

The Construction of Social Revolution Theory

【作者】 王培培

【导师】 阎孟伟;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 所谓“社会革命”就是社会关系的变革,是包括政治革命在内的“全面革命”。本文紧紧围绕社会革命理论这个问题域,深入阐释了卢梭与马克思的社会革命理论,在此基础上对二人的政治哲学思想作了系统而全面的比较研究,从而试图构建新型的社会革命理论。本文主要从社会革命理论建构的主题、建构的基础、建构的核心、建构的目标以及对之前社会革命理论的反思,这五个方面来展开卢梭与马克思政治哲学的比较研究。卢梭的社会革命理论是以社会契约论为核心从理论上构设出一种体现“公意”、自由和平等的资产阶级民主共和国的理想;而马克思的社会革命理论是为了实现从资产阶级的政治解放到无产阶级的人类解放,从而建立一种使每个人都能得到全面发展的“自由人的联合体”的共产主义社会,实现人的自由和解放理想。本文认为,马克思的社会革命理论是建立在对卢梭社会革命理论认同、批判和超越的基础上。自由与平等是卢梭与马克思社会革命建构共同的主题,但以卢梭为代表的资产阶级自由、平等观念与目标仅仅局限于政治解放的视野内,只能使人们获得形式的自由、平等;而马克思提出了建构全人类解放的“各尽所能,按需分配”的平等社会和“自由人的联合体”的共产主义理想,从而不断走向实质上的、事实上的自由与解放,真正实现了对卢梭自由、平等观的继承与超越。异化理论是卢梭与马克思社会革命理论的理论基础,是二人共同的思想起点。卢梭认为异化造成社会发展的疏离,他提出要克服异化,建构和谐完美的社会秩序,实现其民主共和国的美好理想;而马克思认为人的异化是走向社会革命总的根源,资本主义私有制是私有制的最高阶段,扬弃异化就是要消灭资本主义的私有制,进行彻底的无产阶级革命,实现共产主义的自由人联合体。可见,马克思的异化理论超越了卢梭。民主是社会革命理论建构的核心与保障,卢梭提倡对一个没有希望的腐败的旧社会进行彻底的社会革命,从而建构一个自由、平等的民主共和国,但卢梭的激进民主观终究也只是资产阶级利益的代表;而马克思通过社会革命,最终是要建构“自由人的联合体”的共产主义社会,而民主及其民主制则是马克思社会革命理论建构的共产主义社会的核心与真正保障。可见,马克思的民主观是无产阶级和广大人民利益的代表,从根本上超越了卢梭。“人的解放”理论是卢梭与马克思社会革命理论建构的共同目标。卢梭所提倡的通过资产阶级革命与政治解放,只能使人们获得形式的自由、平等,并没有实现社会的、人人解放的历史使命。马克思的社会革命理论立足于人类解放,它通过无产阶级革命走向实质上的、事实上的自由与解放,走向共产主义的自由王国,从而明显超出了卢梭社会革命理论的狭隘眼界。从资产阶级的“政治解放”到无产阶级的“人类解放”,这是马克思社会革命理论最终所要达到的目标,也是无产阶级的使命所在。然而无论是卢梭的革命理论还是马克思的革命理论,均在社会革命的实践进程中出现了“历史错位”。通过对卢梭与马克思社会革命理论的“历史错位”的反思与分析对比,本文认为社会革命理论的建构必须注重现实,反对抽象;正确看待社会革命的实现方式:暴力革命;注重生产力的发展。

【Abstract】 The so-called "social revolution" is the change of social relations, and is the "all revolution" including the political revolution. This paper focuses on social revolution of the problem domain,and further expounds Rousseau and Marx’s social revolution theory.On the basis of the two people’s political philosophy, having maked a systematic and comprehensive comparative study, I try to construct a new social revolution theory. This paper mainly from the social revolution construction theory theme, construction of core, construction goal and right before the social revolution theory of reflection, the five aspects of the comparative study of Rousseau and Marx’s political philosophy.Rousseau’s social revolution theory is based on the theory of social contract from theory to devise a manifestation of "general will", freedom and equality of the bourgeois democratic republic ideal;But Marx’s social revolution theory is to realize from the bourgeois political emancipation of proletariat liberation of human beings, thus establishing a kind of each people can get all-round development "combo of free man" of the Communist society, human’s freedom and liberation ideal. This paper thinks the social revolution theory of Marx is based on identity, criticism and transcendence of Rousseau’s social revolution theory. Freedom and equality are Rousseau and Marx constructing the common theme of social revolution, but with Rousseau as the representative of the bourgeois freedom, equality and goal confined to the political liberation, only can make people obtain freedom and equality;But Marx put forward the construction of the liberation of all human beings "let each person do his best, distribution according to need" equality and "Free people of the Commonwealth" communist ideal, and realize the inheritance and Transcendence of Rousseau’s freedom and equality. The theory of alienation is the basic theory of Rousseau and Marx’s social revolution theory, and is the of Rousseau and Marx’s starting point in common.Rousseau thought the alienation of social alienation,so he proposed to overcome alienation, construct the harmonious and perfect social order,and realize the ideal of the Democratic Republic; But Marx thought the alienation of man is the root of social revolution in general.The capitalist private ownership is the highest stage of private ownership. sublating alienation is to destroy the capitalist private ownership, thorough proletarian revolution, realize communism about the united body of the free people.Therefore, Marx’s alienation theory beyond the Rousseau’s. Democracy is the core and the security construction of social revolution theory.Rousseau advocated a thorough social revolution on no hope for the old society, so as to construct a free, equal and Democratic Republic, but Rousseau’s radical democratic values will also represent the interests of the bourgeoisie; Marx through the social revolution, the final is to build "The union of free man" of the Communist society, and democracy is the core and guarantee construction of Marx’s social revolution theory of the Communist society. Therefore, Marx’s view on democracy is the representative of the proletariat and the broad masses of the people’s interests, fundamentally beyond Rousseau."Human liberation" theory is the common goal of Rousseau and construction of Marx social revolution theory. Rousseau advocated by the bourgeois revolution and political liberation, can make people obtain freedom and equality, form, everyone’s historical mission. Marx’s social revolution theory based on the emancipation, in fact by the revolution of the proletariat, toward communism and the realm of freedom, which is obviously beyond the narrow field of vision of Rousseau’s social revolution theory. From the bourgeois "political liberation" to the proletariat "human liberation", this is Marx’s social revolution theory to achieve the ultimate goal, but also the mission of the proletariat. However, Rousseau’s revolution theory or Marx’s revolutionary theory, emergencd "historical dislocation" in the practice process of social revolution. Through analysis and comparison of Rousseau and Marx’s social revolution theory "historical error", this paper thinks that the establishment of social revolution theory must pay attention to the reality, against the abstract implementation; correct view of social revolution: violent revolution; pay attention to the development of productive forces.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

