bottom-up culture. The public’s initiative, produced style text and the active resistance of public are the power of analyzing the popular cultural ideological fled. Emphasizing entertainment, choosing silence and active constructing the new meaning of text are the main characteristics of popular cultural ideological fleeing. Ideological flee provides psychological comfort for the public and gives vent mood so as to resolve the social contradiction, and meanwhile the thinking pattern in post-modern can deconstruct the value of mainstream culture resulting in the lost of human spirit and imbalance between culture and ecology. Analyze the popular cultural ideological resistance and meaning of flee according to women’s culture, youth subculture and grass roots culture.At the end of this paper, the construction strategies of Chinese characteristics ideological function research are discussed. In contemporary China, the features of times, the development of popular culture and multi-ideologies, the relationship between mainstream ideology and popular culture, and the positive and negative effects of popular culture are the important issues for constructing socialist culture with Chinese characteristics. The most important thing for demonstrating the strategic thinking about popular culture with Chinese characteristics is to lay a reality foundation, look forward to further development, sticky propose to the leading rule for the development between unified and pluralistic culture, and insistent people-oriented principle, sustainable development principle between culture and ecology, and localization development principle. Deal with the relationship between self-development and learn from, economic and social benefits, and nationalization and internationalization. Conduct a scientific plan for Chinese popular cultural development in macro, and carry out a basic building for popular cultural ideological construction with Chinese characteristics. At a micro level socialist core value system provides an ideological guarantee for popular cultural development, seek the meeting point between popular culture and ideology, enhance the quality of construction and deepen reform of cultural system so that it can provide institutional guarantee for popular cultural development, optimize the environment of cultural development and promote the healthy development of popular culture with Chinese characteristics.This paper tried to recognize the popular cultural ideological function, properly regulate and guide popular culture, and integrate it into the scope of national management and the right development track, so as to make the popular culture become the important part of national soft power.

【关键词】 大众文化意识形态功能
【Key words】 popular cultureideologyfunction
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

