

A Study on Nationalism Theories of Classic Marxism Writers

【作者】 高媛媛

【导师】 刘娟;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 马克思主义经典作家的民族主义理论是马克思主义基本理论的组成部分之一。“民族主义”一词实际上至今都没有一个共识的定义,国际、国内相关学者从不同角度至少给出了200种说法。马克思主义经典作家也未曾给民族主义下过明确定义,翻阅马克思主义经典作家有关民族和民族主义的论著、书信、通讯等可以看出,在马克思主义经典作家那里,民族主义既被看作是一种关乎民族的情感、情绪,也被界定为是一种以“民族自决”为基本主张的思想、学说,但更被视为是资产阶级的意识形态和社会运动。典型的民族主义现象产生于17、18世纪的西欧,以法国大革命为重要标志。在进入19世纪后其有了更为迅猛的发展,在世界的一些地区特别是在整个欧洲引起了巨大的激荡。因此,作为一种社会现象,民族主义自然引起了马克思恩格斯的关注。到了19世纪末20世纪初,随着资本主义扩张的不断加剧,民族主义早已越出欧洲范围而传遍亚非拉美。再加上俄国国内民族主义在此时的不断滋长,列宁和斯大林不免更加重视民族主义问题。基于上述事实,马克思主义经典作家针对民族主义有过很多论述。马克思恩格斯对德意志民族利己主义、反犹太主义、民族虚无主义、民族沙文主义进行了严厉批判,对波兰、爱尔兰民族主义运动予以了特殊关注,对德意志、意大利、匈牙利民族革命运动表示支持,对泛斯拉夫主义思潮和运动却极力反对,并对民族主义的基本主张---民族自决权表示认可;列宁对崩得的联邦制建党原则极力反对,对联邦制国家结构形式原则上反对、实践上借助,对民族自决权进行了系统分析,对企图代替民族自决权的“民族文化自治”纲领做了批判,对民族殖民地被压迫民族的民族主义运动表示深切关注和坚决支持,对国内和党内大俄罗斯民族主义和地方民族主义倾向都表示反对,特别是对大俄罗斯民族主义做了重点批判;斯大林也对崩得的分离主义进行了批判,对苏维埃自治做了廓清,认为民族自决权是解决民族问题的必要条件,批判了“民族文化自治”纲领,对东方民族主义运动特别是中国革命表示支持,在国内和党内大俄罗斯民族主义和地方民族主义倾向问题上提出了自己的观点。正是上述马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林有关民族主义的观点构成了马克思主义经典作家的民族主义理论。马克思主义经典作家民族主义理论的主要内容是承认多种形式民族主义的存在,反对狭隘的民族主义,支持包含民主进步因素的民族主义,视民族自决权为民族平等联合、无产阶级自决目标实现的有效方式,倡导无产阶级国际主义。统观整个马克思主义经典作家的民族主义理论文本,其中蕴含着论战性、阶级性、具体性等基本特征。马克思主义经典作家的民族主义理论虽形成、完善于19、20世纪,但在当前仍有很大的价值和意义。具体包括:用阶级视角分析民族主义的有效性、区别对待民族主义的方法的当代适用性、对泛斯拉夫主义的批判有助于辨识当前的极端泛民族主义、有关民族自决权的主张为当前民族自决权的运用提供了参照原则、对爱国主义的界定成为评价民族国家利益诉求合理与否的重要标准、关于民族同化的二元分析有助于化解一体化与民族主义之间的矛盾。研究马克思主义-民族主义问题自然绕不开社会主义与民族主义的关系问题,一方面因为社会主义是马克思主义经典作家所致力实现的共产主义目标的低级阶段,它以马克思主义为指导,自然接受了马克思主义经典作家关于无产阶级不分民族的国际团结、无产者和被压迫民族团结起来、实现全人类彻底解放的思想;另一方面社会主义都是在民族国家框架下发展的,离开民族主义的社会主义是不存在的。原苏东社会主义国家和中国都是坚持马克思主义指导地位的社会主义国家,它们都曾面临或依然还在面对认识和处理民族主义的问题。而苏东社会主义国家的裂变、中国特色社会主义的蓬勃发展,一正一反两个例证都说明必须把协调好社会主义与民族主义的关系作为社会主义建设事业的重要任务来抓,同时也要求人们对国际主义的阶级属性和当下内涵作出新的解读。

