

From the Draft to the Complementary Code Version——the Research on the Biographic Sketches(Benji) in the History of Ming

【作者】 苏循波

【导师】 李小林;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 《明史》是“二十四史”的最后一部,也是历代官修正史纂修时间最长、参与人员最多的一部史书。当时学者就以其体例严整,叙事简括,对其评价颇高;亦有人认为其议论公允,考稽详核,超越前代诸史。而本纪作为《明史》的重要组成部分,其编纂过程不仅具有《明史》编纂的一系列特征,又由于本纪自身的特殊性,因此更能凸显《明史》编纂过程中存在的诸多问题。《明史》本纪囊括了明代政治、军事、经济、文化、边防、民族、外交等方方面面的内容。其依时记事,专记帝王一人,书一朝之大事,列一代之诸帝,内容攸关政权的合法性与朝代正朔,是正史中最具政治内涵的部分。而清以边疆少数民族政权入主华夏,与中原既有民族差异,又有文化隔阂,其执政中国的合法性广受质疑。因此,清朝对《明史》编纂十分重视,而对本纪部分的书写尤为关注。据现存史稿的形态来看,《明史》本纪编纂前后主要经历了六个阶段。第一阶段为博学鸿儒分纂本纪拟稿时期,其中《潜庵先生拟明史稿》中的《太祖本纪》即为此时期现存的重要成果。第二阶段为万斯同受聘于徐氏兄弟,参与并主要负责审定史稿时期,416卷本《明史》本纪基本上就是这一时期的编纂成果。第三阶段当为313卷本《明史纪传》的本纪修纂时期。第四阶段为王鸿绪《明史稿》本纪修纂时期。康熙后期,《明史》纂修几近停滞,王鸿绪以一人之力,继续推动《明史》纂修,其《明史稿》本纪即是《明史》本纪编纂的第四阶段成果。第五阶段为张廷玉等纂修殿本《明史》本纪时期。’雍正初,清朝又召集史官纂修《明史》,至乾隆四年,殿本《明史》刊印,《明史》本纪修纂基本完成。第六阶段为英廉等补纂《明史本纪》时期。乾隆四十二年,清朝出于加强思想教化的政治需要,将殿本《明史》的本纪部分单独抽离,重新编纂,最后形成补纂本二十四卷《明史本纪》。此即《明史》本纪编纂之大概。本文以本纪为视角,通过对不同纂修阶段稿本的对比,从而揭示殿本《明史》编纂过程中出现的诸多问题,及其对《明史》编纂的内容、进度、思想的影响,从而考察《明史》不同编纂阶段稿本之间的内在联系和前后承袭的真实状况,总结《明史》编纂的经验及教训,使人们对《明史》有一个更清晰的认识。

【Abstract】 The history of Ming Dynasty is the last volume of the Twenty-Four Histories. It is also the one that has undergone the longest time and owns the largest number of participants in all the Histories compiled by the government. It was famous for its rigorous style and concise narrative in the scholars at that time. There were also some scholars holding the opinion that the History of Ming Dynasty possesses the most impartial commentary and the most detailed description. The Ben Ji is an important part of the history of Ming Dynasty which not only shares a series of characteristics of the history of Ming Dynasty, but also highlights some problems that exist in the process of compiling the history of Ming Dynasty because of its particularity.Of course, the Ben Ji of the history of Ming Dynasty also reflects the disadvantage of Histories compiled by the government. The importance attached to the ideology and the negligence in the checking of historical materials result in many mistakes of the Ben Ji of the Wuying Palace version of the history of Ming Dynasty, which also affect its value.The Ben Ji of the history of Ming Dynasty contains various content about the politics、the military areas、the economies、the culture、the diplomacy and the etc. It is about the emperor only and records the great invents in era of one emperor. The content of Ben Ji concerns the legality of the dynasty and is the most political part of the history of Ming Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty is founded by a minority. The differences among the nationalities and the cultures make its legality widely doubted. So the Qing Dynasty paid great attention on the compiling of the history of Ming Dynasty, especially on the Ben Ji part.The compiling of the Ben Ji of the history of Ming Dynasty has undergone seven stages based on its remain scripts. The first stage is the learned Confucian scholars making drafts of the Ben Ji part respectively. The second stage is the president examining all the drafts. The Tai Zu Ben Ji of the Draft of Ming Dynasty written by Mr Qian’an is one of the achievements of this stage. The third stage is the period when Wansi Tong was hired by the Xu Brothers as the director of the history of the Ming Dynasty. The Ben Ji of the version of the history of Ming Dynasty with416volumes is almost one of the achievements of this stage. The fourth stage is the period of the compiling of the Ben Ji of the version the history of Ming Dynasty with313volumes. The fifth stage is the period when the Ben Ji of the history of Ming Dynasty written by Wanghong Xu was finished. The sixth stage is the period of the compiling of the Ben Ji of the Wuying Palace version of the history of Ming Dynasty written by Zhangting Yu. At the beginning of the Yong Zheng Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty gathered some official historians to compile the history of Ming Dynasty again. Till the fourth years of the Qian Long Dynasty, the Wuying Palace version of the history of Ming Dynasty was printed and the Ben Ji was almost finished. The seventh stage is the period when the Ben Ji was supplied by Ying Lian. At the forty second years of the Qian Long Dynasty, because of the political need to strengthen the controlling of the ideology, the Ben Ji part was selected separately to be supplied. At last, the Ben Ji part was finally finished with24volumes. This is the outline that the Ben Ji part of the history of Ming Dynasty is compiled.In the angel of the Ben Ji part, through contrasting the different scripts of the history of Ming Dynasty, the paper discloses many problems that exist in the process of compiling the history of Ming Dynasty, studies the real situation of the inner link of the different scripts and summarizes the experience and the lesson, so that we can get a more definite comprehension of the history of Ming Dynasty.

【关键词】 《明史》本纪编纂
【Key words】 the history of Ming DynastyBen Jicompilling
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

