

The Research on the Tianjin Troop in Ming and Qing Dynasties(1368-1840)

【作者】 李鹏飞

【导师】 南炳文;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 天津北依燕山,南达华北平原腹地,西连京津走廊,东临渤海湾,地理环境得天独厚。明、清两朝均建都北京,天津作为京师门户,其战略地位极端重要。明、清时期天津地区均驻守了大量兵力,与之相伴,天津地区人口开始增加,各种机构逐步设立。明、清时期天津地区的军队承担着防守、作战、屯田、漕运、修城、治河等各项任务,这一方面保障了地方的和平安宁,另一方面又为天津地区的社会发展做出了积极贡献,天津的社会、文化事业逐步发展,至清代乾隆、嘉庆时期天津已发展成为具有重要军事、经济地位的大都会。军事对明、清时期天津地区的发展具有重要作用,值得我们认真总结。本文分为十二章,加上绪论、结语共十四部分。绪论首先明确本文的研究对象,然后对相关研究成果进行回顾,进而对本文的选题依据、研究方法、主要内容、使用文献等方面进行说明。第一章首先对明代天津地区各卫所的相关情况进行研究,主要包括明代天津地区蓟州卫、镇朔卫、营州右屯卫、天津卫、天津左卫、天津右卫、武清卫、梁城守御千户所等卫所的设立情况、领导体制、卫署设置、军官人数、军官祖贯、军士人数等方面。除卫所驻军以外,明代天津地区还有民兵、达军,这也是天津军事力量的组成部分,这一章对民兵、达军也进行了研究。第二章以明代镇戍营兵制下的天津地区驻军为考察对象,由于天津地区在明代分属不同的行政区划,所以军队也分属不同的领导系统,本章即对明代镇戍营兵制下天津的驻军情况、领导系统、监军系统进行研究。第三章考察明代天津地区军队所承担的各项任务,明代天津地区军队不仅防守各自防区,而且还常被征调至外地进行戍守、作战。此外,天津地区的军队还承担屯田、漕运、班操等任务,以及各种差役。第四章对明代天津军队各种武器装备进行研究,这些武器既有传统兵器,又有明代革新、改造的新兵器,此外战马也是军队的重要装备,本章对各类武器、战马的配备、管理等方面进行研究。第五章对明代天津地区的重要军事工程进行研究,明代天津地区先后修筑了多座城池,这些城垣均先为土城,之后开始用砖包砌,在古代社会坚固的城池是保卫地方的重要屏障。明代从开国伊始即开始在北部边防修筑关隘,之后经过历次修筑,特别是戚继光于蓟镇任职期间,蓟镇边墙的修筑达到高峰。第六章对明代天津地区军队的军饷来源、军饷管理、军饷发放等方面进行研究,深入考察军饷来源、军饷管理、军饷发放等方面的演变情况,并对其存在的问题进行探讨。第七章以清代天津地区的驻军为考察对象,对宝坻驻防营、天津水师营两个驻防八旗营,以及天津镇所辖各绿营的设置、隶属、军官、兵力、营汛等方面进行研究。第八章研究清代天津地区军队承担的任务,清代天津地区军队除承担应有的军事任务外,还承担着维护治安,守卫行宫、陵寝,看护运河,捕灭蝗蝻等各项差役。第九章对清代天津地区的武器、装备情况进行研究,与明代相比,清代前期的武器并无明显发展,某些方面甚至出现退步,这与明、清两代不同的军事形势、军事制度密切相关。第十章以清代天津地区的各种军事工程为研究对象,这些军事工程既包括天津、静海、武清、宝坻、蓟州等城池,也包括演武场、炮台、墩台等设施,这些军事工程经过清代前期的修筑,对于加强军事训练、防御具有一定作用。第十一章研究清代天津地区军队的军饷状况,清代天津地区军队的米粮供应主要来自漕运,饷银则来自地方收入,在军饷发放标准上,八旗兵与绿营兵有所不同。在额定军饷之外,清代天津军队还有各种不定的赏赐。第十二章研究明、清时期军事对天津发展的贡献与影响,明、清时期军事对天津发展的贡献是多方面的、深刻的,本章重点论述天津卫学、武学对天津发展的贡献。在明、清两朝数百年中,军事对天津发展的影响是巨大的、深刻的,特别是表现为一方面促进了天津社会风气由尚武转变为尚文,另一方面造就了现在天津城区在整个天津地区的中心地位。结语部分对明、清时期天津地区军事变化进行总结,展现明、清时期天津军事发展、变化的全貌,并揭示其内在的历史动因,以为今天天津的发展提供历史借鉴。