【Abstract】 Nationalism theories of classic Marxism writers constitute one part of the basic theories of Marxism. There is no consensus on the definition of nationalism and more than200views concerning it are expressed from different perspectives by scholars concerned both at home and abroad. The classic Marxism writers have never given a clear definition of it. However, through examining works, letters and reports regarding nation and nationalism of classic Marxism writers, it is easy to see that nationalism is not only seen as a feeling and mood with reference to nation but also defined as a thought and theory centered on national consciousness.However, nationalism is often referred to as the Bourgeois ideology and social movement in their eyes.The representative nationalism arose in the Western Europe in the17th and18th century, marked by the French Revolution. After the19th century, it developed more rapidly, giving rise to huge turbulence in some parts of the world, especially in the whole Europe. At the turn of the20th century, with the growing intensity of capitalism expansion, nationalism transcended Europe to reach Asia, Africa and Latin-America. In addition, the constantly increasing nationalism in Russia prompted Lenin and Stalin to attach more importance to nationalism. Based on the above-mentioned facts, we may conclude that there are a variety of discussions of the classic Marxism writers. Marx and Engels show harsh criticism for the German national egoism, anti-Semitism, national nihilism and national chauvinism. They pay special attention to nationalist movement in Poland and Ireland. They are for the national revolutionary movement in Germany, Italy and Hungary while being against Pan-Slavism thought and movement. Moreover, they recognize the national self-determination that represents the basic principles of the nationalism. Lenin urges against the federation-based party building principles held by Lithuania, Poland and the Russian Jewish General Workers union. He is against the state structure form of federal system in principle while drawing support from it in practice. He makes a systematic analysis of national self-determination, and criticizes the creed of national cultural autonomy aimed at replacing the national self-determination. He shows deep concern for and strong support for the nationalism movement of the oppressed nations in the national colony. He is opposed to the big-Russian-nationality Chauvinism and local national Chauvinism tendency within the party and the country. He mainly criticizes the big-Russian-nationality Chauvinism in particular. Stalin criticizes separatism of Lithuania, Poland and the Russian Jewish General Workers union and maps a clear picture of the Soviet autonomy. In his view, the right to national self-determination is the prerequisite of solving national problems. He criticizes the creed of national cultural autonomy and shows support for the east nationalism movement such as the Chinese revolution. He voiced his opinion of the big-Russian-nationality Chauvinism and local national Chauvinism tendency within the party and the country.The views with respect to nationalism held by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin constitute the nationalism theories of the classic Marxism writers, which acknowledge various forms of nationalism, oppose the narrow nationalism, support nationalism embracing factors such as democracy and progress, deem the right to national self-determination as the effective way to achieve the national equality and unity and the proletariat self-determination, and advocates proletarian internationalism. The text of the nationalism theories of the classic Marxism writers implies the basic features which contain polemical, class nature, specifcity.Despite the formation and perfection of the nationalism theories of the classic Marxism writers in the19th and20th century, they are very valuable and meaningful at present. Analysing the nationalism with class view is of value. The method of distinguishing nationalism in morden times is applicable. The criticism of Pan-Slavism contributes to identifying the current extreme Pan-Slavism. The propositions of the right to national self-determination provide referential principle for the application of the right to national self-determination. The definition of patriotism becomes the important standard of evaluating the rationality of seeking the interests of the nation state. The binary analysis of national assimilation helps to resolve contradictions between the integration and nationalism.Studying the Marxism-nationalism can not be separated from the relationship between socialism and nationalism. On the one hand, socialism is the lower phase of the communism that classic Marxism writers are devoted to achieve, which is under the guidance of Marxism and accepts the thought of the international solidarity regardless of nation, the unification of the proletarians and oppressed nations, and the realization of the complete liberation of all mankind naturally. On the other hand, the development of socialism is under the framework of national states, so socialism can not exist without nationalism. The former Soviet Union and Eastern European socialism countries and China are the socialist countries under the guidance of Marxism, and they have faced or are still facing the problems of understanding and dealing with nationalism. The two contrastive cases of the collapse of the former Soviet Union and Eastern European socialism countries and the boom of socialism with Chinese characteristics indicate that coordination f the relationship between socialism and nationalism should be taken as the important task of the socialist construction and at the same time people are required to make new explanations for the class attributes and real connotations of internationalism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

