

【作者】 张笑龙

【导师】 姜胜利;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 史学理论及史学史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 就整个中国学术思想发展史而言,明、清两代是重要的枢纽时期。这种转折不仅仅是王朝交替、社会变迁的产物,更体现着近代以来学术发展的渊源所自及其流变过程。而中国近现代著名史学家钱穆在明清学术思想史领域所展开的研究,无疑是了解明清学术思想的真实发展状况的一把钥匙。有鉴于此,本文以钱穆对明清学术思想史的研究为切入点,围绕着钱穆对明清学术思想史中一些具体问题的研究及其治明清学术思想史的思路与方法等展开,探讨与发掘钱穆自身学术思想的发展及转变,并基于对以上问题的分析审视钱穆明清学术思想史研究的意义与影响,以此更好地理解明、清两代学术思想的流变。明、清时期为中国传统学术向近代学术转型的关键时期,钱穆对此一时期的学术思想史研究亦较多,体现出钱穆学术思想的形成、发展及特点所在。在钱穆众多的研究著述中,对明清时期学者、学派的研究是一个重点,其对明前期程朱之学、王阳明、东林学派、刘宗周等的学术思想以及《明儒学案》等代表性著述进行了分析、评价。对宏观学术思想史发展趋势的把握也是一个重点,如对明代学术思想特色、明遗民学术思想、乾嘉时期学术思想、晚清今文经学的研究等。在对明清学术思想史研究的过程中,钱穆自身的思想也在各种因素的作用下发生着转变,如对王阳明学术思想认识的前后变化,对《明儒学案》评价的转变等。对于这些问题的研究基本展示出了钱穆对明清学术思想史的认识与把握及自身学术思想的变化过程,也有助于认识明清时期的学术思想发展状况。在对上述具体问题的研究中,体现出钱穆较为鲜明的学术研究思路,即其一、注重把握学术思想发展的脉络,在此基础上对学术思想进行审视与评定,对明清学术思想史的研究就是将其置于整个中国学术思想史以及儒学发展的趋势中进行考察,从而形成新的认识。其二、重视“从性理之学到经史之学”这一明清学术思想发展的大脉络。钱穆上述学术研究思路,无疑具有重要的现代意义:重视学术传承,但冲破了传统时代乃至近代学术史研究中普遍存在的“学术门户”意识;注重从中国学术思想发展立场上认识明清学术思想的发展状况与地位,而不是简单的比附西学;重视现代学术理念,并且创新体例,体现出现代史学的研究模式。而钱穆的弟子余英时在清代学术思想史研究中所体现出的取向与路径,也可从一个侧面看出钱穆对后来学者明清学术思想史研究的影响。就目前的研究现状而言,关于钱穆对明代学术思想的研究集中在阳明学方面,对钱穆论述明清学术思想史的整体研究更是颇为欠缺。系统地分析钱穆对明清学术思想史的研究,一方面有助于更好地理解明清学术思想的流变及其近代转型,另一方面可以发掘钱穆的研究本身所具备的学术典范意义,这对当代明清学术思想史研究无疑也是一种有益的借鉴。

【Abstract】 In terms of the whole history of Chinese academic thought, the academic thought of Ming and Qing dynasties is an important hub for the period. This transition is not only the product of dynasty alternation and social change, but also embodies the origins of academic development in modern times and evolutionary process. The research of Qian Mu, who was a modern Chinese well-known historian, is undoubtedly a key to understanding the real development of the Ming and Qing academic thought. In view of this, based on Qian Mu’s research on the academic thought history of Ming and Qing dynasties, this dissertation studies some specific topics of Qian Mu’s research and his thought and methods, and explores the development of Qian Mu academic thoughts. The influence of Qian Mu’s research is further investigated so that the evolution of the academic thought in Ming and Qing dynasties can be better understood.Ming and Qing is the critical period for the transformation of traditional academic to modern academic in China, Qian Mu has many studies in this field, which reflect the formation, development and characteristics of his academic thoughts. In Qian Mu’s numerous research writings, he focused on the scholars and schools, especially the analysis and evaluation on the academic thoughts of Cheng-Zhu theory in early Ming dynasty, Wang Yangming, Donglin school, and Liu Zongzhou, and the representative writings such as Mingruxuean. Another key point is the grasp of the development trend of macro academic thought, such as the feature of academic thoughts in Ming dynasty, academic thoughts of the adherents of Ming dynasty, academic thoughts in Qianjia period, and the study of Jinwen-Classics in late Qing dynasty, etc. In the process of research on academic history of Ming and Qing dynasties, Qian Mu’s own ideas also changed under the effects of various factors, such as the change of understanding for the academic thoughts of Wang Yangming, and the change in the evaluation of Mingruxuean etc. The research on these questions exhibits Qian Mu’s understanding and grasp of academic thought history of Ming and Qing dynasties and the changing process of his own academic thought, and also helps to study the development of academic thought in Ming and Qing dynasties.The study of the specific issues mentioned above embodies Qian Mu’s distinctive thought for academic studies. First, the context of the development of academic thought is emphasized, based on which the academic thought is investigated and evaluated, e.g. The study of the academic thought history of Ming and Qing dynasties is placed in the academic thought history of China and the trend of the development of Confucianism, so that a new understanding is obtained. Secondly, he attaches great importance to "the study from Neo-Confucianism to JingShi "——the development trace of academic thought in the Ming and Qing dynasties. This is undoubtedly of great importance in a modern sense, for it:(1) values the academic inheritance, but transcends the popular thought of "academic school" in the traditional and modern academic history research;(2) advocates for understanding the condition and status of the development of the Ming and Qing academic thought in a perspective of academic development in China, rather than make a simple comparison with western theories; and (3) highlights the modern academic ideas and innovates in research styles, reflecting the modern history research paradigm. Somehow, the influence of Qian Mu on the following research for the academic thoughts of Ming and Qing dynasties can be sensed from the research approach of Yu Yingshi, who is one of Qian mu’s disciples.In terms of the current status, researches about Qian’s study for academic thought of Ming dynasty mainly focus on the study of Yangming, while an overall study is rather scarce. A systemic analysis of Qian Mu’s research can provide a better understanding for the evolution and modern transformation of the academic thought of Ming and Qing dynasties on the one hand, on the other hand it helps to discover the meaning of Qian Mu’s research as an academic example, which is undoubtedly a useful reference for the contemporary research on the academic thought history of Ming and Qing dynasties.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

