

Study on the Theory of Propaganda Institutions Construction in Chinese Marxism

【作者】 才华

【导师】 武东生;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 宣传机构是党始终常设的关键机构,是党实现意识形态领导权的核心组织载体,是党的建设“伟大工程”的重要内容,承担着理论宣传、群众教育、文化建设、凝聚力量等重要职能。论文以党的宣传部系统为中心,以宣传机构发展史为基础,系统回顾、总结、概括党的宣传机构建设的丰富经验、基本规律、思想理论,对充实中国化马克思主义理论、指导当前和今后的宣传思想文化工作具有重要的理论和实践价值。马克思、恩格斯、列宁等马克思主义经典作家关于组织机构建设和宣传工作的思想理论是中国化马克思主义宣传机构建设思想的理论资源。在机构建设方面包括组织系统性的要求、民主集中制的组织原则、重视干部队伍建设等思想;在宣传工作方面包括坚持科学理论的指导、阶级性和党性的定位、民本思想的引领等思想。中国化马克思主义宣传机构建设理论是中国共产党人创造性地将马克思主义经典作家的思想理论资源与中国革命、建设和改革开放的实际相结合的产物。以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛为核心的几代共产党人在宣传机构设置、机构管理、确立机构建设原则、建设宏大宣传人才队伍等方面提出了丰富的思想理论,丰富和发展了中国化马克思主义理论。毛泽东时期(1921—1977年),中国共产党从宣传工作“完美系统化”客观要求出发,根据共产国际的指示、学习苏联经验,实现了宣传部系统、新闻出版机构、部队宣传机构、群众宣传机构的从无到有、逐步完善,到抗日战争时期,宣传组织机构系统基本成型。在宣传人才队伍建设方面明确了“宣传家”、“鼓动家”的培养目标和要求,提出了“全党宣传”的重要思想。在机构管理方面,确立了“党管宣传”的原则,规定请示与报告制度,落实干部学习制度,在战时宣传阶段强调党的—元领导和中央集权,新中国建国初期,在党政分设、权限划分等方面进行了初步探索。邓小平时期(1978—1989年),在经历“文革”浩劫、宣传部被诬为“阎王殿”遭砸烂、取消后,党的宣传机构首先面临的任务是恢复重建和整顿工作。在经济体制改革和政治体制改革全面开启的这一时期,改革思维也充分体现在宣传机构建设中。在职能建设上,强调党政分开;在机构设置上,提出“精简是一场革命”;在工作作风上,取消“四大”,提倡“三不”;在价值取向上,追求社会效益的最高原则。邓小平提出了宣传干部队伍革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化的“四化”建设目标,是对政治素质、年龄结构、知识水平、业务能力的综合要求。江泽民时期(1989—2002年),随着社会主义市场经济体制改革目标的确立,面对西方资本主义国家的“和平演变”,为全面推进“党的建设新的伟大工程”,以江泽民为核心的第三代领导集体从新的世情、国情、党情出发,继续完善宣传机构设置,增设了中央精神文明建设指导委员会、中共中央对外宣传办公室、全国哲学社会科学规划办公室等机构,明确了宣传机构的四项主要任务:以科学的理论武装人、以正确的舆论引导人、以高尚的精神塑造人、以优秀的作品鼓舞人,强调结合“三讲”教育,建设一支政治强、业务精、作风正的宣传工作队伍。胡锦涛时期(2002—2012年),进入新世纪新阶段,党提出了实现社会主义文化大发展大繁荣的文化建设新战略,新媒体的蓬勃发展为宣传机构建设提供了新空间、新阵地,中国进入“矛盾凸显期”使宣传机构建设面临新挑战。在此背景下,以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央成立中央舆情信息局,正确引导社会舆论、推动科学决策;实施“马克思主义理论研究和建设工程”,推动党的思想理论建设、促进哲学社会科学繁荣发展;积极构建党委统一领导,党政各部门和社会各方面齐抓共管、各负其责的大宣传格局。不断深化文化体制改革,制定公益性文化事业和经营性文化产业发展战略,进一步实现文化行政管理部门的职能转变。在宣传队伍建设方面,开展“三项学习教育”活动,坚持“三贴近”原则,推动“走转改”活动常态化,大兴求真务实之风,整个宣传队伍精神面貌发生了新的可喜变化。中国化马克思主义宣传机构建设理论具有鲜明的理论特色:坚持党性第一,与党中央保持高度一致;体现时代性,不断创新与时俱进;富有辩证性,反对“一点论”片面性;彰显民族性,具有中国特色、中国风格。党的宣传机构建设发展体现出三大规律:与党的建设伟大工程休戚相关、与主流意识形态建设同步前进、与世界科技浪潮同频共振。未来党的宣传机构建设将朝着民主化、制度化、现代化的方向发展。

