

The CPC Revolutionary and Change of Tenancy Relationships in Rural North China

【作者】 王倩

【导师】 李金铮;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国近现代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在中国历史上,农民的土地问题是社会历史斗争的基本内容之一。历代爆发的农民战争中,仁人志士不断提出的各种主张,就是为解决该问题,或者为期于和缓该问题。尽管如此,然而在中国革命过程中,唯有中共在付出巨大的代价之后,抓住了中国抗日战争这个千载一时的历史机遇。在极其复杂的历史条件下,凝聚全党的大智慧,找到了一种合乎分寸的切入点,在相当程度上达到了不仅能动员农民,而且又能将阶级冲突控制在一定范围之内这样一种近乎理想的政治境界。而中共审时度势,以民族利益为先,及时将“地主不分田”的农地政策调整为“地主减租减息,农民交租交息”的农地政策。正是这种农村土地政策的调整,构筑了进入这一理想政治境界的重要桥梁之一。通过这一过程的深刻分析,将使我们对“双减”作为中国革命大链条中的重要一环有进一步的认识,并将指引人们深入了解又斗争又联合的动态组合在中国革命中的重要意义。中共将抗日战争时期的“双减”运动,是作为整个革命过程中的一个有机组成部分来谋划的。在维护抗日民族统一战线的先决条件下,中共极力谋求“双减”运动的开展,最大限度地密切联系中国革命不同阶段的目标。因此,在推行“双减”过程中,既要改善农民的生活状况,也要把农民充分发动和组织起来,杜绝“搭便车”的现象,促成农民直接面对地主的“个人化”的“双减”方式;不仅要弱化地主对农民的剥削,而且也要削弱地主在农村中的封建势力,从而建立中共的农村政权和农民的政治优势。为了开展“双减”运动,为其净化环境,铺平通往胜利之路,中共想方设法,极力谋求从政治组构、权力组织安排、经济关系、社会准则、文化教育和观念形态等诸方面改变农村的社会环境。这就为租佃关系变迁提供了保障作用。华北抗日根据地的“双减”运动,不只有革命的目的,也有灵活多变的策略运作空间,从而致使中共在抗战时期领导的“双减”运动,大大超越了农村一般经济意义上的改革,凸显了一切革命性变革。其革命性意蕴是在斗争与妥协的策略互动中展现出来,本文对农民与地主的博弈基本模型作了阐释。虽然“双减”运动所采取的具体方法,不像土地革命那样激剧,但是在组织发动群众、改变农村现存的社会政治经济力量方面,呈现了革命性变化。这正如彭真所言,“双减”是中共领导的一场群众运动,具有社会革命和民族抵抗运动的双重性质。本文将“中共革命与华北乡村租佃关系的变迁”情境,锁定为1937-1946年之间中共在华北抗日根据地开展的民族抵抗运动和“双减”运动。租佃关系变迁是对租佃关系非均衡的一种反应,它是一种租佃关系从非均衡走向均衡的过程。出现租佃关系非均衡是租佃关系变迁的必要条件。租佃关系因租佃制度而生,展示构成租佃制度的一切要素,然在其运动过程中由于受时代、地域等的作用,较之于侧重规定性内容的传统制度史来说,又显示出明显的灵活性,所确指的对象范围也通常突破制度文本规范而变得更宽泛。近代华北租佃制度是非正式的。然而在没有正式租佃制度的历史时期,地主与农民的租佃关系主要凭借非正式规则来维护,正是这些非正式规则保障了租佃关系的正常运转。非正式制度安排一旦形成,便具有顽强而持久的生命力,并且形成了世代相沿的民族传统的有机组成部分。笔者以为这是我国历史上的非正式租佃制竟然存续两千多年的原因。华北租佃的非正式制度安排中,意识形态、价值信念、伦理道德和风俗习惯等起着规范租佃行为的约束作用,并能在形式上构成某种正式制度安排的先验模式。华北抗日根据地正式租佃制度的形成是中共的减租政策加载于其相关的法规之中,从而成为正式的租佃制度安排(正式规则)。尽管它是中共设定的,但是也需要有关各方的明确认同。这一套正式规则基本上吸纳了非正式制度安排中的先验模式。在制度形成中,不断去粗取精,去伪存真,逐步完善起来。实践表明,这种强制性的制度变迁的实际进程却总是显现出私有地权的本质来。租佃制度的变迁是租佃制度、地租率、主佃关系、地权配置或土地占有、阶级关系等多种因素变迁叠加作用的结果。在这些变迁因素中,当以租佃制度为要,其他为伴生因素。华北地区幅员广大,各地经济发展水平迥异,各地的传统习惯有别,租佃制度复杂多样,同一租佃制度有多种称谓,但万变不离其宗。华北乡村的土地租佃制度在延续旧有的租佃制度(根据土地和其他生产资料同农业生产者结合方式的差别分),诸如租佃制(包括分租制、定租制)、伙种制、帮工租种制(“雇工分益制”)等的基本租制的基础上发生了变迁,即定租制向分租制逆转,租种制变伙种制,定租制中的钱租逆转为物租,租佃与典当互变,查减后租佃方式的改变,活租和伙种大量减少,各地多采用了定租,废除了地租中的超经济剥削(大粮、杂租、小租、送工等)以及消除了高利贷剥削的成分(如预租和押租),打破了旧中国地租与高利贷相结合,消除了地租中的高利贷剥削成分。华北各根据地的地租率基本上都下降到37.5%以下,很多地区的租率在10-30%之间。租率之下降,不单单意味着剥削量的减少,其深层意义在于地租性质的变化,使佃农的生活大有改观。租率的降低和超经济剥削成分的取缔,使根据地的地租不再与超经济强制相结合。这种地租形态,与根据地之外的地租有着本质的区别,它是一种具有资本主义倾向的新民主主义地租。以上各种租佃制是一种具有内在联系、相互补充的制度安排,具有重要的意义。至此,租佃关系的性质发生了变化,一种新型的租佃关系形成了,并且成为华北根据地新民主主义社会经济的一个有机组成部分。

