

Study on the Public Participatory Budgeting of China

【作者】 万平

【导师】 朱光磊;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 行政管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 公共预算是政府分配和使用公共资源,提供公共产品和服务的最重要的政策手段之一。从公共治理角度看,公众参与预算不仅能够增强政府治理的民主化和科学化,而且能够有效调和不同社会群体之间的利益差异,促进形成政府与民众之间良性合作关系。从预算民主角度看,公众参与预算是推进协商民主,增强民众民主意识和参与精神,有效保障公民知情权、参与权和监督权的重要领域和方式。近年来,中国公众参与公共预算过程的实践探索特别引人注目,从中央到地方、从“体制内”到“体制外”、从预算公开到参与式预算,都体现出社会公众对预算的重视以及影响预算安排、参与政府资源分配的强烈意愿。在当前的体制框架下,公众参与预算实践某种意义上展现了推进中国特色预算民主的可能。其一,从整体性和结构化的视角看,公众参与预算内生于转型期的政治经济社会文化结构,同时,推进公众参与预算构成了政治、经济、社会、文化结构之间的张力,而且这种张力在某种程度上又成为推进公众参与预算的动力,由此有可能发展出具有鲜明特色的预算民主生长路径。其二,基于现实政治经济社会环境,目前公众参与预算在体制内外、上下层级政府等多方面以及公民、学者、媒体等多主体的实践中,呈现出多元互动、整体推进、相互激发的态势,也呈现出政府主导、技术促进型、双向互动、目标多重等特点。其三,推进公众参与预算,要通过参与预算过程中的相互合作和观念学习,建构政府与公众之间聚合利益、科学决策、分担责任、凝聚共识的良性互动关系。在社会主义民主政治不断发展的大环境下,将公众有序参与预算过程与现有制度框架更好的结合起来,使之成为国家政治体制的有机组成部分。从总体思路上看,推进公众参与预算,关键是要建构一种政府与公众之间的良性合作、协商关系,使民众的意愿在预算过程中得到充分表达与切实维护,凝聚共识,逐步培养更有责任的政府与公民,以政府理财的民主化和法治化来推动社会的民主化、法治化,推进政治文明建设。从具体举措上看,推进公众参与预算,要通过改善公众参与预算的政治环境、营造参与型文化氛围,实现参与预算理念与服务型政府建设的相互支持发展;通过修改预算法、规范预算编报行为等完善公众参与预算的支撑体系,增强公众参与预算政策制定与执行的法律保障和技术支撑:通过强化人大对公共支出的监督制约,扩展和丰富公众参与预算的渠道和方式,有效提升预算政策制定的科学化和民主化。

【Abstract】 Public budgeting is one of the magnificent policy instruments for government to allocate and apply public resources, to provide public goods and services. In terms of the point of view of public governance, Citizen Participatory Budgeting is not only aiming to enhance a democratic and scientific government administration, but also to promote positive cooperation between government and citizens by effectively reconciling various social interests. On the other hand, from the view of the budgeting democracy, public participatory budgeting also plays a very important role on developing citizens’democratic awareness and involvement to protect people’s rights to know, to participate, to choose and to supervise. In recent years, the research and explore on the practice of the public participatory budgeting attract a great deal of attention in China. From the central government to the local, within the system and outside the system, there is a much strong desire to pay more attention on the government budgeting and involving the distribution of government resources.Based on perspectives of the practice of public participatory budgeting according to the China’s reality, this dissertation is trying to discuss the possibility of promoting democracy on budgeting with Chinese characteristics. The main points raised in this dissertation are summarized as follows.Firstly, from the overall and structured perspectives, contemporary public participatory budgeting of China came from the transaction period of the nation including the fields of politics, economy, society and culture. In the meanwhile, the improvement of the public participatory budgeting could help to promote and develop the mechanism of the budget democracy with distinctive Chinese characteristic. Secondly, by considering the present political and economical social environment, the Public Participatory Budgeting appears a trend of multiple interactions, overall advancement and mutually motivation in the practice involved by all levels of governments, citizens, researchers, scholars and media. Furth more, public participatory budgeting also generates distinguish features of government-leading, technically feasibility and multiple target value orientation. Thirdly, in order to promote public participatory budgeting, it is necessary to build up a healthy interactive mechanism between citizens and government to balance benefits, to make decision soundly, to share responsibility, to achieve general consensus. Socialist democracy in China is still on the way of being improved. Citizens’orderly taking part in the procedure of budgeting in the current institutional framework would gradually become a significant part of socialist political system.This paper reviews and analyses the history and status quos of the public participatory budgeting. In addition, this paper elaborates the significance of how the public participatory budgeting could improve the democracy in China. And upon this basis, this paper concludes the general idea below. The key point of improving public participatory budgeting is to build up positive cooperation relationship between government and citizens to ensure people rights of expressing opinions and concerns according to the budgeting. Further more, such improvement on the budget democracy definitely could strengthen the sense of responsibility for government, which would enhance the democracy and legal constitution in China’s society as a whole.In the meantime, this paper makes some thoughts and suggestions on how to improve public participatory budgeting. First of all, realizing common supportive development by improving political and culture environment to encourage citizens take part in the political and economical affairs. Secondly, enhancing legal and technical supporting mechanism by revising the Budget Law. Last but not least, ensuring the decision-making more scientific and democratic in the process of the budgeting by strengthen the supervision function of the National People’s Congress and providing more methods for citizens to participate budgeting.

【关键词】 公众参与公共预算民主治理
【Key words】 PublicParticipatoryPublic budgetingDemocracyGovernance
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