【Abstract】 Propaganda institution is always the standing key institution of the Party, is the core organization to achieve ideological leadership for the Party, is the important content of Party’s construction of "great project", undertaking the important functions of theory propaganda, mass education, culture construction, cohesive forces, and so on. This paper centered on the Party’s propaganda department system, based on the history of propaganda development, reviews, summarizes, and generalizes the rich experiences, basic laws, thoughts and theories of the Party’s propaganda institution construction systematically, which has important theoretical and practical value to enrich Chinese Marxism Theory and guide the current and future work of propaganda.The thoughts of Marx, Engels, Lenin and other classical writers about the organizational structure construction and theories of propaganda work compose the theory resources of Chinese Marxism propaganda construction thoughts. Institutional construction thoughts include organization systematic requirement, the organization principle of democratic centralism, attention to the cadres team construction, etc. Thoughts of propaganda work include adherent to the guidance of the scientific theory, location of class nature and the party spirit, leading of people-oriented thoughts, etc. The theory of propaganda institutions construction in Chinese Marxism is the result of the Communist Party of China combining Marxist classical writers’theory resources with the realities of China’s revolution, construction and reform and opening up creatively. Generations of the Communist Party of China, taking Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao as the core, propose rich thoughts and theories in the aspects of propaganda institution setting, system management, institution construction principle establishment, grand propaganda team construction, etc, which enrich and develop the Theory of Chinese Marxism.In the period of Mao Zedong (1921-1977), according to the instructions of the Comintern, Communist Party of China starts from the objective requirement of propaganda work "perfect systematization", studies the Soviet experiences, sets up and improves the propaganda department system, press and publishing institutions, troops and masses propaganda institutions gradually. Till the period of Anti-Japanese War, the system of propaganda institutions is formed very well. In the aspect of propaganda team construction, the target mission is to become a "propagandist" or "agitator", and the important thought of "whole party propaganda" is advanced. In the aspect of institution management, a "party manages propaganda" principle is established; the asking and reporting system and study system of cadres are implemented as well. In the early days of New China,"propaganda networks" are built testily in the country to establish a recurring propaganda work of the masses.In the period of Deng Xiaoping period (1978-1989), after having been smashed and cancelled in" Cultural Revolution", the propaganda institutions of the party has the first task of reconstruction and rectification. In the period of economic system reform and political system reform opening up, the reform thinking is fully reflected in the construction of propaganda institutions. In the construction of function, it emphasizes on distinguishing the party from the government; in the institutional setting, it puts forward "downsizing is a revolution"; in the style of work, it cancels "Four Das" and advocates "Three Bus"; in the value orientation, we peruse the principle of the highest social benefit. Deng Xiaoping puts forward the "four modernizations" construction goal for the propaganda team:more revolutionary, younger, more professional and more knowledgeable, and this is the comprehensive requirements on the political quality, age structure, knowledge level, professional ability.In the period of Jiang Zemin (1989-2002), with the establishment of the socialist market economic system reform goal, facing the western capitalist countries’"peaceful evolution", to comprehensively promote the new great project of Party building, the third generation of collective leadership with Jiang Zemin as the core, from the new world situation, national condition, party situation, continues to improve the propaganda settings, clearly defines the four major tasks of propaganda institution construction, and emphasizes the propaganda team should be persistent in politics, proficient in professional work and moral integrity in the process of "Three Emphasis Education".In the period of Hu Jintao (2002-2012), propaganda institutions construction faces new challenges from the new culture construction strategy, the vigorous development of new media, and China entering "a period of prominent contradictions". Under this background, the CPC Central Committee with Hu Jintao as general secretary sets up a central public opinion information bureau, guiding public opinion correctly and promoting the scientific decision; carries out "the project of Marxist theoretical research and construction" to promote the Party’s ideological and theoretical construction and the development and prosperity of Philosophy and social science; builds the pattern of "large propaganda" actively; continues to deepen the reform of the cultural system; in terms of propaganda team construction, carries out "Three Theories Education" activities, adheres to the "Three Close-toes" principle, promotes the normalization of "Go-Shift-Chang" activities and a realistic and pragmatic mood, making the whole propaganda team’s spiritual outlook have a new gratifying change.The theory of propaganda institutions construction in Chinese Marxism has distinctive theoretical features:adhering to the Party’s principles and keeping highly consistent with the Party Central Committee; carrying out constant innovation to keep pace with the times; being dialectical and against one-sidedness; revealing nationality with Chinese characteristics and Chinese style. The development of Party’s propaganda institutions construction reflects three laws:relates to the great project of Party building, keeps synchronization with the mainstream ideology construction forward and the simultaneous resonance with the world wave of science and technology. The future construction of the Party’s propaganda institutions will develop in the direction of democratization, institutionalization and modernization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