【Abstract】 The geographical environment of Tianjin is very great.It is in the north of yanshan, south of the north China plain hinterland, in the west of the beijing-tianjin corridor, east of Tianjin is near bohai bay. Ming and Qing dynasties established their capitals in Beijing, so tianjin was jingshi portal, whose strategic position was extremely important. Ming and Qing dynasties stationed a large number of forces in tianjin, at the same time the population in tianjin increased and the institutions were set up gradually. The army of Tianjin area of Ming and Qing period beared the defense, combat, grain transportation, city and river management tasks, which guarantee the local peace.On the other hand, it made a positive contribution to social development for Tianjin area, so the social, cultural and business of Tianjin gradually developed. In the qianlong, jiaqing period, Tianjin has developed into a metropolis which had important military and economic status.In military of Ming and Qing dynasties the troop played an important role in the development of tianjin area, so it should be summarized earnestly.This article is divided into twelve chapters, it is a total of fourteen parts with the introduction and epilogue. First of all,introduction, tells this article’s object of study, and reviews of the relevant research achievements, then explains this article’s topic basis, research methods, main content, use of literature, etc.Chapter1we mainly discuss the relevant situation in’tianjin region in Ming dynasty,it includes the establishment of the situation, the leading system, the department set up, the number of officers, officers’family origin, the number of sergeante which refers toChapter2inspects the garrison in Ming dynasty garrison Due to the tianjin area in the Ming dynasty belongs to different administrative divisions, so the army also belongs to different leadership system.In this chapter the garrison town defensibly camp under the conscripts tianjin situation of Ming dynasty, military system and prison system were studied in this charpter. The third chapter studies the task undertaken by the tianjin area army.The Ming Dynasty army of Tianjin not only in defense their own area, but also often called up to the field to defend, combat.ln addition, tianjin area army reclamation, water transport, take class speaking tasks, as well as various ministers.The fourth chapter conducts the research to the Ming dynasty Tianjin military weapons and equipments, which include both traditional weapons and new weapons in the Ming Dynasty, reform innovation. Besides the army horse also is the important military equipment. In this chapter author will research all kinds of weapons and horses’equipment and management.The fifth chapter conducts the research to the important military engineerings of Tianjin area in Ming Dynasty. The Tianjin area has built several fortresses one after another, which were firstly built with soil, then were reinforced with bricks. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty from the founding that began on the northern frontier building pass. After repeated construction, Ji Zhen Great Wall’s construction peak.Chapter6th relates to the sources, managements and the extend of soldiers pay and provisions,especially evolution and existing problems of the sources,management, soldiers pay and provisions in Tianjin area in Ming dynasty were discussed.Chapter7th garrison of qing dynasty is the main investigation object, It includes In baodi and tianjin navy division battalion. At the same time the setup department, military officers, soldiers, camp of Green standard Army are included.Chapter8th studies the task of Tianjin area’s army, tianjin area’s army in the qing dynasty army also bears the maintenance of public order, guard palace, mausoleum, care canal, fishing out the hoppers, and other work in addition to the task of military.The ninth chapter researchs the weapons and equipment in Tianjin area of early Qing Dynasty. Compared with Ming Dynasty, early Qing Dynasty weapons have no obvious development, some aspects even regressed, which is closely related with the Ming, Qing two generations’military situation and military system.The tenth chapter puts a variety of military engineering in Tianjin region in the early Qing Dynasty as the research object. These military engineering include both the city walls and moats in Tianjin, Jinghai, Wuqing, Baodi and Jizhou and parade-grounds forts, piers and other facilities. These military engineerings had certain effect to strengthen military training and the defense.In the eleventh the pay of Qing dynasty army in tianjin region are studied Qing dynasty army’s supplies of rice in Tianjin is mainly from grain transportation, the soldier’s pay is from the local income, On the pay distribution standard, it is different between eight flag soldiers and Green standard Army Besides certain reward, the qing dynasty army had various uncertain reward.The twelfth chapter research the contribution and influence of military to the development of Tianjin in the Ming and Qing Dynasty.In the Ming and Qing Dynasty, the military’s contribution to the development of Tianjin were deep, which is manifested in many aspects.In the hundreds of years, the influence of the military on Tianjin development is great and profound.Epilogue part summarizes military change in tianjin region in the Ming and qing period, and show the full of tianjin military development in Ming and Qing period, on this basis,indicate its development in important influence to all aspects of Tianjin and reveals its inherent historical origination, in order to provide history lessons to the development of tianjin.

【关键词】 明清时期天津驻军
【Key words】 Ming and Qing dynastiesTianjinTroop
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