【Abstract】 In thousands of years of history, peasants’ land problem is the basic social content in its social and historical struggle.In peasant wars, this problem is demanded to be solved or eased, this problem is put forward by elites in the past dynasties, too. Under the condition of extremely complex history,the CPC condenses wisdom of the whole party, finds a pointcut, achieves the ideal political realm, where not only to mobilize farmers,but also to limit class conflict within a certain range. Considering national interests as first, the CPC considers the situation, adjusts the rural land policy of landlords don’t distribution the field " to " the landlord’s reduction of rents for land and interest on loans, the farmer’s rent of rents for land and interest on loans ". Through the analyses the process,we will Further understand the reduction of rent and interest on loans as an important part of the chinese revolution,this will guide people to realize important significance of dynamic combination of Struggle and unity in the Chinese revolution.The CPC consides movement of the reduction of rent and interest on land as an integral part of the whole course of the Chinese revolution.under the prerequisite of maintenance of the anti-Japanese national united fronts, the CPC seeks the development of the reduction of rent and interest on land, contacts the goals of the Chinese revolution at different stages. Therefore, in the process of carrying out the movement of the reduction of rent and interest on land, not only to improve the lives of peasants, but also mobilize and organize the peasants, help to bring about the pattern of "one to one"; not only to weaken the landlord exploitation for peasants, but also impair the feudal forces of the landlords in the countryside, So as to establish rural regime of the CPC and peasants’ political advantage. In order to carry out the movement of the reduction of rent and interest on land, the CPC strives for changing the rural social environment through political fabric, authority organizational arrangements, economic relations, social norms, cultural education and ideological form. It provides the guarantee for tenancy relationship changes. The movement of reduction of rent and interest on land in the anti-Japanese base of Huabei, not only has the purpose of the revolution, but also has a flexible strategy operation space, highlights the movement’s revolutionary change. My paper explains the movement’s revolutionary change by the basic model of landlords and peasants game. Its revolutionary change is to be presented through organizing the masses and changing the existing rural social political and economic power.My paper consides National resistance movement and the movement of reduction of rent and interest on land from1937-1946as main contents of revolution of the CPC and the changes of Huabei countryside tenancy relationship. The change of tenancy relationship is a process from unbalanced to balanced.In modern north China, tenancy system is informal.the change of tenancy system is the result of composition of multiple factors, such as tenancy system, the rate of land rent, the configuration, main practice relationship, land ownership or land possession, class relations. In these changing factors, tenancy system plays an important role.Tenancy system is complex and diverse in Huabei, land tenancy system in Huabei rural changes on the basis of the old tenancy system, rent system is reversed to sublet system, landed rented system is changed HuoZhong system, money rent in rent system is reversed to object rent, rent interconvert pawn, the way of tenancy after checking the implementation of reduction of rent and interest on land is changed, the super economic exploitation of land rent is abolished, and so on.The rent rate in anti-Japanese base of Huabei basically drops to below37.5%, in many areas, the rent rate is between10%and30%. The decrease of the rent rate means not only the reduction of amount of exploitation, but also the change of rent property from the deep point of view, thus the life of the tenants changes.Reduction of rent rate and the ban of super economic exploitation composition make the rent and ultra economy in anti-Japanese base of Huabei no longer be combined. The rent form which differentiates itself from the rent outside the base areas, is a kind of new-democratic rent having the tendency to capitalism.above all sorts of Tenancy system are a kind of institutional arrangement having intrinsic connection and mutual complement, which has an epoch-making significance. So far, the nature of the tenancy relationship has been changed, A new type of tenancy relationship has been formed, and becomes an an organic part of new democratic social economy in anti-Japanese base of Huabei.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

